![]() Author has written 195 stories for Quantum Leap, Ai Yori Aoshi, Love Hina, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Highlander, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Lord of the Rings, StarTrek: The Original Series, StarTrek: Voyager, Godzilla, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, StarTrek: Enterprise, X-Files, Elfen Lied, Forever Knight, Dragon Ball Z, Batman, Harry Potter, M*A*S*H, Avatar: Last Airbender, Bewitched, Voltron, Peach Girl, Twilight Zone, A Nightmare on Elm Street, DC Elseworlds, Forrest Gump, Doctor Who, James Bond, Star Wars, Dr. Seuss series, Power Rangers, Marvel, Incredible Hulk, Sleepy Hollow, Ben 10, Peanuts, Batman the Animated Series, Get Smart, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Suicide Squad, Smurfs, Transformers/Beast Wars, All In The Family, Taxi, Misc. Books, He-Man, Justice League, Hogan's Heroes, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Cartoon X-overs, Batman Beyond, Incredibles, Tom and Jerry, Earth: Final Conflict, Daria, The Prisoner, Yu-Gi-Oh, Barney Miller, Austin Powers, StarTrek: Other, Scooby Doo, Lost In Space, 7th Heaven, Little House on the Prairie, Munsters, Powerpuff Girls, Looney Tunes, Hanna-Barbera, To Love-Ru, Monty Python, Friday the 13th, BioShock, Phineas and Ferb, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Girl Meets World, Happy Days, Wolfenstein series, Superman, and Polar Express. I was born right along with Star Trek in 1966, and it remains my first love, along with Godzilla. My name is Rob Morris, with Gojirob being a combination of my name and Godzilla. I live in Belmar, New Jersey, once widely known as a Shore party town. My hobby-turned-obsession for the last few years has been turning the Elfen Lied Wiki into something to be proud of. I also have an Elfen Lied fic series 'Long Live The Queen', set mostly after the loss of its main character. Lucy is gone, but Kouta and the others, those who loved her and those that hated her will find she is gone but not forgotten--especially as the Diclonius War begins. In addition to these, there are 'Elfen Liner Notes' - sidestories set before, during and even after the series, showing how the situations affect characters inside and outside the series. 8-10-2019 - Boy howdy, have I fallen behind. The works are still in the works, it's just that time is not available like it used to be. I had to undertake a major piece of work on my backyard, still in progress, plus work keeps upping the ante. When I started my job in 2011, I could actually work on fic during the downtime - that doesn't exist anymore. But I am working on a new Elfen Liner Notes, concerning The Agent, and have started on the next part of 'She's Come Undone'. All I ask concerned parties is that you check in once in a while. I am trying. As a treat, both for readers and myself, I took the MASH/Godzilla xover fic 'The Endless OR' and edited it from start to finish. Hopefully, it's a lot more readable now, with at least some of my rookie-fic mistakes x'd out. The story itself is the same. I've just added narrative between spots of dialogue so that who's talking at a particular time is clearer, and I completely removed references to a story that I've yet to write, a 'fic-sin' I now really despise. Hope you enjoy! 10-23-2019 - Did some quick revisions to 'Elfen Liner Notes: Mission Review' - In short, the different parts of the story, while divided when I wrote it, failed to show up separately on the posted document. so I numbered them for easier and clearer reading, plus plugged a few holes, so to speak. |