A/N: This is an AU where Isaac and/or Liam are the youngest. In THIS specific drabble Isaac is a genius + has skipped many grades and Liam has a better grasp on his IED. Also, as you can tell, Allison is dead :( but Danny and Boyd and Erica are still here. Should I make a drabble with Allison in it? Tell me if you do.



Seniors- Danny Mahealani , Erica Reyes, Jackson Whittmore, Scott McCall, and Stiles Stilinski,

Juniors- Boyd Vernon, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar,Lydia Martin, and Malia Tate

Derek Hale: 23

Seniors: 17 (almost 18)

Juniors: (minus Isaac) 16

Isaac: 14

Isaac walked down the hallway with his hood over his head. It was a old sweater that was a hand me down from Stiles. He tried to ignore the jeering looks from bigger, stronger boys as they walked by. He was probably the biggest target for bullying, being only 14 and in grade 11 already. Luckily, he had the whole Pack behind him. Actually, Isaac noted as he scanned the hallway for possible bullies, Stiles was walking towards him right now.

"Hey pup." Stiles put his arm around Isaac slowly; making sure that the younger boy saw what he was doing and wouldn't be spooked.

"Stiles." Isaac mumbled in reply.

"Ready to go?" Stiles asked. One member of the Pack ALWAYS walked with Isaac to the cafeteria after an incident in which Isaac got beaten up by a bunch of jocks (obviously he wasn't injured (he is still a werewolf) but he was sore for days). The pack was overly protective of Isaac; their pack puppy, their baby brother, and their youngest.

"Ya, give me a second." Isaac grabbed the binders he would need for his afternoon classes and stuffed them into his backpack. He ran a hand through his blond curls and smiled tentatively at Stiles.

"How did you sleep?" Stiles whispered, not falling for Isaac's 'I'm okay' act. It was well known within the Pack that Isaac had night terrors on most nights because of his traumatic past. There were always 4 telltale signs that he had a restless night that all the Pack members knew about but Isaac was somehow oblivious to.

1) He was more reserved then usual, barley speaking even when spoken to. Usually only Stiles and the Alpha got responses on those days.

2) He barley ate, which wasn't good because he was skin and bones already. On those days usually Stiles and Derek (Using his Alpha command) had to FORCE Isaac to eat.

3) He was grumpy, especially if someone called him 'baby' or 'puppy'. What can you say? He was definitely, without a doubt, the baby of the pack.

4) Lastly, Isaac was extremely sensitive (Like Lydia, Erica, Kira, and Malia on their 'time of the month' which had to be explained to Isaac since he thought it was like the full moon. No one could really blame him after Malia almost literally chewed out Stiles for eating all the Dove chocolate) and the Pack would see him tear up about things that normally he'd usually ignore. Sometimes, if things were really bad, he'd stomp out of the room and cry in private.

"I'm fine mama." Isaac replied quietly. Stiles could barley hear him over the rowdy teens in the hallway. People were still bustling about and yelling and some basketballs were being thrown around by over eager JV hopefuls.

"Isaac," Stiles said warningly. "I don't appreciate being lied to."

"Mom!" Isaac whined as he zipped up his backpack. Stiles was the unofficial mom of the pack. Stiles sighed but didn't continue with the topic. He knew forcing Isaac to talk about just make him more secluded and reluctant.

"C'mon kid," Stiles said encouragingly. As they walked through the hallway Isaac was paranoid that something bad would happen to him. He didn't want 'Mama Stiles' to go ape on his tormentors because it would attract attention. Attention was something Isaac could most defiantly live without.

Lydia waved excitedly from her spot at a table in the cafeteria. She was sitting next to Boyd and across from Jackson who looked bored. Erica was throwing grapes at Malia (who was sitting next to Scott) jokingly, which sparked a mini food fight between them. Isaac smiled self-consciously and approached them behind Stiles.

"Hey guys! I had the best morning. I aced my Trig test, 96% baby. I got one stupid question wrong and Mrs. Fowler said-." Stiles ranted enthusiastically. He was always in a happy mood in school for some reason. 'Maybe it was the ADHD' Isaac thought as he sat down beside Stiles and Jackson (who moved over to make room for the younger boy after a glare from 'mama'). He nodded at Lydia and shifted Malia's stuff away so he could put his arms on the table. She was pouring over her Calculus homework and judging by the ripped pieces of paper littering the table, she was erasing more then she was writing. Isaac felt bad for the were-coyotte as she struggled to make sense of Lydia's notes.


