Chapter 5:

"Give me the damn remote, you shitty cook!" Zoro growled threateningly.

Sanji held the remote in one hand leaning away from Zoro on the couch while he held the injured man back from grabbing it with one of his legs as the other was braced to keep him in place. Zoro was trying to reach the remote but the reach was too far in this position. Both were glaring furiously into each other's eyes tension filling the room.

"My house, my remote, therefore, I get to choose what we watch, stupid marimo!" Sanji shouted in retaliation.

"You're choosing stupid gushy chick flics!" Zoro argued.

"They're not stupid!" Sanji replied enraged. "They're romantic and beautiful!"

"It's not real, nothing like that ever happens, stupid Ero-cook!" Zoro raged.

"You don't know that!" Sanji claimed. "And what's so realistic about the stupid time traveling samurai show you want to watch so badly?"

"At least it's interesting!" Zoro retorted.

"Romance is interesting!"

Law was unsurprised when the Stawhat crew had decided to have their captain follow him back to Sanji's. Both because said Captain was so insistent on going that most of the other stopped arguing immediately and because the woman with the strange manifesting hands, Robin, had said that it would be safest if by chance something did go sideways. Law was just happy that it wasn't Robin who was going with them. He could still feel those hands on him and it was a feeling he very quickly wanted to rid himself of. He hated being touched by anyone who wasn't extremely close to him. He didn't allow anyone other than Sanji and his own crew members touch him. He would need to shower many times to wash away the memories of today and those hands.

Still, he couldn't help but find the Strawhat Captain annoying at best. He was exactly like a child, as Law led him through the streets to go to Sanji's house. For one, the teen didn't seem to value silence in the same way Law did as he never seemed to shut up.

"What was that power you used? It's a Devil's fruit, right?" Luffy babbled unaware of how uncomfortable he was making his companion with his constant chatter. "What Devil's fruit is it? I ate a Devil's fruit too! I ate the Gomu Gomu no mi."

Law sighed but replied, "Yes, I ate a Devil's Fruit; the Ope Ope no mi."

Luffys eyes shined as he said, "So Cool!"

Law sighed as he felt Luffy's shoulder against his and immediately tried to walk slightly farther away from the young man. Law wondered why he was walking so close to him anyway. They weren't friends and they'd just met so why did this guy feel the need to be so close to him. Law disliked it and it was making him uneasy. He walked faster to get to Sanji's place just a little faster.

"Does Sanji have a Devil's fruit too?" Luffy continued his rapid-fire questionnaire. "That would explain how he captured Zoro."

"Didn't your friend just explain that Sanji helped Zoro not capture him?" Law asked annoyed.

"Yeah, but Zoro doesn't really need saving." Luffy retorted. "Zoro's strong enough to escape on his own."

"Not in the condition he was last night, especially with guards tracking him and his horrible sense of direction." Law argued.

"Zoro's a funny guy, but he's strong." Luffy laughed.

"That doesn't make me feel any more comfortable with letting him stay with Sanji. In fact, it really makes me want to tell you to grab your crewmate and get out of Mariejois already." Law responds.

"Why?" Luffy asks sounding slightly offended almost like he's pouting.

"I don't trust you or your friend especially around Sanji, and I'm not about to let someone take advantage of his kindness again." Law said turning to Luffy again. "Which is why you need to understand one thing. I want you and your green haired companion out of our lives as quickly as possible, and if that means I have to force you out myself when you start to get too close to Sanji, then I will."

"Why, Zoro's a good guy," Luffy pouted.

"I have no reason to believe that, after all, you'd have plenty of reasons to lie to me." Law reasoned. "Celestial Dragons are powerful and valuable in our society and there are plenty of rebels like yourself who'd love to have one under their control. It would be like having someone on the inside, but that won't happen, at least not with Sanji, I won't let it."

"I don't know Sanji though, and we aren't like that." Luffy argues.

"I have no proof of that however, and I have no reason to trust someone who was just talking about assaulting my best friend." Law answered.

"No fair, we thought Zoro was kidnapped." Luffy muttered.

"It doesn't matter anyway, there's no reason for us to need to trust each other anyway, hopefully this will all be over quickly, and we won't ever have to see each other again. Sanji will just move on to the next sob story pet project and you and your crew can go back to doing whatever you do."

"I going to be King of the Rebels, and I'm going to beat up all those people who made this world like this." Luffy announces enough to draw a little attention from everyone else passing by.

"Good luck with that," Law huffed. "there's no chance you can do that as you are now. It's not even something I'm capable of yet."

"Hey, are you saying you're better than me?" Luffy askes slightly irritated.

"Someone as oblivious as you has no chance of making any long term changes." Law responds. "Let's be generous and say you can beat up everyone you aim to, you still would have to be able to enact the correct changes that would stop a power vacuum from being created in those people's absence. Something tells me that you aren't the type of person who thinks that far ahead."

