Chapter 6

After a good nights sleep and some food, Duo and Wufei were back on top again. They discreetly "borrowed" a car from Quatre's garage and they where once again on their way. Taking their time to explore the city they set out to see all the different sides. Everything from the tourist attractions to the slum. A few people that passed them ended up with empty pockets and were therefor contributing to their exploring. But unfortunately it didn't take long before the both of them got bored and as the dark started to fall, the boredom turned into restlessness.

Sitting down on a bench in the park Wufei lit up one of the cigarettes he just stole. Not having any ID where getting very annoying and he could hardy wait until he got himself a new computer so he could make himself one.

Duo sat down next to him. His fingers where drumming without rhythm against his tights."I just feel...itchy." The braided boy said and took a deep breath of the smoke drifting past him. "I don't know why. But it's like I've been sitting still for too long and I just -have- to move."

"I feel the same thing, and we have been still for to long. We didn't moved muscle for 35 years, so it's not all that strange that we feel the need to stretch them." Wufei flexed his legs, trying to get rid of the pent up feeling in them.

Getting to his feet, Duo started to walk back and fort in front of the bench."I feel like running, climbing over fences and jumping between rooftops as fast as I can. Like back on L2 when the rivaling gangs wanted to kick our asses and chased us all over the place or like when Oz were trying to catch us alive and they had like twenty soldiers after us. Yeah, that was fun. I want to- I want to get into a fight."

"A bar fight would be nice."Wufei mussed and put his cigarette out against the bottom of one of his boots.

"Oh definitively!" Duo shone up. "Thats a great idea! Let's find a bar. Or maybe we could find some football players and insult their team. Or a biker bar and talk shit about their bikes. Come on Wu-Wu, let's find ourself some fun!"


That proved to be more difficult then planed.

"But why?" a desperate Duo exclaimed.

The club bouncer just chuckled and gave him a pat on the head. "You're underage kid. Come back in a few years. Run along now, you're holding the line."

With one last glare the both boys stomped off.

"Fucking piece of jerkweed. That's the fifth fucking place that wouldn't let us in. I don't get it! We don't look our age and we never had any problems getting in anywhere before." Duo throw his hands in the air as if the curse the sky. "I don't get it!"

Wufei sighed and sat down on the curb with his legs crossed."I think it's a combination of not having any ID and that "before" was during the war. Underage drinking wasn't a big priority back then. We could break in from the back but I don't know if it's worth the trouble."

"Arh! This is not fair." The braided boy sat down next to his lover. Resting his forehead against his knees he wrapped his arms around himself. "I just really, really wanted to let off some steam. I can feel my whole body screaming for it. I wonder what Heero does for stress relief."

"Probably takes down a wall or two." The chines boy replyed as he watched a lone car drive by on the calm street. The street light above them flickered a few times with a soft buzzing noise. Wufei watched the huddled shape of his lover as the light came and went, covering him in the bright light and consuming dark. 'On and off. Light and dark. We get something good and then we get hit by something bad. I do believe it's the story of our life.' He mused but Duo's groan averted him from sinking into darker thoughts.

"But I want to beat someones face in." Duo whined but then he suddenly grinned happily. "Hey! We could go gay bashing! We don't even have to get into the bars. We can just find a place nearby and wait for them there."

Wufei couldn't help but laugh at his lovers excitement. "Sounds good. Let's go, we need to find a good spot."


Standing very still in the the dark alley they listened attentively. In the distends they could here the muffled sound of bass through the walls of the club's farther down the street.

And then a evil grin spreed across Duo's face."Here they come... Open up your pants Fei."

"What, no foreplay?" Wufei asked with a snicker, but did a he was told. As the sound of drunken laughter got closer Duo pushed his lover up against the wall and started moaning deep in his throat as their mouths meet. He didn't get to stay on top for long as Wufei flipped them around and pushed a leg between Duo's, and then the battle was on. Back and fort with teeth, tongue and nails. For a second the reason why they where doing this in the first place got lost in their panting breathes and wandering hands. They where broth back to the present by a rain of cheap beer and glas splitter as a bottle hit the wall next to them. Wufei did a quick count, five obviously drunken men size XL where standing in front of the alley.

"Fucking fagots!" One of them shouted with a slur.

"Oh, not yet, but stick around for a while and we will get to it." Wufei rolled his eyes at the clichés that his lover was delivering but their drunken audience didn't seem to require originality to react. One of them, a big man dressed in what could only be described as a trailer trash outfit made a move towards them.

Duo leered. "You want to join in big boy? I promise not to be too rough with you." That was all it took for the rest of them to join in. Wufei couldn't remember the last time he felt this alive, sex not included. As he raised his fist against the nearest attacker he looking into the face of a man that clearly thought that he would get to beat up someone weaker then him. With satisfaction he watched that face change as his fist hit it's target. From looking superior to a look of absolute fear as he realized that the boy in front of him where a hell of a lot stronger then he looked. Adrenalin were pumping and Duo's maniac laughing next to him was urging him on. Fist were flying and steel covered boots hit their targets.