Isaac's phone dinged in his sweater pocket but he didn't bother answering it. It was most likely from an anonymous bully texting him to say that no one liked him. As if he needed a reminder of that plainly obvious fact. Someone put his cell number in the washrooms and he kept getting either a) bullying, rude texts or b) dirty, sexy, creepy texts from horny women. He figured it was the later, judging by the howls of laughter from the Jock tables.

"Pup, your phone dinged." Jackson said with a smirk. He knew Isaac wouldn't do anything to him because he was too scared to defy Derek's orders of "no fighting on school grounds." Instead Isaac opted for a growl and an eye roll but he still didn't answer his phone. He picked at his nails, a habit Stiles was trying to break him out of.

"Aren't you going to answer it?" Scott inquired. Isaac squirmed as other members of the Pack started looking at him curiously.

"I'll check it later." Isaac mumbled into his lap. He didn't notice the other Pack members exchanging worried glances to each other or see Jackson sneakily pull the youngest Beta's phone out of his sweater pocket. Isaac kept his phone on his person at all times in case of an emergency.

He did however hear the gasps as Lydia read the text over Jackson's shoulder. She put her hand to her mouth and looked wide-eyes at Isaac. The younger wolf tried to snatch his phone out of Jackson's hand, but the elder boy held it above his head where he knew Isaac couldn't reach.

"Jackson!" Isaac whined. "Please give it back! Jackson!" Jackson neatly threw the delicate Iphone (a gift from Stiles for Isaac scoring perfect on almost all his exams last year. His math teacher for sure had it out for him with the 98% he got) to Scott but Erica intersected it. She held the phone to her chest, daring anyone to try and take it from her. She lifted the phone off her chest a little so she could read the nasty text. After what felt like hours to Isaac, but was actually seconds, Erica silently handed the phone to Scott and looked at Isaac with the same wide-eyes as Lydia.

Scott handed Jackson back Isaac's phone and shook his head. "Dude. That's just mean."

"Isaac, what's going on?" Stiles asked the 14-year-old with raised eyebrows.

Isaac replied "nothing" just as Jackson said "The pups getting bullied through text messages and the A**hole didn't even have the guts to sign his name or show his number."

"Is this true Isaac?" Stiles asked. Isaac looked at the tiled floor in the cafeteria and nodded his head up and down once. Stiles sighed and held his hand out for Isaac's phone.

"Hey! I didn't get to read it." Boyd whined. Erica whispered in his ear the message just as a cheerful Liam joined the group. Boyd passed the message to Malia who cocked her head to the side, deep in thought as she listened.

"I would just maim them since apparently," She glared at Stiles, "Killing is wrong." She finished bluntly. Lydia groaned and looked at Stiles who mouthed 'progress.'

"Hey guys, what'd I'd miss?" Liam's smile faltered when he noticed the tension around the table. "What? Did someone die?"

"Not yet." Scott muttered, his hands curling into fists. Jackson, who hadn't yet handed Stiles Isaac's phone, shoved it into Liam's face.

Isaac watched as Liam's face turned from confusion to anger to murderous. Jackson threw the phone at Stiles who caught it readily. He read the text, and once he was done he had to snap his hanging jaw shut.

"What the hell Isaac?" Liam spat, his hands tightened in a fist. He once got so angry that he drew blood from his hands and Isaac feared that it looked like it'd be one of those times.

"Derek said no fighting." Isaac said in a quiet, timid voice that made him finally sound his age. He normally talked like an esteemed university professor would. It made sense, he was a child genus after all, but the Pack wished Isaac could be a normal kid for once. They treasured the limited moments they had when Isaac acted 14 or even younger. Isaac didn't get a normal childhood because of his dad so Stiles and Derek were trying to make up for that any way they could.

"What Derek doesn't know can't hurt him." Scott replied. Malia nodded in agreement. Lydia just shook her head and shoved forkfuls of salad into her mouth.

"Ya right boys." Stiles snorted into his milk. "Like we could hide anything from Mr. Sourwolf."

Erica gave the boys a Joker like smile, "I agree with Batman."

"Thank you Cat Woman." The Pack had long away decided to not even question their weird nicknames.

"Fine." Jackson said with a smirk. "We have ways around that."

"Boys, as much as I appreciate you wanting to stand up for Isaac, violence is never the answer. It'll just fuel the fire and make it worse," Stiles said cautiously. He was the voice of reason within the Pack. "Besides, you don't even know who sent that text." Lydia opened her mouth to speak, perhaps to tell Stiles that she could trace a phone number, but Stiles gave her a curt look and she shut it.