"Robin can figure that stuff out though," Luffy responded. "I'm not alone. I have my crew, they'll figure that out."

"So, you basically don't have any plans." Law states unimpressed, before he notices the news on some screens in an electronics store, and a familiar face that sparks intense hatred within him.

Luffy opens his mouth to respond when he notices that Law has stopped in front of the electronics stores with screens showing the news of the day. Laws muscles are tense and Luffy can sense that something is wrong. He retraces his steps to stand beside Law.

"Renown criminal and rebel Don Flamingo, has spent the last fourteen years in Impel Down, a maximum-security prison, after he was found guilty of multiple counts of abuse, assault, exploitation of a child, and threatening a Celestial Dragon. However, Warden Magellen has announces today that Don Flamingo will be moved to lower security prison for his good behavior. Magellen said that he was personally against the move but that the order was passed down from very high in the chain of command." A female reporter explains.

"Many experts worry that this will move will drive the man's rebel companions to try to break him out of his new jail. Don Flamingo's crew has remained active while he was imprisoned, although less so than when he was free." A male reporter picks up.

"Bullshit." Law breathes quietly. "As if you assholes didn't plan for exactly that to happen, anyone can guess that."

"Do you know that guy?" Luffy asks.

Law realizes that he's given a little bit more away then he wanted to in concerns to Luffy. He didn't need the Strawhat captain to know anything about him and Don flamingo, however he did need to get home and warn Sanji that this was happening. He had always worried that this day would come, but Don Flamingo had been locked up tight in the lowest level of Impel Down and he had been safe as long as that was the case. So why was he being moved now of all times.

"This move will be happening in a couple weeks, as many lawmakers and military try to convince officials to renege this proposal because of the risk of the prisoner escaping." The female reporter added before shifting attention to another topic. "In other news, Transponder snails are growing rapidly in popularity and that may cause an unexpected shortage."

"It's nothing," Law replies after a long pause. "We should continue on, Sanji and Zoro might be wondering if I'd decided to just go ahead and decapitate the lot of you."

"Hey, that's not cool!"

Marco walked through the lowest Caste district, not knowing exactly where he was going, and not caring too much about speed. He needed time to process everything he learned from Shanks. What was the best way to approach the boy now that Shanks had given away his plan and what exactly should his actions be now that he knew what the stakes were for Ace. Ace will see right through everything he tries to do to win him over now. However, he'll also see through whatever Ace tries to do to lure him into his death as well.

He worries that Shanks will let Ace know that Marco is on to his plan now. However, it didn't particularly matter, Ace would most likely still try to kill him with his brother's life being at stake. If would be best if Shanks kept his mouth shut, but he couldn't guarantee that he would. If Ace found out that Marco knew about his assassination plan, Marco doubted any amount of acting would allow Ace to believe that Marco was falling into his trap.

Acting would be dangerous as well, there was a reason why Marco didn't let many people close to him after all. It's hard to not develop some sort of feeling for other people if they were close to you all the time. It also didn't help that Ace was fairly attractive either, however it had been a long time since Marco had allowed himself to notice that about anyone. In truth, the last person he had thought that about was the man whose underground casino he had just left and that was when they we younger and Marco hadn't been aware of his powers effects quite yet.

Back then, he was the one that Shanks had been pursuing and at first the constant flirting had been quite annoying. He had his powers for about ten years at that point and at the time he'd thought maybe he was one of those lucky people that still looked young despite not being it. Perhaps, he had just not wanted to accept the consequences of his new-found powers. He had still been Oyaji's son back then and the red-heads constant nagging him to leave also annoyed him. Looking back Marco didn't quite understand why he'd agreed to their tryst to begin with.

Although calling it a tryst was probably going too far. They'd never been romantically interested in each other really although they did engage in a bit foreplay when they would meet. However, they weren't ever dating. It was more like two people that found each other physically attractive fulfilling each other's needs since neither of them had a partner. Their sessions were always quick and passionate, but no words of love were ever whispered between them. It was a several months into their arrangement that Marco had come a across a rare encyclopedia of all the Devil's fruits and had realized the full extent of what his did.

For three weeks after finding out that information he had locked himself in his house and refused to come out or answer the door for anyone. He'd even put several locks on the secret passage that led from his house to some of his brother's. Needless to say, his family had started to panic, when they knocked and shouted the only response he would give them was to tell them to leave him alone. He couldn't come to terms with the fact that they all would die and he would be left behind in the world all alone forever.

It was eventually Oyaji himself that came and broke down the door to his house to get through to him. He hadn't even gotten up from being curled up under the covers in his bed when he heard the door getting broken down. He figured if someone was there to kill him that they'd be unable to anyway. However, as the footsteps of the intruder got closer he was able to recognize them as Oyaji's. He didn't bother to get up or try to make himself presentable, so the man came to stand by the bed.

