Author has written 11 stories for Bible, Dungeons and Dragons, DC Superheroes, Neutro, Felix the Cat, Quatermass, Krull, Batman, Marvel, and Brightburn. Oriana: The Unauthorized Accounts: I hope that I can add some depth to a sadly under-developed animated film. It will be mainly a Perspective Flip story, fleshing out the setting of the dimension of Oriana and will involve a series of interviews by the narrator to all the major characters from the Felix the Cat film: Grumper, Lizzardi, the Princess, etc. Challenge of the Super-Friends: The End: The story will be completed, as well as a sequel story soon after. Most of the rest of the story has already been written but has yet to be edited for inclusion. I recommend any readers seeking background information for the old cartoon and references to it in the story to visit Jabootu's hilarious reviews of each episode at http:///. Thank you all beyond words can say for the kindness displayed in your reviews. Update: I am currently working on the next chapter, though that is difficult working full-time. Hopefully I can get into the thick of things. I now have someone who will edit the earlier chapters. |