Jackson's shoulders slumped slightly and Boyd and Scott's eyes had a little less of an angry spark in them. Liam still looked confused but, thankfully, slightly less murderous. Stiles had that effect on the Pack. Weirdly enough, even as the most hyperactive out of all of them, he could calm down the Pack very easily.

"Who are they?" Jackson asked out loud. Isaac shrugged and Jackson growled, unhappy with the curt reply. He grabbed Isaac by the scruff of his neck and lifted him off the ground. The Pack members heard Isaac's heart speed up and the young pup had a look of absolute fear in his eyes.

"Jackson, PUT HIM DOWN! YOU'RE SCARING HIM!" Stiles shouted. Jackson released Isaac the boy fell to the ground.

"He wouldn't answer me." Jackson replied in a gruff voice but he sat down nonetheless.

"Woah, you're 5 minutes late to lunch and you miss everything." Danny chuckled as he slid into the chair next to Boyd. Erica reached for his hand and squeezed it gently.

"Dude, anger issues much?" Scott said. Liam, who had actual anger issues, rolled his eyes at that comment but said nothing.

Isaac's eyes had tears in them but he didn't dare let any fall. Suddenly someone was rubbing circles on his back. He looked over his shoulder to see Stiles crouching down beside him.

"You okay baby?" Everyone knew about his abusive father but only the Pack really seemed to care. Isaac nodded, not wanting to seem that he was any weaker then Jackson, and got up off the dirty floor the Cafeteria ladies swear was cleaned daily. Scott once dropped a spoonful of pudding on the ground to see how long it would take the janitors to clean up. It was still there, in the exact same spot looking exactly the same only with a little bit more mold on it each day.

"You sure?" Stiles looked at the teenager sceptically. Isaac gave a non-verbal response (nodded his head up and down) and took money out of his sweater pocket. Derek was giving him an allowance for doing his chores and somedays, usually on the weekend, he worked with Scott at he animal clinic where he made minimum wage.

"I'll be back." Isaac mentally cursed the way his voice cracked. He turned away before anyone could see how red his face was. He hated still being at the beginning of puberty while the others were nearly done.

Lydia laughed quietly but Isaac still heard her. Sometimes it sucked being the 14 year old in the Pack.

As Isaac stood in line for food he hoped his face wasn't as red as he thought.

"Isaac?" Liam asked, coming up beside him.

"Did mama send you?" Isaac asked annoyed. Liam didn't say anything but the 16-year-old's guilt face gave it away.

Isaac sighed because he knew Stiles meant well but he really just wanted to be left alone for the time being.

"Zac, we all worry for you," Liam said using another one of Isaac's nicknames. He responded better to it then Pup. "I know what it's like having anger issues and they shouldn't joke about it, I know, but something is bothering you and I know, living with IED, that you shouldn't keep things bottled up."

"Well maybe it's time to worry about yourself for a change. You have much larger issues to deal with, since you're basically a ticking time bomb!" Isaac snapped. He sounded and looked furious but his voice cracked at the end taking away some of the effect.

"I know you're mad so I won't tell Stiles or Derek that you said that but dude, chill! Don't shoot the messanger." Liam stayed where he was in line and grabbed a tray for Isaac. "So, we have lacrosse training after school." Liam said trying to make polite conversation and change the subject. Isaac shrugged, not in the mood to talk in fear of his voice cracking again.

Isaac pointed to some spaghetti pasta and the lunch lady served it for him on plate. Liam grabbed some milk for Isaac, ignoring the glare for the 14-year-old who was reaching for a Coke, and walked to the cash register.

"Here." Liam took out a $10 dollar bill and handed it to the lunch lady working the cashier.

"Liam," Isaac sighed. "I can pay for myself." Luckily his voice didn't crack that time.

Liam ignored him and collected his change. He gave Isaac a pointed look and picked up Isaac's tray. The younger boy had no choice but to follow his older pack member back to the table.

Just as he was approaching the table the worst thing in the entire world happened.

Someone tripped Isaac, purposely, and sent him flying into Liam which, therefore, sent his food flying right into the back of Justine McGee, Senior Captain of the hockey team and number one douche. The cafeteria was in an uproar of laughter and his Pack looked at him with pity. Liam brushed himself off and started yelling at the member of the hockey team that had tripped Isaac but Isaac didn't stick around to see if the shorter junior was put in his place. Or whatever the hockey team thought was his place. Which is usually in the trash (at least it was for Isaac.)

Isaac quickly stood up and ran out of the cafeteria, completely and utterly humiliated.

Poor Zac!

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