Reviews for Once and Future
pumpkinmoose22 chapter 55 . 7/8
Thank you for the update. I really liked Aithusa's affection to Arthur and his responses to her. I'm curious to see how all of this goes and if Gwen will ever end up with Arthur. I do like how you made her a lady like how she is in the legends. Looking forward to more!
PurpleEmrald chapter 13 . 3/18
I'm wheezing Evelyn baby no you cant marry Percy
PurpleEmrald chapter 11 . 3/18
I love Stripy, please dont kill him off
Irina Hunter chapter 51 . 2/7
Also, in reguards to last chapter, Merlin is Evelyn's half-brother, not her stepbrother.
Irina Hunter chapter 49 . 2/7
How old Is Evelyn at this point?
Irina Hunter chapter 36 . 2/7
A horse is no longer in it's prime after it turns five? *laughs* That shows what Uther knows. A horse isn't a fully an ADULT until it's five.
Irina Hunter chapter 7 . 2/7
If Evelyn was born was Merlin was eight, and he's currently sixteen, then she should be eight not ten.
Wolf chapter 54 . 12/18/2019
This story is great, please don't abandon it!
I feel a little bad that Merlín is losing so much control, besides he was the one who treated Arthur as a person different from his father, it is rare that he does not do the same with Laurence.

This is just my wish that doesn't seem to come true, but I would love to see Merlín and Arthur end up as a couple. It's just that, as the story goes, Arthur doesn't seem to be interested in any woman and Merlín and Morgana seem to be increasingly distant from the romantic and closer to: "I'm your friend to not be your enemy."
Sebastian Perseus Jason chapter 54 . 12/12/2019
Well Prince Merlin is clearly loosing power and Essetir is now dependent on Camelot King on diplomacy with the rest of the Kingdoms. Essetir is becoming a vassal
Guest chapter 20 . 10/8/2019
Why would Merlin care about Uther...?
Guest chapter 9 . 10/8/2019
Ok your Merlin looks like this:




We also know how muscular Colin Morgan can be :)
broken5pieces chapter 3 . 10/8/2019
Oh poor Cendred... Your no match for these two

Also it's so funny because I keep seeing Cendred as Lucifer because they both were portrayed by the same actor.
grimmjow6espada chapter 54 . 10/6/2019
Thank you for this amazing story, I really like it and look forward for the next chapters. The characters are a bit different but in a way that suits your story so it's great.
gingeeinthetardis chapter 54 . 9/8/2019
I honestly love this story so much.
Hope you’re ok, and will maybe update soon?
Guest chapter 13 . 8/25/2019
Oh nooo. I hope Morgan’s’s okay. But anyway, considering I don’t really like Arthur, you’ve written him in a way that I can at least be neutral with him. Love the story.
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