Hello I thought I'd start this New Year off with a new story, and what better way to start with a Naruto crossover with one of my favorite DC shows.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Justice League. I make no profit off this fanfiction, only fun and entertainment.

The pilot of the story is this, Naruto enters the DC Universe after giving up his life to win the Fourth Great Shinobi War.

For those curious about whom I'll pair Naruto with, it'll be with multiple girls but I won't say their names. You'll have to wait and see how things develop but don't let that stop you from guessing.

Naruto will be at the age of 17 when he goes to the DC Universe.

Prologue: Death & Rebirth


Unknown to the people in Metropolis a figure stood high above one of the tallest buildings in the city. The person in question wore a red and silver armor with a high armored collar and shoulderguards, in the center of his chest was a dragon's crest, black gauntlets, dark blue pants, two ninja pouches on both sides of his waist, and sliver boots with yellow rings at the top. He also wore a black mask with blue fame pattern with two eye holes.

"I still find it hard to believe how this all happened." he said to himself.


The Five Great Counties formed an alliance to prevent Madara from trapping the world in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Sadly countless shinobi had been killed in battle. Kabuto helped Madara with the Edo Tensei. Thanks to Itachi putting Kabuto under the effects of Izanami, controlling him into undoing the Edo Tensei. All those brought to life by the Edo Tensei returned to the realm of the dead expect for Madara who defeated the Five Kage before joining the fight with his partner Obito. Kakashi's former teammate who'd been posing as Madara, and the reason Naruto's were killed something he could never forgive or forget. Had it not been for him he would've had parents growing up, and his childhood wouldn't have been a living hell.

No matter how much he hated Obito he needed to stay calm and not let his anger get the better of him. Cause the fate of the world rest upon stopping them from succeeding with their plans. Naruto took Obito down with a sneak attack from his Rasengan, piecing his heart, thanks to Kakashi he got Obito to use up a large amount of his charka, making it easy for Naruto to kill him.

Obito might be dead but that didn't mean it they won just yet. Madara proved himself to be a tough opponent, if that weren't bad enough he revived the Juubi without sealing the Hachibi and Kyuubi. Naruto did his best to fight the Juubi in Bijuu Mode despite Kurama's warning of being too strong for him to handle. True to his warning, the Juubi overwhelmed him as a result Bijuu Mode wore off from exhaustion. Placing him and his comrades in a bad situation, luckily for them the Shinobi Alliance arrived much to Madara's annoyance.

The Shinobi Alliance hit the Juubi with everything they had, still it did them no good. While they were fighting the Juubi, Sakura was healing Naruto injuries. Someone else made their way onto the battlefield, it was no other than Sasuke himself.

"It's been a long been awhile since we last saw each other, dobe. Still the hopeless loser I see." Sasuke smirked, not even paying Naruto any attention.

His former teammates and everyone else were surprised that the young Uchiha was now taking part in the battle. Every Kumo-nin glared murderously at Sasuke, being responsible for their Raikage losing his left arm and wanted to may him pay. But for now they had to remain focused on the task at hand. The Kumo-nin weren't the ones who was resentful towards Sasuke, Kurama growled within Naruto's subconscious wanting nothing more than to tear him apart.

Naruto chuckled ignoring Sasuke's insult. "Good to see you too, Teme. What do you say we take Madara down?"

"Just don't get in my way, loser." Sasuke replied.

"Oh Sasuke-kun I knew you won't let the Akatsuki to manipulate you. Not for an instant did I ever believe you'd ever do such horrible things." Sakura squealed with hearts in her eyes.

Everyone sighed in annoyance seeing the pink-haired Chunin break into her fan girl phase, and on the battlefield no less. Naruto on the other hand, had expected this kind of reaction from the kunoichi.

"Watch and learn Naruto, I'll show you how a true ninja fights." the young Uchiha boosted activating his Sharingan, rushing over to Madara. "Madara, I challenge you to see which one of us is the superior Uchiha."

"You honestly think you're a match for me? Madara inquired darkly, crossing his arms. "I'll kill you before you can even blink, however since you're an Uchiha I'll give you an offer and let you live, join me and together we can lead this world to peace."

"I'll pass, the only thing I want from you is your life, Susanoo." Sasuke yelled as tall purple skeleton possesses demonic horns, a long appendage on its chin, and a malevolent grin surround him. The upper half of Susanoo is materialized, with legs becoming common once it reaches its full humanoid form.