"You're worrying everyone, Marco." Oyaji chided softly. "To be hiding in your bed not coming out when your family is worried about you is childish beyond measure for your age and intelligence. You're the one who's in charge of watching over everyone else, things haven't gone as smoothly in your absence. We need you Marco. So, what has you so upset to be hiding here?"

"That, yoi." Marco grumbled and point at the dreadful book still sitting on his end-table.

Marco was only partially visible with only his one arm and the upper part of his head sticking out of his covers, which made Oyaji think of a small child. It made him remember that Marco had been very young when he'd became his first son and the way the man had been as a child.

Marco watched hesitantly as Oyaji moved to the end table to look at the book which had been left open to the page about Marco's devils fruit. Oyaji raised an eyebrow as if to question why a book had his first commander locking himself away from the world. Oyaji carefully picked up the old and rare book and started to read the passage. Marco watched expectantly as he watched his father's eye go back and forth reading each line. Slowly he watched the man's mouth become a thin line and Marco knew that he'd now understood exactly why he didn't want to move from his bed anymore.

"You're all going to die." Marco spoke sadly. "We're rebels so we face death every day, but I thought at least I stood about the same chance of dying as everyone else, but that's not true, yoi. I haven't aged since I ate the fruit, now I know that I can't ever age. Even if everyone survives until they die of old age, I'll still have to watch them grow old and die and I won't be able to do so alongside them. All of you will die and I'll be left alone, so what's the point of being close to anyone, if I'm just going to end up miserable and alone in the end."

So, you're going to stay here and mourn for people who haven't even died yet?" Oyaji grumbled. "You're already too close to everyone to pull away now. If you stay locked up here, you'll just miss out on the years that you can have to be with your family; a family that depends on and loves you very much. You're not saving yourself from any pain this way, Marco, you're just giving tomorrows problem control over your life today."

"If I had known the consequences, I would've never have eaten that fruit." Marco stated curling up more into himself.

"And you're planning on traveling through time to stop yourself?"

"No, yoi."

"Then there's no point in thinking about something that's impossible." Oyaji said with a sigh. "I won't tell you what you should do. You already know that you'll always be my son even if you decide to become a hermit that hide away from the world because he's too afraid of being hurt. However, if there's one thing about family that you should understand by now, it's that family never stops growing even as time continues to move on. The original members of your family may be gone but there will always be others that come to be a part of it as long as you keep your heart and mind open."

Oyaji's words had reached him back then and made him feel better although not really any less depressed about the fact that he would lose everyone he knew and loved eventually. He had gone back to be an important part of their family then, hoping that Oyaji was correct and that he'd never truly be alone because his family would always keep growing.

However, he'd never again allowed himself to engage in the world of romance. Sometimes, he'd have a one-night stand to satisfy his needs, but he'd never date anyone or have another arrangement like what he'd had with Shanks. In his opinion, even something like that was too dangerous for him. He couldn't imagine being in love with someone, and loving them more than anyone or anything else, and then having to watch them age and die and not being able to do so alongside them. Marco prided himself on knowing exactly how much pain he could withstand, and he knew without trying that losing someone that important was something that he wouldn't be able to endure.

As, Marco walks through the lowest caste district thinking of such things of his fate and what he should do about Teach, he's unaware of a man that walks towards his direction. That man, Monkey D. Garp, is also lost in his own thoughts to some extent. Garp's mind is preoccupied with thoughts of his grandsons, of mistakes he made, and how he wanted to prevent himself from allowing them to be repeated. Garp couldn't allow Luffy to fall victim to the same fate as Ace had and, in his mind, Garp thought that keeping the two of them apart was the best action to accomplish that goal.

Garp had come all the way out to the lowest caste district that day to track down Ace and to beat some sense into him. Garp knew that Ace would never intentionally hurt Luffy or get him involved in a situation that would get him sentenced to be an untouchable, but that didn't change the fact that being around Ace was dangerous for Luffy. If someone with a golden collar or higher tried to hurt or even threatened Ace, Garp knew that Luffy would intervene, and that would be more than enough to earn him the same fate as Ace himself, especially if Luffy fought with someone like that. Therefore, even if his two grandsons loved each other like brothers, he couldn't allow them to meet. It was too dangerous for Luffy to be involved in Ace's life anymore. If only they weren't so stubborn and would listen to a word he said.

However, it was the familiar figure of a very wanted individual that pulled Garp out of his thoughts. Marco, after all, was a very recognizable man, especially with the large tattoo boldly showing on his uncovered chest. Garp was distracted from his hunt to find Ace as he wondered why Whitebeard's right-hand man would be wandering around the lowest caste district. Garp was disturbed and annoyed at the blond man's presence.

