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![]() Author has written 98 stories for Bleach, Naruto, Gundam Wing/AC, One Piece, Guyver, Kingdom Hearts, Cthulhu Mythos, X-Men: The Movie, Star Wars, Aliens/Predator, Dungeons and Dragons, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Monster High, X-Men: Evolution, Green Lantern, Transformers/Beast Wars, StarTrek: Other, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, StarTrek: Voyager, Doctor Who, StarTrek: The Next Generation, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, Dragon Ball Z, X-Men, Marvel, Young Justice, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, It, The Thing, Lamento: Beyond the Void, Peter Pan, Wolverine & the X-Men, Teen Wolf, Cats, Mad Max, Resident Evil, Team Fortress 2, and Magic: The Gathering. A Razell is a type of insect-like Zoanoid from Bio-Booster Armor Guyver, They look like slender, upright beetles and are used as Scouts. They're my favorite type. I can also be found as Ran_The_Hyena at Fanart Central. About me: Not much to say, I like insects, the Cthulhu Mythos, Anime, Guyver, Rurouni Kenshin, Eyeshield 21, Doctor Who, Japanese Kaiju (Giant Monster) movies, Lots of shows. Name - Razell Gender - Male (He/Him) Race - Not a Moose Class - 0-level Author/Mental patient. Alignment - Neutral Evil Weapons - My wits, meaning I'm unarmed. I'm Currently Reading: I'm listening to - Gorillaz Favorite Actor: Ray Park Great Quotes: "You callin' me craaaaaaa -- zy? Ain't nothin' crazy 'bout me but my brain! Right, brain? Right! No! Not you right brain! Right, left brain? Right! Okay then!" Roberto - Futurama "I hope that life isn't just a big joke, cos' I don't get it..." 2-D from Gorillaz. Personal Quote - "All the world's an asylum, and all the people, merely patients." Favorite Story Quote - "Die, Aburami scum!" (Abumi Zaku with bug spray attacking a cockroach) - My Big Fat Ninja Wedding R.I.P Carrie Fisher. R.I.P. John Hurt R.I.P. Chester Bennington I want to thank everyone who enjoys my stories! Please forgive me if I don't respond to a comment, I rarely check my mail and don't really keep track of finished stories. Sorry, Jace, but Domri Rade is the Greatest Planeswalker Ever! My Fury. My Freedom. My Guild. Join the Gruul! "Rauck-Chauv's like a holiday! Only it isn't on the calendars, and instead of dancing you knock people flat, and instead of giving gifts you break stuff!" - MTG card - Tin Street Hooligan. Happy Rauck-Chauv Everybody! #SaveDomri #Domri Rade Deserved Better My favorite characters are: Naruto; Abumi Zaku, Kankurou, Kidoumaru, Kinuta Dosu, Tsuchi Kin, Touji Mizuki, Umino Iruka, Inuzuka Kiba, Juugo, Sakon and Ukon, Nara Shikamaru, Rock Lee, Uchiha Obito, Sai, Namiashi Raidou, Deidara, Hozuki Suigetsu, Morino Idate, Zetsu Bleach; Wonderweiss Margera, Yamada Hanatarou, Rikichi, Izura Kira, Isane Kotetsu, Tousen Kaname, Hitsugaya Toushiro, Unohana Retsu One Piece; Chuu/Chew, Hatchan, Sanji, Portgas D. Ace, Gin, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Kamakiri, Coby, Eustass Kid, Killer, Roronoa Zoro, Wiper Dragonball Z/GT; Jeice, Goten, Yamucha, Angira, Kogu, Daizu, Sauza, King Cold, Zarbon Guyver; Friedrich Von Purg'stall, Waferdanos, Shin Rubeo Amniculus, Sho Fukamachi, Jukadan, and most Zoanoids, especially Razell. Kingdom Hearts: Demyx, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X: Himura Kenshin, Myojin Yahiko, Sagara Sanosuke, Fuji, Chou, Soujirou Seta D&D- (Individuals) Alexi (Vampire), Althea (Medusa), Anhktepot, Belashyrra, Dinin Do'Urden, Drizzt Do'Urden, Eilistraee, Father Llymic, The Great Mother, Gzemnid, Hoar, Ilsensine, Ityak-Ortheel, The Elf Eater, Jander Sunstar, Juiblex, Maanzecorian, Qooql, Ragnorra, Selvetarm, Tiyet, Vhaeraun, Yharaskrik (Races) Beholders, Chitine, Driders, Eldrazi, Ettercaps, Fomorians, Illithids, Trolls JoJo's Bizarre Adventure- Higashikata Josuke, Johnny Joestar, Mikitaka Hazekura, Narancia Ghirga, Bruno Buciarratti, Sale, Soundman/Sandman VOTE CTHULHU 2020! ALL HUMANS ARE EQUALLY DELICIOUS IN HIS GLORIOUS MAW! CTHULHU/AZATHOTH 2020! NO MORE YEARS! Support: TEAM BERZERKER! TEAM TOAD! Marvel- Adam-X the X-Treme, Batwing (Jimmy Santini), Bliss (Morlock), The Badoon race, Berzerker (Ray Crisp/ Ray Carter), The Brood race, Broo (A.K.A. Brood Baby), Ego, The Living Planet, Leech (A Morlock),M.O.D.O.K., Living Monolith (Ahmet Abdul), Living Mummy (N'Kantu) Pyro (St. John Allerdyce), The Runner (Gilpetperdon), Scaleface, Skin (Angelo Espinoza), Slither (Aaron Salomon), Sugar Man, Tar Baby (A Morlock), Toad (All versions of him), Wendigo, Wildchild (Kyle Gibney) DC- Beast Boy/Changeling (Garfield Logan), Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox), Fang (Jake Ketchum), Killer Croc (Waylon Jones), Man-Bat (Robert Langstrom), Orion, Parasite, Scare Tactics, Slither (Jimmy Tilton), Two-Face (Harvey Dent), The White/Pale Martian race Other: Aiden and Ethan (Teen Wolf), Alonzo (Cats), Billy Jukes (PPP), Brocko (MH) Colony Sarff (Doctor Who), Connie Springer (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan), Crow Hogan (Yu-Gi-Oh 5D), Dabi (BNHA/MHA), Davros (Doctor Who), Deuce Gorgon (MH), Domri Rade, (MTG) Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing), Ekko (League of Legends), Emarakul, The Aeons Torn (MTG), Firebreather (Duncan Rosenblatt), Ginta (Inuyasha), The Golden Youth (Mad Max 2), Habashira Rui (Eyeshield 21), Hakkaku (Inuyasha), Hange Zoe (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan), Heath Burns (MH), Hige (Wolf's Rain), Holt Hyde (MH), Invisi-Billy (MH), Inuyasha (Inuyasha), The Jagaroth (Doctor Who) Jan Valentine, (Hellsing) Jin Kaze Tsukai (YYH), Kiba (Wolf's Rain), Kirishima Eijirou (BNHA), Koga/Kouga (Inuyaha), Kozilek, Butcher of Truth, The Great Distortion (MTG), Lambo Bovino, Liam Dunbar (Teen Wolf). The Locust God (MTG), Loz (FFAC), Miroku (Inuyasha), Mungojerrie (Cats), Naoe Nagi, Nux (Mad Max - Fury Road), Panther (Eyeshield 21), Plato (Cats), Pouncival/Carbucketty (Cats), Quaxo/Mister Mistoffelees (Cats), Quintessons (Transformers), Regan (Chameleon Moon series), Reno (FF), Roberto (Futurama), Rumpleteazer (Cats), Scaroth (Doctor Who) Schrodinger (Hellsing), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Scrooloose (Mad Max : Beyond Thunderdome), Sean Walcott (Teen Wolf), Smoker (Left 4 Dead), Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Stuart '2-D' Pot (Gorillaz), Sokka (ATLA), Soundwave (Transformers), Spanner Millefiore, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (BNHA), Tibalt the Fiend-Blooded (MTG), Toboe (Wolf's Rain), Tsukiyono Omi, Tsume (Wolf's Rain), Tumblebrutus/Bill Bailey (Cats), Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, The Ceaseless Hunger (MTG), Vraska The Unseen (MTG), Yoichi Hiruma (Eyeshield 21), Dr. John A. Zoidberg (Futurama) Kaiju- Dogora, Frankenstein Monster (Japanese), Gamera, Guiron, Hedorah, Matango, Megaguirus, Megalon, Meganula, Meganulon My stories sometimes ramble . . . My stories usually involve madness, angst, redemption and (Some) humor. I suck at writing battle scenes and have a bad habit of writing Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue characters. My original characters: Naruto: Naraku Eiji, Naraku Eiichiro, Naraku Akira, Naraku Tomoe, Yagame Hiro, The Five High Priests of Jashin, Maki, Fujimori Kai, Tanaka Sousuke, Tonbo, Kotaro the Summoner, Kotaro of the Wasps, Inuzuka Gaara, Inuzuka