"Very well then you had your chance. You'll have plenty of time to rethink your decision, after you're dead." Madara charged with the Juubi.

The two Uchiha clashed sending a powerful shockwave across the battlefield. Everyone distanced themselves away from the battle as possible, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Sasuke stroke the Juubi multiple times with his sword but didn't cause any permanent damage, he then used Amaterasu to trap the Juubi in it's place and finally hitting the beast with it.

Although it appeared that Sasuke had the upper hand only for his short victory to be torn away as the black flames disappeared.

"That's it, that's all you've got? If that's the full extent of your powers then I am deeply disappointed." the Uchiha leader looks at Sasuke with disgust in his eyes.

"What did you do, why did the black flames of Amaterasu extinguish like that?" Sasuke demand.

"It's one of the powers of the Rinnegan, allowing the user to the ability to absorb chakra in any form. That also includes physical contact, any ninjutsu you try to use against me will be absorbed." Madara answered.

"If that the case then I'll cut your eyes out." Sasuke declared, ready to attack.

"Unlikely, I've humored you long enough. The time has come for you to die now, and for this world to sleep forever."

"Me die, I don't think so. I am Sasuke Uchiha, I shall never fall." he cried.

"You may be an Uchiha but that doesn't mean, you're my equal. In the entire history of the Uchiha clan, I've seen many with potential but when I look at you, all I see is a failure who was only lucky to be born into a noble clan." Madara taunts.

I'LL KILL YOU!" Sasuke yells.

A sadistic smile appeared on the Uchiha leader's face. "What a fool, Juubi annihilate him."

The Juubi opened its mouth preparing to unleash a Bijuu Bomb. On the sidelines everyone was watching the two Uchiha go at it, during the battle the Five Kage recovered and made it to the battlefield thanks to Tsunade's Medical ninjutsu. Sasuke however wouldn't be so lucky to come out alive.

"That arrogant fool is about to die and he doesn't even know it. I didn't want to tell you this kit, but there's nothing you or anyone else here can do to stop Juubi, not even I have the power to defeat him." Kurama told Naruto.

Naruto smiled. "It's funny, from the moment Madara summoned that beast I knew we couldn't stop it. At least not the way I had hoped!"

"You've got a plan?" the Bijuu inquired.

"I think you already know what I've got planned. My only question is Kurama, are you with me?" the blonde ninja asked.

Kurama looked at the blonde before saying. "I'm not surprised, after you are the son of the Yondaime. I'm with you all the way kit, let's take care of Madara for good."

Naruto nodded in response, he looks at all the over ninja. "Gaara, there's something I need you to do for me."

The Godaime Kazekage turns his attention away from the fight to speak to his friend. "What is it, Uzumaki?"

"Protect everyone with your sand, I don't want anyone to get hit with my final attack." Naruto replied.

"Final attack? What exactly do you mean by that?" he questioned.

"Let me put to you this way. I'm not ever coming going back." he said with a smirk.

Immediately the Godaime Kazekage knew exactly what Naruto was planning to do. Never before did he ever believe Naruto would result to this sort of tactic.

"Naruto you can't be possibly be thing of-

The blonde raised his hand silencing Gaara from speaking any further. "There's no other way, if Madara isn't stopped now then the entire world will be under his rule and I won't let that happen." Naruto changes into Bijuu Mode, taking one last look at everyone and smiles. "Goodbye, everyone."

He dashes off towards the battlefield, while the others were wondering Naruto had planned and why he was saying farewell.

"What the hell is that baka doing?" Sakura questioned to everyone.

"Naruto Uzumaki, you're a brave shinobi right to the very end." Gaara said to himself, his hair covering his eyes shedding a tear

Madara stared down at the young Uchiha he was about to destroy, when out of nowhere he's grabbed from behind by Naruto. The held Madara's arms place preventing him using any hand signs, and wrapped his legs around his waist.

"What the hell are you doing?" Madara struggling to get free.

"I'm putting an end to you and your twisted schemes." Naruto replied, tightening his grip.

"And how do you planned on accomplishing such a task? You can't possibly fight me without using you hands and feet." Madara said rhetorically.

Naruto smirked. "You're right about that, but what I got in mind. There's no need for me to fight you, just hold you in place."

"What good will that do?" Madara narrows his eyes.