"What are you doing so far away from Whitebeard territory, Phoenix." Garp asked crossing his arms and standing up straight in an imposing manner.

Marco looked at the marine with a bored expression. Now that he'd been made aware of the man's presence, Marco wondered why such a high-level marine would be in the lowest caste district, everyone knew that the marines couldn't care less about the citizens who lived here. Marco looked the man from head to toe and raised an eyebrow wondering if the man thought his stance was intimidating when Marco just thought it seemed like the man had a literal stick up his ass. Marco couldn't help but smirk in his lazy way and place a hand on his hip as his posture remained relaxed in front of such a dangerous opponent.

"I could ask you a similar question, yoi." Marco replies in a state of amusement. "It's strange to see someone as important as you out on these humble streets. You're also fairly close to Shanks' territory, which I wouldn't suggest you venture into when you're alone like this. I may have an agreement with Shanks, but I highly doubt you can say the same. So, why would a marine come all the way out here, yoi?"

"I'm free to go wherever I want, because, unlike you, I'm not a wanted criminal and rebel." Garp responds stiffly. "You're also here alone, I see. Without any of your family around, maybe I should take this opportunity to put you where you belong; the lowest level of Impel Down."

"I think you'd be the one needing reinforcements if we were to fight, yoi." Marco said with a small smile. "Being able to capture me is an impossible dream for you, especially when you're here alone. I always thought you had all your marine underlings following you around, but I suppose you weren't wise enough to bring them along with you today."

"You Devil's fruit users think you're invincible, but how many of you are dead or imprisoned because of me?" Garp boasts.

"Perhaps you're partially right, yoi." Marco remarked with a shrug. "You've made quite the name for yourself. However, I'm not some overconfident young-blood that's just starting out. I know how to deal with pesky marines like you, I've been doing it for a long time now. I know that your haki won't help you if you can't even hit me, and I don't think you'd be able to if we were to be serious about fighting today. So why don't you tell me why a vice fleet admiral is walking through the lowest cast district looking like he really wants to hit something, or rather someone?"

"It's nothing that concerns you or your family and even if it did I would never tell you." Garp growls. "I should be the one asking you what you're doing here. Is Whitebeard planning on making a move in this area? Is that why he sent his first mate to scope out the area or are you acting on your own as you've been know to do from time to time only calling in the old man when you need to."

"It's more along the lines of correcting a mistake." Marco supplied nonchalantly, knowing that Garp wouldn't know how to make heads or tails of that statement.

Garp grunts noncommittally. Marco eyes the marine curiously, as the man doesn't seem too interested in attacking him no matter what threats come out of his mouth. The marine is merely keeping him in the area, he's not rushing to attack him as most marines would have by now. However, Garp wasn't nearly as dumb as he seemed sometimes, and Marco knew that very well. Maybe that's why the marine hadn't attacked him as it wouldn't make sense to attack an opponent you weren't sure you could handle especially if alone. Still, that peaked Marco's curiosity even more as he itched to gage the famous marine's prowess for himself. Marco thought that he might want to try to get a rise out of the old marine, of course he wouldn't stick around for long, but it would be valuable information for him to have in the future.

"Why would the World government care if we were to make a move in this district as you say, yoi?" Marco asked starting to bait the other man. "Everyone knows how little the government and the marines care about the residents of this district and the lowest caste in general. Your laws don't protect them in the slightest, you won't even allow them to get treatment for their injuries and illnesses. I doubt that any of you would think that their lives are worth saving, yoi."

"You shut your damn mouth phoenix, or you'll be finding my fist in it soon." Garp threatened.

Garp can't help but have his mind drift to Ace as worry and a small amount of guilt coils in his stomach. He'd always tried not to think about what Ace had to deal with, maybe to spare himself the pain or maybe to stop himself from interfering with justice, if one could call it justice. He couldn't help but feel dread surround him when he thought of a future where Ace could be injured and turned away from any doctor because they wouldn't dirty their hands and facilities by helping an untouchable. Garp knew that Ace and others like him were always close to death in that way, but he despised having a rebel of all people reminding him of such.

"I'm sure the people of this district would fair much better if we were to take over this area. We would help them, unlike you." Marco ranted. "We would protect them, unlike you. And yet, you have the nerve to call us criminal when you all have more blood on your hands than the lot of us combined, yoi."

Marco can see how much his words are agitating the other man, and he can't help the smirk that forms on his face. He does enjoy making others see the hypocrisy in their way of life, and there was no more obvious hypocrisy than that of the marine who were supposed to protect the weak abandoning the weakest and most abused of society. He can feel feather—light flames gently, yet threateningly, rolling off his form. He was only speaking the truth, but he can easily see how much his words are irking the marine opposite him. He knew he should be watching his tongue a little more, after all, Garp was far from the worst marine Marco had the displeasure to meet. Garp, at the very least, didn't go out of his way to abuse the less fortunate, as Marco knew many marines did. However, that didn't excuse the man from standing idly by and allowing it to happen.

