Disclaimer: Nope. Not mine. Title from Ed Sheeran's "Kiss Me".
Pairing/Character: Oliver/Felicity
Rating: R
Summary: Five times Oliver and Felicity kiss.
Spoilers: Set after Season One.
Author's Note: Thank you all for the feedback and reviews.


She's halfway down the stairs to the foundry when she overhears Diggle and Oliver's conversation amid the clack of the Eskrima sticks. Felicity stops in her tracks and trains her ears to catch Diggle's reprimanding tone.

"I hate to be the one to always say this -"

"And yet." Clack. "Somehow." Clack. "You always are." Clack.

"- but, Oliver, what the hell what were you thinking?"

"None of your business, Digg," Oliver bites back, breathing heavily.

"Like hell it isn't," the other ma's growl is followed by a resounding clack. "If I gotta listen to you make out with Felicity, I get a say. By the way, next time you two wanna play tonsil hockey, on the job, turn off the damn comm."

Felicity's cheeks are burning but she doesn't make a move to end the conversation, instead, waits to hear what Oliver has to say. But it's Diggle who continues, "Look, man, I know you're going through hell. We're all going through hell. But this, you and Felicity, it only ends one way."

Felicity bites her lower lip and wills herself not to cry as Oliver responds, "I know."

"Do you?" Diggle asks and the clacking has stopped so she thinks they're taking a break. "Because that girl? She's irreplaceable."

Now, she really wants to kiss him. Again, Oliver bites out, "I know."

Not wanting to be discussed further, Felicity reaches behind her to open and close the door loudly and makes a production of coming down the stairs and brightly calling out, "Hey guys! I think we got something."

Both men expertly avoid looking right at her as she crosses to her computers and babbles a mile a minute. Taking her cue, they talk business until Diggle leaves to go pick up AJ as he had promised to Carly.

Alone with Oliver, Felicity pretends to be interested in something on her screen and tries not to notice the tension crackling in the air between them. It only ends one way, she repeats Diggle's words like a mantra in her head. That way being very, very bad for me.

"Felicity," he says and he's behind her again like when they kissed for the second time. She turns around slowly in her chair and looks up at him, thankful that he's wearing a t-shirt. "We need to talk."

She nods, pushes her glasses up her nose. "Digg's right."

Oilver's eyes widen and he steps back as she stands. "You heard?"

She folds her arms under her breasts looks him in the eyes. "I heard. And Digg's right. This," she motions between them, "can't happen. The work we do is too important. And this," she makes the same gesture again, "is…not. Not important. Or happening. Can't. So it won't. Happen, is what I'm saying. Is what you were going to say. Right?"

He waits a moment, opens his mouth to say something before closing it again. He gives her that unidentifiable look he always gives her and nods again. "Yes."

She bites her lower lip again, searches his face. "Yes?"

Say no, she yells at him in her head, foolishly. Say no and say that Digg is wrong and to hell with the mission and say you choose me.

But his eyes are trained on hers as he replies, surely, "I agree."

She takes a deep calming breath, counting backwards from five to make sure she doesn't tear up and fearing she'll fail and her lower lip will tremble, pulls it between her teeth.

And that's when it happens.

Oliver's gaze drop from her eyes to her mouth and then back up again. The desire she glimpses in his blue eyes in that brief second makes her mouth go dry. Involuntarily her tongue darts out to moisten her lips and a low groan escapes from Oliver's mouth before he reaches out and pulls her flush against him.

Her arms come around his neck just as his lips touch hers and she forgets all reason and falls into the kiss. Oliver's hands are everywhere; running up her back, grasping her hips, sliding into her hair to tug her head back so he can deepen the kiss. His tongue is insistent and demanding and Felicity responds with a few nips of her teeth. Every nerve ending is on fire, her blood leaps in her veins for more.

Then suddenly Oliver grabs her hips and hoists her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as they stumble back into the desk, never breaking the kiss. He sets her on the desk and that's when they finally break apart, panting heavily, staring at each other with unadulterated lust.

And just as they're going in for another kiss, Diggle's voice breaks their trance.

"I almost made it halfway to Carly's when I realized I left my ph- " he trails off when he sees the scene in front of him and finishes, "-one. Damn."

Oliver and Felicity break apart like guilty children, righting their clothing and hair. As soon as her feet hit the floor, Felicity pushes past Oliver, avoids looking Diggle in the eyes and makes a run for the door.


As Felicity steps out of her bathtub, she reaches for her towel and dries herself off. Then she wraps the powder blue silk robe that her best friend got her for her birthday, her favorite one, and knots it at her waist as she steps out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.

She lets out a strangled yelp at the sight of Oliver,dressed in a crisp grey shirt and slacks, sitting on her bed. Her hand flies to her chest and she bites out, "Holy crap, Oliver!"

He tilts his head to the side, takes in her appearance and says, "Sorry."