"You're about to find out, and afterwords it'll be the last thing you see. I guarantee it." Naruto declares as his chakra flares up to the sky, the fiery yellow flames of Kurama's chakra was so immense that the shinobi on the sidelines had to shield their eyes.

"What's happening?" Tsunade yells, having a difficult time seeing.

"It'll be alright everyone just remain here and don't move." Gaara states, head bowed down.

"Any idea what he's doing?" Kankuro inquired to his younger brother.

"He's preparing to make the ultimate sacrifice." he answered, shocking everyone.

"You've got to be kidding me. Why would he be willing to do something that'll cost him his own life?" Kurotsuchi inquired, not understanding the Konoha ninja reasons.

"No clue, but if I had to guess I'd say he didn't have any other choice. Madara's just too strong." Onoki said, clenching his fist in anger thinking back to the fight he and his fellow Kage had with the Uchiha leader.

"Will this even work? Madara's already dead, and he's attempting to give up his own life then it'll all be for nothing." Temari said.

"I'm not quite sure of that." Gaara readying his sand to defend everyone. "The only thing we can do now is watch."

Kurama's charka had engulfed Naruto, Madara, and the Juubi in a sphere. Naruto's aura sparkle around his body. The skin on Madara's Edo Tenshi body was tearing off, horrifying him.

"Something wrong, you look afraid." Naruto said.

"Far from it. If you a jutsu like this will be able to stop, you're sadly mistaken." Madara countered.

"That's funny, who ever said I'd be stopping you with one of my jutsu?" Naruto smirked. "This right here is no jutsu at all."

Caught off guard by this, the Uchiha leader eyes widen. "What did you say?"

"You heard me, this isn't a jutsu. All I did is gather both mine and Kurama's chakra, focusing it into a giant orb. Soon it'll exploded taking the three of us along with it. Don't think because you're a Edo Tenshi this won't effect you, I seen enough of you dead shinobi to know that best away of stopping you would be to contain you." Naruto told him.

"Are you insane? Release me now or you'll regret it." Madara demand, struggling to get loose.

"Struggle all you want. I'm not letting go, no matter what." Naruto replied.

"If you go through with this, you'll be killing yourself as well." Madara told him.

Madara had hoped the the blonde would reconsider his decision, giving him the opportunity strike Naruto and extract Kurama. Unfortunately for him that didn't work.

"Doesn't matter. True be told, I refused to die until I become Hokage, but if it's to protect the lives of my precious people I'll gladly give up my life for them." Naruto exclaimed.

Naruto's body begin to glow brighter, memories of his past came to the surface, his awful childhood, becoming a Genin, the forming of Team 7, Confronting Haku and Zabuza, taking the Chunin Exams, Meeting Jiraiya, getting acquainted with Tsunade and Shizune, hitting Kabuto with his Rasengan, fighting Sasuke at Valley of the End, training with Jiraiya for three years, and the chance to see his parents.

Naruto unleashes a massive explosion that filled the entire battlefield, Sasuke would have hit by it if he hadn't fled to battlefield the moment Naruto's charka expanded feeling he was going to do the same thing Deidara did in their fight. Everyone on the sidelines were alright thanks to Gaara's Ultimate Defense.

The blast from the explosion went on for miles, tearing apart the landscape. Everything within the blasts range was destroyed including near by islands were reduced rubble. After awhile the blast begin to fade away leaving nothing but a very large crater.

The Godaime Kazekage's sand went back inside his gourd, every shinobi looked upon the spot were Naruto, Madara, and the Juubi once stood. The shinobi who watched from a distance rushed towards the crater to find Naruto, but there was nothing left but his Konoha headband. Meaning two things, he had succeed in putting an end to Madara region of terror and he'd obliterated himself to do so.

"Is he really gone?" Temari asked.

"I don't want to believe it's true. But no one could've withstand a blast like that and survive." Gaara said, looking up into the sky.

"He sacrificed himself without any hesitation, in all my years as Raikage. I never meant a fine shinobi such as him." A commented Naruto's bravery. "Tsunade, you've done a splendid job in nurturing the shinobi of your village."

The blonde Sannin nodded in responds, growing a smirk.

"Let's mourn the loss of Naruto Uzumaki, the hero who saved the shinobi world." Onoki said, looking down at the Genin's headband, One of the Suna ninja picks it up and personal hands it to Gaara

They were happy no the less that their ultimate enemy of all time, Madara Uchiha had finally been defeated. Everyone bowed their to honor their savior except a select few.

