![]() Author has written 13 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Star Wars, and X-Men: Evolution. Update, 2014 You can find me previously at skyhawke currently at archive of our own Update, April 2012 I suck. I'm working on starting to write again, but has changed enough that I need to re-figure on how to post things. Meanwhile, look at some other stuff I've done on Skyehawke, and if you friend the ravenpan_fandom on livejournal, I've got lots of fic up there (mostly harry potter, some x-men, and one glee...) Life's still busy, I've got four kids now (ages 9, 6, 4, 2) who tend to keep me busy, two cats and a bearded dragon that make it entertaining. We're looking to move into a bigger place, so that's got me busy as well. HOWEVER, yes, I will try to be posting more fic sometime in the near future, feel free to flog me if I don't get at least one fic up by summer :) I've got a bunch on my HD that need to be cleaned up (EIGHT BOOKS WORTH of H/D semi-AU that was writ BEFORE HBP came out in book form. I know, I'm HORRIDABLE -- as well as some Dragonball, some X-Men, Doctor Who, and etc etc - Lots of plotbunnies my friends, Lifemate, and Kids have plotbunnied me on). Okay, maybe not summer. Flog me now. I'm so sorry! And yet I'll smily-face at you and pretend that makes it better :) Ravenpan February 2011 Husband. Four kids. Two cats. One dragon with a beard. Not much time for ficcage anymore :(. I have some things I wrote over the intervening years, and if I get time I'll work on transferring some of it over to here. Otherwise, consider me semi-permanently on hiatus from writing and suchlike. Look for me on skyehawke under the same name for some newer fic I hadn't gotten around to putting up here, if you like. (mostly Harry Potter fandom). Be excellent to each other, folks! Ravenpan APRIL 2, 2007 I've got it!!!!! This makes it Before Summer, even! Now, as soon as I figure out how to upload in here again (they've changed things! eek!) - you will have the final three chapters of DLLAL:) This is a Yay Thing. --JANUARY 2007-- ARGH! I'm Soooo sorry - the computer STILL isn't up and running cries - and I want so badly to post the last few chapters of DLLAL! There's been Floods, and bedriddeness, and baby being born, and STUFF. HOWEVER, am in the middle of some major rehauling of the house and, should the kids and Mate be so oblidging, HOPEFULLY I will be able to access the final three chapters before summer. Thank you all for your patience, and your expressing of being still interested in how the story ends. I know that I, personally, hate it when works in progress aren't progressing for months (let alone years!) so I know you you all feel, and my deepest and most sincere apologies to you ALL. Ravenpan Updated: 2 June 2006 Well, I'm an Elvish-Dragon-Fae otherkin sort chuckles, and the mother of two wonderful children. I've a daughter born in January 2k3 who was named for the daughter of a very brave Hobbit, and a son born in April of 2k6 who was named for a Dour X-wing Pilot. :) They're both healthy and wonderful. I'm still recovering from the pregnancy (spent bedrid) but things are going well. Unfortunately, the Power Supply on my computer (including the final chapters of DLLAL) went out. As soon as we are able to afford a new one, we shall do so and I will get those last few chapters to you - I'm SO SORRY it's taken this long. It's killing me that it has, I feel so guilty. Time with being a Mom of a newborn and a toddler-acting preschooler, has been SHORT. Not much time to do anything, but I promise that will change, hopefully within the next few months. If nothing else, look forward to a fic co-written with ToddFan to reflect our thoughts upon the ending of Xmen3 (gen), as well as a series of books (yes books, DLLAL is NOTHING compared to this) written with Azicrow (harry potter - slash) Also in my brain are some other harry potter near-gen fics, some star wars, and some more DBZ. (now to find time to make them acceptable... - however all can be found on my livejournal webpage, though it is required friendslocked, gomen!) Thank you all for your patience, and please enjoy what's up as of now in the meantime. Sometimes re-reading can be fun! ;) --August 2005-- Anything more recent than what's on here, you'll find on my homepage --points up at the link-- if you click the memories button you'll find them seperated by either long-story or short stories, and I'll list which fandom in the title-ing -- most of the stuff up there, right now, is Harry Potter (slash and a little bit of gen) -- due to real life crap it had to go friends only - but once I have the ability to, I will post some of them here, and elsewhere - linking you all. Time is short nowadays, ne? Well, I'm going to bounce out for now - Bai! |