Hige. Guyver: Mikhail Czyvek, Ishimaru Daigoro, Dr. Angela Nighthawk, Ali Bin Jamar, Mindwalker, Galvak, Typhon, Johnatan Vorsted, Tran Nguyen. One Piece: Togorogiri, Katarina Vicar, Dr. Alan Sprague, The Tatsu clan, and lots of other characters from Gyo-Jin Pride, too many to list. Aliens: Gregor, Dr. Richard Vree, Colonel Thomas Jervase, General Thompson, Sergeant Arturo Gomez, Private Jack Yellowhorse, Privates Anderson, Carter, Johnson and Riley. Cthulhu Mythos: Torren-Wraeth, Yoshida Goro, Yoshida Kaein, Te'ree, Tektaktequataquarl, Chxixsas, Colonel Reginald Barnes, Grix, Detective Harrison, Thomas Longtooth, Ping, Shalla, Thrash, He-Who-Walks-With-The-Wind Dungeons and Dragons/Ravenloft- Amal'Gloth Ken'Ghaunadaur, Aria, Alya, Click, Corwyn, Edwin, Garick, Gristle, Ilix'Ith, Jaggerjaw The Twice-Mawed, Jessc D'Selvetarm, Josef, Krik, Kuroyama Yahiko, Kuragari, Leafreader, Rizzen, Spider-Eye, Torvin, Uru Drowbiter, Wilhelm, Xaxcixlitl Star Wars- Keth Sargas, Sun tso, Darth Bobo, Darth Silious DC Comics - Raggedy-Man Marvel Comics - Thomas 'Snakehead' Salmons, Marcus Salmons, Andrew Crisp Teen Wolf - Ian MaCrae, Rex, The Scientist, Alex Cross, Habashira Ray, The Voice, The Right Hand, The Left Hand, The Break-Neck Killer Killer Klowns from Outer Space - Punk, Crier, Bobo, Fatty, Junior Other: Guys Against Crazed Fangirls, My Ships: X-Men series Rascal - Ray Carter/Berzerker X Scaleface (Marvel comics ) OTP Rascal - Ray Crisp/Berzerker X Scaleface (X-Men : Evolution) OTP Xyle - Kyle Gibney/Wild Child X Laura Kinney/X-23 (Crossover) Shyle - Kyle Gibney/Wild Child X Shard Bishop (Marvel comics ) Naruto Zaku X Kin Kankurou X Inuzuka Hana Kidoumaru X Sakura Other people's ships I like: X-Men/Marvel comics Jubilay - Ray Crisp/Berzerker X Jubilee (X-Men : Evolution) Raybby - Ray Crisp/Berzerker X Tabitha Smith/Boom Boom (X-Men : Evolution) Tonda - Todd Tolensky/Toad X Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (X-Men : Evolution) Tonda - Mortimer Toynbee/Toad X Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (Wolverine and The X-Men ) Jonda - St. John Allerdyce/Pyro X Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch (X-Men : Evolution) Naruto ? - Nara Shikamaru X Tayuya Shikatema - Nara Shikamaru X Temari Uchiha Obito X Rin Other Springles - Connie Springer X Sasha Brouse (Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan) Jan Valentine X Seras Victoria (Hellsing) I Hate: Gore, Vore (especially Vore), incest, Zombies, Shota, M-Preg and anything involving waste. I also hate Holy Paladins (Good aligned), arrogant, self-righteous elves, Lolth, Nicol Bolas and Orochimaru, the idea that rape is romantic, showing nude children in movies, having my favorite characters die. Pet Peeves: Smoking anything. Old English. Practical jokes. People who think Punk and Emo are the same thing. People who think Punk is dead. People who make hateful comments like 'You should just die!' Gossip. Liars. Writer's block. Political ads. Trophy hunters. Misandry (hatred of/prejudice against men/boys). Prejudice of any kind. That so many people seem to think that the Infected from Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 are 'undead' zombies. They're sick, not dead. And they don't eat people. Alpha/Omega tropes Soulmate/Soul Mark tropes Queen (the band) Particularly the song 'Another One Bites The Dust' Phear my sucky Wapanese! My Naruto Stories, in proper reading order: 1. Stray Dogs 2. Kidoumaru Does Konoha! 3. Kidoumaru-Sensei! 4. New Lives 5. Homecoming and Prank Wars 6. A Fang for a Fang 7. My Big Fat Ninja Wedding Due to depression I may not be able to post as frequently as usual. I apologize to all of the wonderful people who enjoy my stories. |