Upon waking up the next day, Shinny spotted an empty space on the

floor where Jan was sleeping, and someone was already in the bathroom with the

door open. Her friends didn't return to the room yet and wouldn't be back until 9

o'clock, an hour left when she got up. The light was on, but no sound came from

inside; pulling the bed covers off, she walked to the open space. Inside, there

appeared to be somebody in dark clothes, who noticed her approaching steps and

stepped away from the small crack of the frame. "She" seemed to want to shield

her face from Shinny, but felt putting "her" arms up would look stupid and out of


"Geez, babe," the woman's voice scratchily spoke but feminine none the less.

Shinny blinked, shook her head and starting to realize something.

"Jan," she quizzically asked.

"Who the hell else?!" The woman became frantic by the situation, looking

over her eyes and body again. "I don't remember steppin' into no fuckin' surgeon's


"Then how else did it happen?" exasperating a continued disbelief as

she could muster.

"Don't fuckin' know that either!"

Jan grunted a high pitch grind, slamming his feminine fist into the sink

basin, which left long rows of curled finger-dented prints and chipped tile.

"Jan- Er-Just chill for a second. I don't have that kind of money to pay for

hotel damage! Do you remember anything odd going on? Right before…this?"

Brushing a side of her hair into a bigger lump.

A gruff sigh escaped his lips before uttering, "I had a crazy ass dream if

that means anything. About some catgirl. There were like thousands of those at

the convention, but this one has real ones. I rather be dreaming right now."

Jan glanced back at the mirror, tying his eyes to the distant chest of his

grilfriend's and then to his slightly bouynant form. Eager to mend the anatomies

and be relaxed for a while before going back to the convention or around any

human life.

"Now I wish your brother was here."

"Wha? I can't handle this myself?" His voiced tinged with agitation.

"Or at least that arrowhead…"

"All that would do is make more shit!" He unzipped his jacket to make an

impromtu knot, showing his new smooth midriff. "Give me some of your clothes," he

demanded."We're about the same size now."

After Shinny organized through her clothes out of the suitcase, Jan was

now decked in a pleaded black skirt that hung around his feminine knees;

unfortunately they were not the same shoe size, Jan's new persona now giving off

a dark rocker impression, hair done up in giant pigtails.

"Shortest make-over ever," Shinny pepped as she readjusted the open

jacket top over Jan's bosom. "Now how to explain this to the others."

The only possible thing to explain to Shinny's friends of Jan's "condition"

was to pass him off as a new friend she met while at the convention. She forced

Jan to stand outside the balcony of their hotel room when they arrived back in 5

minutes; she said Jan went for a pack of smokes at a store and will meet them at

the Center. Jan pretended to act like a kinky Goth girl Shinny "met up with" and

meet her the following day. Jan waved with a faux meek arm, really happy to see

Shinny when all three arrived. "She" hugged and petted Shinny, must to the

shocked looks of her friends; despite going steady with Jan, she was only a girl to

them very used to seeing as shying away from meeting oddball and immediately

upfront people that don't border the lines of personal limits. Although the girl had a

beany cap exactly like Jan's and a track suit uniquely melded to this girl's curvy

figure; they didn't think much of anything else or assumed the weirdest. Not even

with the name "Joslyn" did anything come close, thanks to Shinny's cheeky and

clever thinking.

"Joslyn" hung out with the group for a while; Jan still didn't meet with

them. Shinny got a "supposed" call from Jan saying he was down by the manga

section and would wait for them. Never the one to wait for anyone, Shinny had to

add in a kind manner to do so for her, the "angel" in his life she had to add in with

"Joslyn" rolling her eyes from behind. The next plan put Jan as Joslyn going ahead

of them, excusing herself for another vendor's stall then running to the manga

section, slouching down, scrunching a part of his long hair inside his cap and

loosening his clothes some more. Jan's other plan was taking a pair of black

cosplay pants off a sale's rack and put it on over the skirt, still not used to

shimmying up and down a pair of clothing with his new hips.

The trio arrived along the rows of manga packed neatly into cardboard

box "shelves", crowds gathering and packed in as well. Shinny nudged into Jan, his

hands in his pocket, over at the "personal" section of the vendor booth: the

doujinshi hentai section to be exact, nonchalantly looking over various fan made

comic books of erotic and over the top positions; Jan tempted to rip one open and

look for any signs of breasts available on cute looking anime girls. Shinny only

whispered, "You're doing a good job, hunny."

Jan nodded. "No sign of the catgirl, babe. Damn, wish it just showed up

like she did before. Not used to having these knockers," he adjusted the slip under

his shirt. "Bro must be having the fuckin' time of his life alone…"