Those who weren't sadden by Naruto's death were the people of Konohagakure. As it turned out they still only thought of him as the Kyuubi reincarnated and were beyond happy that he was finally dead. This was confirmed when everyone saw a group of Konoha ninja cheering.

"At the demon is dead, now we can stop pretending to be his friends. Right guys?" Ino said to the other members of the Konoha 12. Mostly Sakura, Neji, Tenten, Kiba, Shino, and mostly shockingly Hinata who nodded in agreement. The majority of Konoha began to celebrate which disgusted the other Kage and ninja.

"You ungrateful bastards. How can you stand there smiling like that, he saved you're worthless lives and you still hate him." Gaara roared, as he raised his killer intent.

A, Mei, and Onoki felt the same as the Kazekage. Holding the blonde in high regard as a true hero, and not just as a ninja. He had the respect from the other villages, and the Kage wanted his sacrifice to be honored.

Onoki steps forward, if there's one the the ninja of Iwagakure knew it was to never anger he Tsuchikage. "Naruto Uzumaki is no demon, if not for him we'd all under the Infinite Tsukuyomi genjutsu right about now. I will not tolerate anyone defiling his sacrifice."

"Who cares. The demon's dead, and we don't ever have to worry about him ever again. Tsunade said with smirk on her face. "Originally I'd planned send him on a mission then have the ANBU execute him, either way I'm satisfied."

"Good riddance. I was sick and tired of that baka always asking me to go on a date with him. With him out of the picture he can't interfere me and my Sasuke-kun's happiness." Sakura said.

"Once we get back to Konoha, I say we burn his house down." Hinata suggested, which they all agreed to.

"That dope couldn't be anymore of a fool than he already was, killing himself to get a victory. I could have beaten Madara all on my own." Sasuke smirked.

If Konoha thought Gaara was angry at them for celebrating Naruto's demise. Hearing Tsunade brag about how she was attempting to have his best friend murder made him wish he still had Shukaku sealed inside him, and unleash its fury on them.

Little did Konoha know their hatred towards Naruto would cost them dearly, and they didn't even know it. The Konoha ninja felt a powerful presence coming from behind them, in fact Kakashi wet himself the piss was dripping from the bottom of his pants and for a good reason. There stood a tall and pale-skinned man, who had deep wrinkles. He has spiky, shoulder-length, pale-red hair, with a chin-length braid hanging in front of his left ear. He also sported a goatee, which is tapered down to his waist. He has a pair of horn-like protrusions extending from either side of his forehead, Rinnegan eyes and no eyebrows. He also has a red Rinnegan marking in the center of his forehead. Wearing a white, full-length kimono with a pattern of six black magatama around a high collar, beneath which he wore a necklace which was also made up of six black magatama. On the back of his kimono was a larger, black Rinnegan marking with a pattern of nine magatama arranged in three rows of three beneath it.

"I'm very disappointed in you Konoha ninja. You're blinded by your own hatred towards that young boy, Naruto." the elderly man said with venom in his voice.

"W-Who are you?" Sakura asked, feeling fear from the man.

"My name is Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, however you humans know me better as the Rikudō Sennin."

All the shinobi gasped in shock that the man standing before them was the man said to be the one who created ninjutsu.

"You're lying, everyone knows the Rikudo Sennin a myth." Tsunade said, despite her outburst she'll still trembling with fear.

"Oh am I? Rather you believe me or not, makes very little difference to me. The reason I've come here was to inform you of Naruto Uzumaki's fate." Hagoromo said.

"What about Naruto? Is he still alive?" the Godaime Kazekage inquired.

Hagoromo shake his head. "I'm afraid not, he really did die in that blast. There's no need fret, it's true Naruto might be dead but he won't be long."

"Are you saying, you can bring him back from the dead?" Mei asked, having doubt of such a claim.

"No, such as task far exceeds my power. My friend, Shinigami-san has chosen to give Naruto a second chance in life."

The shinobi who sided with Naruto were relieved to hear their savior will returning to them. While the Konoha ninja were outraged, shouting all kinds of blasphemy. That had been stopped a killer intent from Hagoromo.

"I'd advice you keep your mouths shut if want to keep breathing." Hagoromo threatened. "As I already said, Shinigami-san will bring Naruto back to life but he won't be returning to this world."

