Reviews for The Bones in the Dungeon
Platinum Blondie chapter 43 . 4/17
A very well written story which kept my attention the whole way through. Even without the last two chapters, it was a good ending.
Guest chapter 43 . 8/28/2018
Oh no. . . Rats you said the next chapter was ready to be posted. Even without the last two chapters I enjoyed this story.
mendenbar chapter 43 . 7/20/2015
You said in your A/N that you would post chapters 44 and 45 next week. That was May 12, 2010. Any chance you still have them and would consider still posting them? I have been waiting a long time.
Guest chapter 27 . 12/1/2014
Guest chapter 37 . 8/24/2014
Guest chapter 20 . 8/24/2014
You have really captured the voice of the characters. Great read
Adelled chapter 19 . 8/9/2014
Glad to see Booth acting sensibly - investigating the new interns and taking a step back on the investigation. Makes perfect sense.
pathoss chapter 43 . 9/8/2013
Well it's been over a year, but you said this was finished, so you should post the remaining two chapters :) It is one of the best fics on this site. Thanks for writing...
Guest chapter 43 . 4/4/2013
Please put up chapters 44 & 45 and do the sequel pretty please.
Moonprincess92 chapter 43 . 1/19/2013
I have loved reading this story over the past two days. You've really captured the essance of Booth and Brennan, exploring their relationship and a case. It was written well and completely captivating! Loved it all. :D
Romantic Journalist chapter 43 . 12/20/2012
I'm on season 4 of Bones and I love Booth and Temp together! Are you going to finish this? Great story!
katyrosek chapter 43 . 9/12/2012
This has been a incredible story . I hope u never stop writing . Thank you for staying true to our favorite characters. I think Bones writing team need to hire you ASAP.
radiate689 chapter 43 . 9/3/2012
Nice I thought is simony until the night they all went out
radiate689 chapter 42 . 9/3/2012
Uh oh..
radiate689 chapter 41 . 9/3/2012
Dun dun dun
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