Disclaimer: Don't own Doctor Who, but SO wish I owned yummy Matt Smith. God, being that gorgeous in tweed and a bowtie should be made illegal!

Sorry this is so angsty but, well – it is the Doctor. His whole life is angst-ridden. Hope you enjoy! Dray xx

"There's only one person in the universe that hates me as much as you do."

The words rang clearly around the doctor's incredible mind. Yes, he did hate himself - because one who had lived for as long as he had could feel nothing else for themselves, especially when they were responsible for so much death and destruction.

Amy's choice. How could it be Amy's choice? He belonged to nobody. He was a Time Lord, the last of his kind, he was meant to be alone. Two hearts and so much love to give, but nobody in the universe to give it to. So much hurt. So much pain.

The Doctor sat on the chair facing the TARDIS controls. He put his head in his hands. His 'darkness' had been right about a lot of things. He had wanted Amy to choose. He hadn't really expected her to choose him. These humans - they could never take much time travel before wanting to return to earth. That planet... The Doctor sighed. If only he hadn't lost Gallifrey. Maybe he would have found love. Someone like him, that he could spend the rest of his abnormally long life with, not travelling alone through space and time. He had just been in a van with a girl, ready to die for her dream. Couldn't he - just sometimes - dream too?

He stood and fiddled with some of the controls on the TARDIS so that she stopped in space. He leaned on the side and looked at his reflection in the glassy surface. Once again the 'dream lord' grinned maliciously up at him. The Doctor let out a roar of anguish and dropped to his knees. He was alone again. Amy was back on earth, getting married to that gooseberry. Good. Good riddance.

'I don't need anyone.' he muttered.

The TARDIS hummed softly.

'Except you, sweetie.' he corrected, stroking the floor. After hauling himself onto his feet, he pulled a lever and the TARDIS sprang to life.

'Except you.'