"Shut your damn mouth before I decide to take you in." Garp bellowed, cracking his knuckles.

"I'd like to see…" Marco began before he was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Gramps?" A confused and mildly scared voice cuts in.

Both men turn towards the new arrival, instantly forgetting that they were about to fight each other. Marco is surprised to see Ace off to the side of the road, having just come out from a side street holding a small bag of foodstuffs having obviously just come from purchasing them at the market. Marco frowns as he doesn't quite understand the situation.

"Ace!" Garp roars angrily as he finds his target, and subsequently forgets about Marco's presence entirely.

Marco slightly jumps at Garps sudden outrageous outburst, as he tries to understand how exactly how his would-be assassin and the famous marine know each other. He's surprised as he's trying to comprehend this new information that Garp rushes right past him and after Ace.

"Shit, shit, shit," Ace curses as he takes off running in an attempt to escape from the marine suddenly pursuing him.

"Don't you dare run from me you fire-brat." Garp yells chasing after his grandson furiously.

Marco stands there, still and numb as he comes to terms with the fact that a famous marine ignored a famous rebel like himself to chase after Ace. He stared blankly after them and the dust they've kicked up wondering what happened between those two to cause such a situation to occur. It made Marco wonder if there wasn't a lot more to Ace than what Marco knew about currently. Why would someone from the untouchable caste know such an important military man? Unless, of course, Garp had been the one to make Ace an untouchable, but Marco couldn't know for sure. He's heard Ace say the word 'gramps' however he didn't quite understand how they would possibly be grandfather and grandson. Had Ace done something really terrible to get on the governments bad side as well? He didn't seem like the type of kid to do something to warrant such a reaction especially when Marco was also present. Regardless, Marco knew he needed to follow the two of them instead of standing around guessing at what could have caused such a strange turn of events. Now, he was already a couple of minutes behind the two. Marco transforms into his phoenix form and takes to the sky after them.

Ace clutches his bag of groceries tightly as he runs a fast as he can away from his violent family member. He tries turning into fire to leap over building in an attempt to lose the older man but that only results in Garp bulldozing right through the buildings separating them. Ace knows the old man is serious about catching him, but he doesn't understand why Garp would come all the way out here this time. He had known that the two guards that chased him after he'd tried to get to the Sunny, would inform Garp about what happened, but he didn't expect Garp to go through the trouble of coming all the way out here to find him. After all this wasn't the first time he'd come close to being captured by those guards when he'd tried to meet up with Luffy. Why was the old man coming after him so seriously this time?

"Why can't you just leave me alone already?" Ace angrily screamed back at the man chasing him.

"If you just did what I told you to then I wouldn't have to track you down and discipline you." Garp shouted in return.

"Like hell I'm going to listen to you, crazy old man." Ace yelled in response before noticing that he'd run straight into a dead-end alleyway. "Shit."

"There's no where left to run, Ace." Garp gloated. "Now I can straighten you out with my fists of love."

"No matter how many times you hit me, now matter how much it hurts, I'm never going to stop trying to see him." Ace declared even as he tried to shrink back from the marine. "We're brothers. No matter how many guards you place around him or how much you threaten me, I'll always find a way to be there for him."

Garp surged forward aiming at Ace's face, and Ace barely manages to get his arms up in time to block the hit, but his arms ache from taking it. Ace stumbles back a bit, but manages to keep his footing. He hated that his powers didn't protect him when Garp attacked. It seemed that whenever he really needed his powers they just weren't enough to fend off the attacks; whether in concerns to his grandfather or Teach. Ace glared at the marine, but bit back a response that he knew would only cause the man to level more attacks at him.

"You know I only keep the two of you apart to protect him." Garp growled. "The more time he spends with you, the more likely he'll be to end up like you; an untouchable."

"I would never do anything that would cause that to happen." Ace exclaimed angrily, unable to hold the words back. "I would never let him do something that would cause that to happen. I would never hurt him like that. He's my crybaby little brother, and I love him too much to let that happen."

"Even if you wouldn't intend for it to happen, Luffy being around you is too much of a risk for me to just stand idly by." Garp explained. "If he knew everything the other castes can and often do to people of your caste, do you think he'd be able to sit back and watch it happen to you? If he got between you and someone of too high of a caste like, god forbid, a Celestial Dragon, well you know exactly what would happen to him, don't you?"

"What, with you just standing there watching while they drag him away to hurt him the same way they did me, whist you do nothing to stop it." Ace spat as he remembered things better left forgotten.

