I woke up at around 6:30. I couldn't have been sure, because my watch wasn't exactly accurate. I'm genuinely surprised they let me keep it with me. Yes, them. The white-coats. They didn't tell us very well what we were doing here at that briefing, but I managed to put two and two together. The SCP Foundation, they're called. They explained that they simply find 'anomalous' objects, and keep them for research. Apparently, a lot of these objects are extremely dangerous. They also said that if the testing went well, they'd release at the end of the month. I'm not so sure. We're death row inmates for God's sake, they can't just let us go back into the outside world! Anyway, they brought me out of my cell about half an hour after I'd woken up. There were two guards, both armed. They led me to a containment chamber in some kind of tunnel, deep in their facility. I still remember it as if it were yesterday. The tunnels were pitch black, and it must've taken me about five minutes for my eyes to adjust to the dark. After what felt like hours of walking, we arrived at our destination. As they opened the blast-proof doors, I saw it.
It was pretty damn tall, I'd say about 6 feet. It was wearing some kind of black hooded robe too, and it was wearing a white mask (well, I assume it was a mask) that looked like a bird's beak, but its eyes were visible. They looked somewhat human-like, but had no colour to them. Around the waist of its robes, there were several small bags.
The containment chamber was quite small, with the main part being a sort of office. There was a desk with a computer on one side, and shelves on the other. On these shelves were various objects, but there were documents on the second shelf from the bottom. The whole room was the same colour scheme as the rest of the facility - a dreary-looking dark grey and red. The actual containment room was at the back of the chamber. It was long but narrow, with a metal door in the middle, that had the SCP logo on it, and windows either side. On the wall, there was a sign that read;
'SCP-049. Object Class: Euclid. Sentient and Violent.'
Sentient and violent. That's good to know. Anyway, the guards locked me in the chamber. I had a read of one of the documents on the shelf. It gave a description of the 'Plague Doctor'. It said that the thing's touch was deadly to humans, and that once the victim had died, 049 would perform surgery on the helpless human and turn them into a zombie-like being. I tried to get it out of my head that I was going to die. However, my reverie was interrupted by;
"Subject D-3689, please enter SCP-049's containment room."
This was it. The door opened, and I walked in. Then, it spoke to me. A sort of computerised, emotionless voice.
"Oh, my. Yet another victim of the disease. Don't worry, I AM the cure."