A/N: And here is the last chapter... I would like to thank everyone who took the time to read, fav, follow or review Chaos. It really means a lot! I knew, from the beginning, that it is a very tiny ship I sailed here and that it could never compete with the ocean liners so it's all the more joyful to see how many of you stopped by and gave love to Jirou and Kira, one way or another. Thank you all a lot for that! I really appreciate it *sends out virtual hugs*

I would also like to thank Annebee for being an awesome betareader and cheerleader and maybe the president of the Jirou fanclub? Haha... well, at least she knows how to feed him and keep him happy.

Please enjoy this last chapter.

~Lots of love, Ailuk


They had made sure that every trace of Wood's magic had been gone before they piled into Derek's car and the police cruiser to get to the Yukimura's home. The seedlings on the Nemeton had turned brown just like Wood and it seemed like he had used most of the energy the Nemeton had received from the sacrifices for the fight with Jirou and the Werewolves.

But now that Jirou stood in front of the house the urge to flee was almost overwhelming him. He could feel that Inari was waiting for him but he still didn't know if he had done it right or wrong.

Only Kira grabbing his hand and gently pulling him along got him to move again while the rest of them already waited at the door.

Mr. Yukimura opened the door for them. He was visibly surprised to see so many people there. Nevertheless he led them through the house towards the backyard.

Noshiko was there and so was Inari. They sat on the ground beneath a huge plane tree, sipping tea and were in deep conversation.

The pack and Jirou stopped in a respectable distance and waited while Mr. Yukimura walked over and quietly announced them.

Inari smiled kindly at them before she motioned for Jirou to come closer. Hesitantly he walked over and stopped in front of her.

"Jirou" she said. Her voice enveloped him in warmth and he closed his eyes for a second. She studied him. The blood that still covered his face slowly flaked away now that it had dried and the bruises were slowly fading.

"It's time to leave now, my son," she continued as she rested her hand on his cheek. "I'm very proud of you. You did well."

"Thank you, mother," he bowed his head lightly as he accepted her praise. "I'd like to say good bye to my friends before we leave though."

"Of course," she said with the same kind smile she had given the pack. Jirou nodded gladly before he turned around and walked back to them. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Sheriff slowly walking over to Inari, Noshiko and Mr. Yukimura.

Derek and Isaac stood a bit off to the side seemingly not that interested in a big good bye scene so he went to them first. Derek was scowling at him like usual and Jirou smirked lightly.

"I'm sorry that I'm leaving so soon but you'll surely find someone else whose throat you can rip out… with your teeth."

He patted Derek's upper arm trying to seem consoling before he turned to Isaac though he saw Derek's scowl deepening as he curled his upper lip slightly back in a growl.

"Glad to see me gone, right?" Jirou said to Isaac who tried to mimic Derek's angry look. "Though, it was nice to meet you and your devil-may-care attitude."

Isaac only huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest but he couldn't stop the little smile that played on his lips.

"On second try and without the flies you aren't that insufferable either. Just an annoying pain in the ass," Isaac said with a smirk and Jirou laughed out loud before he walked over to the others.

Though, half way between Scott and Isaac the fox spirit turned around again and added, "Congrats on finally boning Allison, by the way!"

He said it loud and clear and with a wink towards Isaac whose eyes widened almost comically and as Jirou turned back again he saw Scott's slack jawed expression. He couldn't hide the grin as he stopped in front of Scott.

"Oh, you didn't know," he said with innocent surprise and he clearly heard Kira's giggling. He glanced to her quickly before turning his attention back to Scott.

"I know that we're probably never going to be best friends but at least try to be a good friend for Stiles, ok?" Jirou said and patted Scott's arm like he'd done with Derek. "And please tell your Mom that I'm sorry that I couldn't say good bye to her personally and thank her for helping me even if she hadn't needed to."

Scott nodded almost dumbfounded and Jirou gave him an honest smile before he moved away. He lightly and quickly hit Stiles chest with the palm of his hand a couple of times as he walked past him and gave him a wink but he didn't say anything to him. Instead he stepped in front of Lydia.

"Thank you for being on my side," he said as he took her hand before he bowed deeply and brushed his lips over the soft skin. She giggled lightly and he grinned up at her. "I hope your plan proves to be successful."

"Me too," she said. "Thank you for your help too."

She pressed a light kiss on his cheek as he straightened up again and he was sure that he heard at least Scott gasp.

"My pleasure. Please tell Allison that I'm sorry that I didn't meet with her again. I'll make up for it later."

Lydia nodded and he declined his head lightly again before he let go of her hand.

He sighed deeply as he stopped in front of Kira then. She glanced up at him, biting her lip nervously.

"I'm going to miss you," she said boldly then as tears gathered in her eyes.

"Oh, my little lady," Jirou said quietly. He opened his arms for her and she easily leaned into him as he hugged her close. "I'm going to miss you too."

He rested his cheek on the crown of her head facing away from the others and felt her shake as she tried to hold back the tears.

"We're going to meet again, I promise. I'll do everything I can to see you again," he said then. "And soon. It won't be long."

"Really?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yes, really. I'm swearing on Inari's ten tails."

She laughed lightly at that.

"That's pretty bold."

"Not really. I only swear on her tails when I know that I can keep my oath" he said with a content smile. "Is your Mom watching?" he asked then as he pulled Kira a bit away from himself.