Garp flinched at the venom in Ace's words, as if they had physically struck him. They caused him to feel like a giant hole had been opened in his chest and the pain radiated from there throughout his chest. He found comfort in telling himself that there was nothing that he could've done, that it was beyond his control. However, sometimes he couldn't help but worry that those sweet things he told himself weren't true at all, but just a way to clear his conscience. He breathed slowly, but even as he recovered he was still seething enraged.

"I did everything I could for you." Garp stated. "You were the one who threw that away. I can't help you anymore, not where you are now. I can only protect Luffy now, and I don't care what I have to do to accomplish that, even if that means I have to tear you two apart from each other."

"How are you protecting him by keeping us apart." Ace questioned somberly, not accepting Garp's excuses. "You're only hurting both of us by keeping us apart."

"I'm keeping him from doing stupid things that could get him punished. We both know that he'd try to protect you if he knew what you had to deal with daily, and that alone could be enough to make him into an untouchable." Garp argued. "If you keep trying to reach out to him even after I've told you this hundreds of times, then I'll have to force the two of you apart myself."

"How," Ace asked incredulously. "Are you going to arrest me, lock me up in Impel Down, and throw away the key. Or are you just going to have me executed and get rid of the burden you've had to bare this whole time? Do you think Luffy will ever trust you again if you do that? Do you think he'd be okay with that outcome? Do you think that would keep him safe and happy?"

"I don't think I'd need to go that far." Garp says grimly. "I'd just need to tell him what you've been doing to make a living lately. Tell me how long have you been selling yourself as a whore?"

Ace froze stiffly, and he could feel the blood drain from his face. He'd never thought that Garp would learn about his job with Teach. He even begged Teach not to give him any marine clients so that he could hide the information from Garp and Luffy. He never wanted either of them to find out about it, and Teach had eventually agreed to that one rule, not wanting Garp to find out either. Ace didn't understand how Garp could have come across that information, he'd never spoken about it with anyone other than Shanks and even if Zoro had somehow figured it out since they lived together Ace was sure the swordsman wouldn't have betrayed his trust like that. So, how would Garp have found out after all this time?

"How," Ace asked hoarsely.

"How did I find out you mean." Garp replied. "A criminal I captured a week ago decided to rub in my face that fact that my grandson was a whore." Garp paused but then continued as Ace didn't say anything in defense of himself. Garp watched the younger man closely seeing the pain and shame on Ace's face grow as he spoke. "I was so shocked that he started to tell me how much you cost and exactly what he'd done to you before I caved his face in. He didn't even make it to Impel Down after that, but I doubt anyone will miss him too much. And you don't even deny it. Do you really think that you have any right to be around Luffy when that is how you've decided to live?"

"I didn't decide anything," Ace said with a voice that was below a whisper and he brought his hands up to his head wishing he could cover his ears, close his eyes, and pretend this wasn't happening.

"You dare think that you're deserving of being around Luffy when you allow anyone who pays do whatever they want to you." Garp accuses. "Do you think Luffy needs to be around someone like you? I'd guess that you wouldn't want him to figure out about your profession. Which is exactly why you're never going to go anywhere near him even again, because if you do I'm going to tell him everything that filth told me before I ended his life."

"You wouldn't," Ace accused.

"I don't think you should take that chance." Garp responded. "It's as I said, I'd do anything to protect Luffy."

Garp turned to leave and panic ran through Ace. He felt that if he let Garp leave unchallenged then he really would never see Luffy again, as he couldn't stomach the thought of Luffy ever finding out about his secret. However, he also couldn't stand to never see him again. He couldn't lose Luffy, even if it was just by not being able to see him again. He'd already lost too much, he couldn't lose Luffy too.

Ace leaped forward with a sudden need to stop Garp from leaving, to convince him to change his mind. Ace reached out and grabbed one of Garp's elbows in an attempt to make him stay and listen to reason. However, Ace was too reckless in his actions and Garp didn't take kindly to being held back. Garp quickly spun back and punched Ace in his solar plexus, causing the man to lose his breath, and double over, gasping for air. Ace peaked out from underneath his bangs as he saw another punch directed at his face. He squeezed his eyes closed waiting for the hit, but it didn't come.

"I see I was mistaken about you, Garp." A familiar voice said. "You are the worst the marines have to offer, yoi. I had thought that you had morals at least, but I see that I was wrong."

"Phoenix," Garp growls.

Ace straightens out after catching his breath to see Marco standing there with an annoyed expression on his face holding back Garp's arm that was about to strike Ace again. Ace meets Marco's eyes to see concern there before he tears his eyes away for the blond, ashamed of what the blond must have seen and heard before he intervened.

"What kind of person treats their family this way, yoi." Marco askes with a glare directed at the old marine. "Even when my siblings fight we'd never intentionally hurt each other like this. You have no right to call him family if that's how you're going to treat him."