Ducking a fist coming for his face he let it hit the brick wall behind him. A quick kick sent the man tumbling down and Wufei took a second to appreciate the sight of his beloved beating one of the men bloody. For a second he wondered if it was considered strange to get turned on by watching your lover get covered in blood. 'Well there is no reason for speculations. We are what we are.' He thought before turning back to his own opponent.

It didn't take long before the five men where lying motionless on the ground. Meeting his lovers eyes across the alley Wufei could feel the energy between them. He started stalking towards him, eyes locked on heavy breathing lips.

"Preventers! Stay where you are and put your hand were I can see them!"

Duo sighed and cast a quick glans at the armed men that came tumbling into the alley "Well, that was the end of tonights fun. Should we run or stay?"

Frustrated over the interruption Wufei blow a piece of hair away from his eyes. "We could make it. But we will probably get shot and I don't really feel like going back to Winner with bullet holes in my back."

"Yeah, he would probably be a pain in the ass about it. So, jail it is then." Duo said as he put his hands on top of his head. Wufei fixed his pony tail before followed his example while ignoring the angry shouts from the officers.

"We really need to get our own place and get out of Q's house. He's going to throw a fit over this." Duo said with a groan and Wufei could only agree.


It was one very grim looking Quatre Winner that bailed them out the next day. He didn't say a word as he paid for their release. He didn't make a sound all the way in the car back home. But when the door closed behind them he turned towards them in rage.

"Of all the reckless things to do! I can't believe you two!"

Duo shrugged. "It was no big deal. We were kind of waiting for them to let us go in lack of evidence or because of our age."

"Well that is the problem when you don't have any ID! They don't know your age! And why didn't you call? I had to hear about this from one of my lawyer that where bailing out another client.'Oh by the way Mr Winner. The boys that you where looking for, they are in a jail cell!' What the hell were you two thinking?!" The blond roared.

Duo frowned."We just wanted to let of some steam. And gay bashing seemed like a good idea."

Quatres eyes went wide. "Gay bashing?! What the hell? Have you been beating up gay people? For fun?!"

"No! For gods sake Winner. What do you take us for?" Wufei gave his friend a disappointed look. "We are gay. And we bash. So, gay-bashing. Simple."

The blond blinked. "...I need to sit down."


"This can't go on, it's only been a week and they are driving me insane! They have next to no impulse control and they never slow down. It's just one thing after the other." Quatre throw himself face down on the skin couch in Heeros office.

Heero and Trowa exchange worried glances.

"Are you all right Quatre?" Heero asked carefully.

A muffled 'no' where heard from the seat cushions.

The bearded man leaned back against his desk. "Is there anything we can do?"

Quatre rolled over on his back with a arm over his eyes. "It would probably help if we castrate them."

Heero coughed as his drink went down the wrong way. "Castrate?!"

"At least then they wouldn't be going at it on ever flat surface they could find. My car, my beautiful car! I bet they did it because I shouted at them. They are so infuriatingly childish! What am I saying? They are children! Stars! What are we going to do?" Quatre groaned in irritation."They are going to end up with a criminal record as long as my arm if they keep this up."

Trowa frowned. "I thought they only got caught ones."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that it's the only thing they have done. The rest of the times they got away. ´We where a bit out of shape in the start' they said. 'But it's okay now, we are up to speed again'. 'Up to speed with what?' I asked. 'Well, you won't have to bail us out again' they said. I don't even want to know what they have been up to. Thank the all mighty, that the men they beat up didn't press charges." Quatre groaned. "We need to get them to be a part of sociality, not a danger to sociality."

Trowa took a sip from his glass as he leaned back in his armchair. "From what I can see, there is only one solution."

"And that would be?" Quatre sighed as he massaged his temple trying to soot his throbbing headache.

"Forcing them to think of their life's as undercover missions until they have gotten used to it."

Heero and Quatre stared at their friend.

Quatre chuckled. "That just might work. But unfortunately, I don't think we can fool them into it"

Trowa sighed. "No, probably not. So how do we do it?"

Heero slammed his fist onto the table. "Enough of this. This is how we do it. We want them to have a normal life. So we are going to give them a normal life. I'm talking parents, school, curfews, friends their own age, everything. No nonsense. We are forcing them into society."

Quatre stared at the king of the world. "That's insane... let's do it."



Hehe, can you imagine Wufei and Duo's reaction to this?

There was just one more thing. I really don't know if anyone cares, but I have started up a poll where the question is "What fiction do you want me to finish first?" I have too many WIP's and it's pissing me off. So if you feel like giving you opinion, go to my profile page.

But even if you don't give a shit, please click the little button and leave me a short review. Please? It would make me very happy.