Trying to quell the thousands of questions she has about his presence and the meaning of everything, she stalks over to her dressing table so that her back is to him. "So what? You don't use doors anymore? Or did you pick my lock?"

"I used the window," he confirms and she looks at him through her mirror to see him look down at his hands. "I wasn't sure if you'd let me in if I knocked."

She turns now and leans back against her dresser drawers. "I guess now we'll never know."

Oliver sighs, "Felicity."

Not wanting to hear the words "we need to talk" or "I want to apologize" from him, she waves a hand in the air dismissively and steps closer. "How mad was Diggle?"

He scoffs as if it doesn't matter and then winces a little, "Mad."

Despite the situation, a corner of her mouth quirks and she steps even closer so that now she's standing in front of him. "I'll bet. Just as he'd finished chastising you, you do exactly what he tells you not to."

"Hmm," Oliver nods, his eyes trained on the belt of her robe. She doesn't dwell on it, even though she feels her entire body burn under his intense gaze. "To make matters worse, I ran into Laurel later."

She doesn't know how to respond to that immediately, so she swallows and nods as Oliver's fingers start to play with the end of her silk robe tie. She clenches her fists at her sides and asks uselessly, "Did you now?"

He doesn't look up at her, winds the belt around a finger, loosening it ever so slightly. "It's the first time she's sought me out after Tommy's funeral."

"Since you're here, I'm guessing it didn't go well," she comments, bitterness creeping into her tone. He looks up at her now just as one hand curls around her hip. Through the thin material of her robe, she feels the heat from it go straight to her core. Judgment clouded, her own hand comes up and she runs her fingers through his hair. "What happened?"

"I blew her off," he admits, his thumb tracing circles on her hipbone. "I wasn't in the right…headspace to be having that conversation with her. Not after…"

"Getting caught making out with your IT girl by your bodyguard?" Felicity finishes for him, trying for humor to cover up all the other emotions swirling through her, the most prominent being pure desire for the man in front of her.

He frowns and his other hand comes up to her other side. He pulls her in closer so she's between his legs, her knees pressing against her bedframe. "Something like that."

Frustrated, Felicity takes her other hand places it on his shoulder and squeezes hard. "What does that mean, Oliver? And don't you dare say I don't know because you have to know. You have to know something. Like why you kissed me the first time and why you keep kissing me even though we both know this is a bad idea."

"I don't think it's a bad idea," he says so softly she almost doesn't hear him. "In fact, after everything that has happened, this," he motions between the tiny gap between them like she had done earlier, "seems like the easiest thing in the world."

She rolls her eyes and sits down beside him, "I'm gonna ignore that you just totally called me easy." She silences him with a look when he opens his mouth to protest. "Dude, you're sitting on my bed in the middle of the night trying to get lucky so don't even go there."

"I didn't mean it like that."

She smiles, rests her hand on his knee and turns her head to look at him. His eyes are dark and she can't help it, she leans and presses her lips to his. The kiss is sweet, teasing and full of the things she can't say to him.

"Oliver," she breathes and pulls away. "Nothing about what I feel for you is easy."

He closes his eyes, rests his forehead against hers and says her name, "Felicity."

They stay like that for a second, breathing each other in and Felicity feels herself fall headlong into love with him.

Because of that epiphany, she pulls away and puts some distance between them. "But you're not ready. For you, this would be a distraction. And maybe that's what you need. But I won't survive a fling, with you, unscathed."

"It wouldn't - "

"Yes it would!" she protests and gets off the bed. "That headspace you're in? Totally not ready for any relationship. For many reasons, off the top of my head, I could name like ten but mostly because of Laurel and Tommy and that fact that you moonlight as a vigilante and watched your best friend die saving your girlfriend and you totally killed his crazy-ass father…and oh my God! I didn't want to say that out loud."

She purses her lips and watches as he struggles to respond to her inappropriate word vomit. Finally, he stands up in front of her and says, "I really don't know what to say."

"Then you need to leave," Felicity says determinedly. His eyes widen in surprise and she elaborates, "And come back when you do know what to say."

He searches her face for a second and gives her a small nod. "Okay then."

"And you can use the door this time," she says hitching her head in the direction of her bedroom door. "The window thing is kinda creepy."

He chuckles and brushes past her to head towards the door. He turns back and hesitates before saying, "What I feel for you…it's taken me by surprise. But I would never hurt you."

She nods at that, hope blooming in her chest at his words and he turns again to leave. She calls out, "Oliver?"

He turns slowly again, one hand on her doorframe, "Hmm?"

"I can't wait forever," she says softly and then more assuredly, adds, "I won't."

He watches her for an intense second and then he's gone. Felicity lowers herself onto the bed, knees trembling and really hopes she'll get to kiss him again.


So yeah, there's probably a sequel to this. Coming soon. Hopefully.