"Uhm… yes, why?" Kira said as she peeked around him and saw her mother standing with Inari watching them.

"Great," Jirou only said as he took a step to the side, doing a half turn taking her with him as he bent down while at the same time he lifted Kira's chin up with two fingers before he pressed a kiss to her lips. Kira widened her eyes for a moment before she gave into it.

A slight crackle of fox fire danced around them as his tongue slipped into her mouth for a moment and as they pulled away from each other little lightning bolts jumped between their lips till they were too far apart. He smirked at her as Kira blushed a deep red.

"Thanks," he winked at her as he felt the indignant waves of anger that were coming from Noshiko. He let his hand trail down her arm and squeezed her hand lightly before he let go of her and walked over towards Stiles.

"Hey, kid," Jirou said and pulled him slightly away from Scott and Lydia. He looked at him and it was, even for him, weird; like he was looking in the mirror even so Stiles looked definitively better and less bloody then him. "There are some things I need to tell you before I leave.

First, Roscoe has an appointment at the shop on Thursday for a thorough check-up. It's already paid for as far as the mechanic could tell on what has to be done. If you need more money try your old secret hiding place where you kept your firecrackers. If you need money at all, take a look there."

Stiles just stared at him slightly slack-jawed and nodded.

"Second, thank you for the awesome body but seriously try not to hide it anymore beneath layers of fabric. The girls seriously dig it, especially Lydia and they surely would be very thankful if they could see more of it.

This gets me to the most important point. Get your shit together and ask her out finally! She more than likes you too and you would be perfect together. So take your chance; I promise that you won't be disappointed.

Also, you might want to stay away from this Werecoyote Maria for a while. She might be a bit pissed at you, us… me.

And could you look out for Kira, please? She probably will be a bit awkward around you because we had a lot of fun but I just need to know that she's safe and part of your pack."

He grabbed Stiles then and hugged him tightly. It took Stiles a moment to return the hug but then he squeezed him as tightly too.

"Of course," Stiles said quietly.

"Thank you," Jirou said as he pulled away again only to put his hands left and right of Stiles face to look straight at him. "If you ever need help, no matter what, just call for me and I'll be here again, ok?"

Stiles nodded as best as he could and Jirou grinned at him in delight before he let him go.

"Take care!" he said at last before he turned around and started to walk away.

"Jirou, wait!" Stiles said quietly then and Jirou turned back to him with a questioning look. "The disease," he continued quietly, "my Mom had. Do I… do I…"

He didn't finish the sentence and Jirou let out a breath and turned his head away as Stiles looked at him with sad eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment to gather his thoughts before he turned back to Stiles.

"Yes, even so I exaggerated it. It was there and you would have gotten sick sooner or later."

Stiles took in a breath that almost sounded like a sob and his eyes filled with tears as Jirou stepped closer once more and put his hands on Stiles face again to hold his gaze steady.

"But listen to me, kid. I'm Inari's son, I'm over a thousand years old and I've enough fox magic to heal bodies.

And that's what I did. I healed you even before you took the scan because you're special.

You aren't just human, you're more than that. You've a spark and me possessing you lit this spark to a fire. You very well could be part Kitsune now.

That's why I possessed you and not Allison. You're unique." He grabbed Stiles a bit tighter. "Do you understand that? You don't have the disease anymore, you won't get sick!" Once more he wrapped Stiles in a tight hug "I'm sorry for what I did to you, for what I put you through.

But now we're both stronger and better," he lowered his already quiet voice to a whisper, "maybe we can rule the world together some day."

He chuckled lightly as he pulled away. There was a hint of mischief in Stiles' eyes too and a grin on his face.

"Farewell for now, kid. We'll surely see each other again."

"Of course, you want to see Kira again, right?" Stiles said teasingly, in a better mood than before.

"See, touch, kiss," Jirou said easily as he looked towards Kira and winked at her then he held up his fist for Stiles, who bumped it easily. "Laters!" he said joyful and turned around.

He walked to Inari who was waiting patiently for him. On his way he nodded politely towards Noshiko who nodded back a bit forced, Mr. Yukimura shook his head lightly as he looked at him but there was also a slight smile playing on his lips. Jirou gave him a knowing little smirk before he stopped in front of the Sheriff.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home and being part of your life for a while. I'd also like to thank you for not shooting me first chance you got."

He put his hands together, palm against palm, in front of his chest and bowed deeply before the Sheriff who looked slightly awkward.

"It's ok, kiddo," he said and scratched the back of his neck. "I have to thank you," he said then towards Inari, "that you took care of Stiles and helped him heal again."

Inari declined her head slightly, "I just righted what was done wrong. I'm sorry that my son caused you grieve and we're still in your debt but I'm sure Jirou will gladly pay it off in whatever way it is needed."

"Of course," he said immediately. There was humbleness in his voice that never had been there before and Inari looked at him with satisfaction in her eyes. He gave the Sheriff an almost apologetic smile before he stepped to Inari.

She put her hand on his shoulder as he stopped next to her and turned around to face the pack. With a smile he waved at them one last time before he and Inari dissolved in glowing light.


And that's it... honestly I'm sad that it's over but I'm also happy that I've done it. I posted a whole story. Weheee... please let me know what you thought of this chapter or the whole story or both! That would be really great.