"Mind your own business, criminal." Garp spat, turning his attention to the famous rebel. "He knows why this is happening. He brought this on himself."

"You sound just like every other abusive bastard I've ever met, yoi." Marco commented. "You go around hurting him and then act like somehow it's his fault when you're just taking your anger out on him. At least the word family has more meaning to us 'criminals' than it has for 'heroes' like you."

"I'm protecting my family."

"By hurting them, I doubt that, yoi." Marco retorts.

"Shut up," Garp bellowed leveling a fist at Marco.

Marco can see the move easily, as Garp allowed himself to become agitated, thus making himself too obvious in his actions. Marco ducked underneath the blow and kicked the marine in the leg with his full strength making the marine loose his footing and tumble clumsily to the ground. Marco ignored the marine who cursed him under his breath and reached out to take Ace's hand.

"Let's leave, shall we, yoi?" Marco asked casually before tugging Ace along with him as they sprinted out of the alley, away from the enraged marine.

Marco ran, pulling a confused Ace along away from Garp. However, he could hear the old man's footsteps heavy behind them. He sensed an item being thrown at them by the man and quickly moved so that he could see what looked to be a large rock fly past them swiftly.

"He's a tough one to escape, isn't he?" Marco remarks jovially, sneaking a glace back at a stressed Ace.

"Unfortunately," Ace replied. "How are we going to get away?"

"I have an idea, yoi." Marco said with an aloof smile. "Jump onto my back and wrap your arms around my neck. I'll take it from there."

"What," Ace asked in a stunned manner.

"Just trust me, I won't disappoint you, yoi." Marco reassured.

Ace didn't know exactly what Marco was planning, as his mind was too busy coming to terms with everything Garp had told him to remember what Shanks had said about Marco's devil's fruit. Ace decided that he didn't really have any option other than relying on the blond male in front of him and that he would just have to trust him this once.

"Ok," Ace agreed and was treated to a small smile from Marco in response.

Ace, having made his decision, tries not to think about what might happen if they don't escape, although he's beginning to think Marco could probably handle that situation. Ace leaps toward Marco and wraps his arms around the man's necks in one swift motion, even with his bag of groceries still dangling from his arm. As soon as Marco feels the added weight on his back he allows his phoenix form to overtake him.

Marco hears Ace gasp as the take off from the ground and into the sky. With a few beats of his fiery wings they're far above Garp and the buildings below. Ace shift to look out at the cityscape below him. His arms are still wrapped securely around Marco's neck and he could feel all those flaming feathers gently brushing against him but not burning him. With the wind against his face, Ace wondered if this was what real freedom felt like. He let himself relax a little against Marco as they flew, and just tried to enjoy the fleeting feeling for as long as it would last.

Luffy's jaw was hanging wide open and had been ever since they entered the highest caste district after showing the guards at the gate Law's lifetime pass he'd received from Sanji. Law didn't blame Luffy for his shock, had he not been in such a horrible state when he'd first moved in with Sanji, he'd have probably been in the same awed state.

"It's weird isn't it?" Law asked, for the first time in their walk starting up conversation himself. "Each one of these estates is only for one person or one family, but those of the lowest district don't even have room for all of them even if they lived with three families in a single shack."

"They're all so big." Luffy admitted. "Why?"

"Do they need a reason to hoard space and wealth other than the fact that they can." Law asked with a bored expression. "When you give anyone unlimited power you're taking a very large risk that they'll abuse it."

"But you said that Sanji wasn't like that." Luffy says.

"He's not," Law agreed, "I make no promises about everyone else here. Just make sure you stick close to me. Most people here know that I'm a close friend of Sanji's so as long as you're with me, you'll be fine. Although, they probably view it a little differently than Sanji and I do."

"What do you mean?" Luffy asked naively.

"Besides Sanji, all Celestial Dragons view the other castes as below them, like animals not humans." Law explained in monotone. "They probably think I'm Sanji's servant or slave, maybe even a pet of his. But, they don't know Sanji and they would never understand his propensity for helping others, even if they don't always deserve it."

"You don't think Zoro deserves his help?" Luffy asked in a concerned manner.

"I don't know." Law admitted, although he hated that he had to.

Luffy went silent again while they continued walking. Law looked over to him and saw a very serious thinking face that he had to admit was somewhat adorable. From what he'd seen of the boy so far, he was very unserious, so it was almost odd to see such a stern expression on his face. Law huff a small laugh at that, but still hoped that all these strange people would get out of his and Sanji's life soon. They were quiet until they got to Sanji's estate. Law knew it was by far the smallest in the district, but still it was probably ginormous in comparison to anything Luffy had seen before entering Mariejois.

"This is it." Law said as he held open the gate to Sanji's lawn.

Luffy whistles in appreciation of the mansion in front of him as well as the well-kept lawn that had a few fruit trees scattered about it. The waning hues of the sun glistened off the building, making it seem all the more impressive. Law couldn't help the smirk of bemusement that crossed his face, but he banished it as quickly as it came. They arrive at the door and notices that there scuffling sounds and cursing coming from inside. Law turns to Luffy with a glare.

"I swear if we open this door and your friend is trying to kill Sanji, I will murder the both of as painfully as I can." Law threatened.

"Zoro wouldn't do that!" Luffy replies.

"So you keep saying," Law grouses.

Law opens the door and Luffy tries to peer around him. The scene that is unfolding before them is something similar to what one would expect in a comedy movie, although that doesn't stop it from annoying Law. Sanji was pushing upwards on Zoro with one of his legs, trying to get the larger man off of him while Zoro was over him trying to wrench a remote control for a TV out of Sanji's hands.

"God damn it, Marimo get off of me before you open up your stupid wounds." Sanji growled through gritted teeth.

"Give me the remote then, Eyebrows." Zoro snarled right back. "I'm not watching any more stupid romance films."

"Never!" Sanji yelled in defiance.

Luffy's laughter was sudden but somewhat expected on Law's part. How else could he expect the jubilant young man to react to what they were watching? Law turned to look at the Strawhat wearing man. He was just in time to see him double over with laughter, and Law thought that soon the boy would be rolling on the ground with it.

"Luffy," Zoro shouted in annoyance as he realized that his captain was laughing at him.

"Oh Law, you're back." Sanji commented nonchalantly as he kicked Zoro off him while the man was distracted with the arrival of his captain.

"Shit-cook," Zoro growled as he was forced off the blond and onto the floor unceremoniously.

"Yes, I'm back and I see you two have been having fun in my absence." Law replied. "While you two were squabbling over a trivial choice of channel I went and found that his captain and his crewmembers plotting to attack you."

"Hey that not fair!" Luffy shouted in retort. "We thought Zoro was kidnapped."

"I was," Zoro grumbled. "Blondie won't let me leave, even now."

"Because you're wounded, moss for brains." Sanji reminded. "Are you two just going to stand in the doorway or are you actually going to come inside?"

Law and Luffy enter the mansion and close the door swiftly behind them. Law immediately crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Sanji. Sanji could tell that something was wrong and that there was something Law needed to talk to him about. He wrapped his arms around the raven-haired man and opened his mouth to say something, but Law cut him off.

"I got felt up by disembodied hands today." Law grumbled as he buried his head in Sanji's neck. "And that wasn't even the worst part. We have to talk later."

"Okay," Sanji said with a nod as he rubbed Law's back.

"Seriously what are you two?" Zoro couldn't help but ask.

"Friends," Law and Sanji replied at the same time.

"You must be best friends then, Zoro doesn't like it when I hug him." Luffy added.

"You usually do it right before you fling us all somewhere after forgetting that we aren't all made of rubber." Zoro grumbled.

"So we can escape," Luffy agrees with a nod.

"So, are you going to introduce us moss-head?" Sanji asks raising an eyebrow.

"Damn shit cook," Zoro mutters under his breath before doing as he's told. "This is my captain Monkey D. Luffy of the Strawhat Pirates."

"I'm Sanji, it's nice to meet you." Sanji says courteously while reaching out to shake Luffy's hand while Law remains clinging to him.

"Nice to meet you too," Luffy replies, "But why aren't you wearing the space suit? I thought all Celestial Dragons worn them?"

"Well most do, but I don't." Sanji replied. "I don't have the same opinions of the lower castes as they do. Plus, those things are hideous, and I will never wear one. I prefer dress suits. Also those suits are probably impossible to fight or cook in."

"Ohh, you cook?" Luffy asked already drooling while Sanji thought he could see meat reflected in the boy's eyes.

"He's the best cook." Law replies, finally releasing Sanji.

"Can you cook meat?" Luffy inquires excitedly.

"I can." Sanji responds.

"Yes!" Luffy shouts. "I want to eat! I'm starving!"

"He never said he would cook for you." Law growls. "We only brought you here so that you could know that we didn't kill your friend, so now that it's done you can leave."

"Law," Sanji scolds. "It's not a problem if he's hungry."

"But you already took in one stray," Law reasons. "If you keep feeding them then they'll just keep coming back."

"I'm not a stray," Zoro argues.

"But I'm hungry," Luffy whines.

"I'll just whip up something quick then he can leave." Sanji decides.

Ugh I take so long to do anything anymore. Sorry for the delay, again. I've just had horrible writer's block on everything lately. This could've been longer, but I felt like I wanted to just get what I had out there. Anyway, hope you liked it. Please leave review. Love Ya'll- LPC