"Why not?" Temari questioned, figuring there must be a reason.

"I'm not certain what Shinigami-san has in store for Naruto. I am merely here as a messenger, and the massage has been received." Hagoromo replied, turning his glaze on the Konoha ninja. "Now, the time as come to deal with you Konoha scum. For all your crimes against Naruto, I hereby strip you of your chakra and all your ninjutsu."

The Rikudō Sennin raised his hand as the chakra was being expel from their bodies like air particles. The Konoha ninja were screaming in agony, soon the pain stopped. Tsunade reverted to her true form, the members Hyuuga clan lost their Byakugan, since the Aburama clan no longer had chakra their bugs died, the Inuzuka clan couldn't understand their canine partners, and Sasuke's Sharingan is no more.

"What have you done to us?" Sasuke inquired, his body really weak.

"The chakra I granted you with is gone now, without it you'll never be able any sort of justu. Consider this your punishment people of Konoha, for the crimes against Naruto. Enjoy the rest of your pathetic lives." With that Hagoromo disappeared.

With the Fourth Great Shinobi War at end, tales of Naruto's sacrifice spread around the world less than a week. Since his body was wiped from existence, they had his headband place on a grave marker which says "Naruto Uzumaki, a true shinobi and the world's greatest hero.

As for the Konoha shinobi, after having their chakra taken away they'd been killed by the other village shinobi. But they didn't stop there, anyone from Konoha who was against Naruto were executed or imprisoned.

Unknown Abyss

Floating in a realm of complete darkness, not a glimmer light could be seen. Falling deeper into the darkness which seemed like an eternity. The further he fall into darkness, the more he began to lose himself, never again to return.

His body felt like it was on fire, and every single muscle was being burnt to ashes. No matter how hard he tried to fight off the pain, eventually it became too for him to bear. The cycle kept repenting itself and felt as though everything around him was slowly evaporating, leaving him alone or so he thought.

Flames shot at him from out of nowhere, escape was impossible as the flames followed him everywhere and engulfed him. Suddenly the flames took on the shape of a large demon with wings. The demon grabbed him into its grip, staring his pry in the eyes. Even though the demon was made of flames he appears to have a sinister look on his face then devours his pry whole. Now falling through a vortex of flames and at the bottom was a pool of fire, upon impact it caused an explosion.

"Naruto, awaken Naruto." a voice called.

Slowly gaining conscious, memories of the war and his fight with Madara rushed through his mind. Picking himself up then and saw the most beautiful woman that he'd ever laid eyes on.

The woman before him had long wavy black hair that contrast against her blood red eyes and pale skin along with her voluptuous figure . She is wearing a bright violet kimono that hangs loose revealing a good amount of her cleavage and is tied with a red obi.

"Who are you, and what is this place?" Naruto questions the woman.

"To answer you questions in order, I am Shinigami, Goddess of death but I prefer it if you would called me Yami. As for where we are, this is limbo the boarder between life and death." The Goddess explained to the blond with a warm smile.

Naruto could only nod, dumbly now knowing he's in the presence of the Shinigami. To be honest with himself, she didn't look anything like a Shinigami.

"I've been watching you since the day of you were born, the life you endured was undoubtedly painful with many sorrows. Still you never gave into your hatred, but that's not the only thing I'm grateful for. You took care of that bothersome, Madara Uchiha, I warned that fool defying death will have dire consequences and now he and his lackey Obito are paying the price for their actions." Yami said.

Naruto's eyes widen. "Are you saying my plan worked?"

The blonde was really interested to hear if he was successful in his efforts. After all he had done for his village including the other villages of the Elemental Nations. Sacrificing his life meant nothing to him since he knew that he did the right thing, by saving them from Madara's wrath. He waited there patiently waiting for a reply from the Goddess.

Yami's expression changed as her look now held sadness and anger. "You did Naruto-kun, you saved them all. As a god I congratulate you in your decision for doing what you thought was best, I'm proud of you but at the same time really angry at what happened after your passing." She answered before looking down in shame, still not getting over what she'd witness.

Naruto simply narrowed his eyes at the Goddess, curious as to what could have anger her. Yami sighs sadly, knowing the blonde deserves the absolute truth. She slowly made her way towards him and placed her hand on his forehead.

The blonde was about to ask what she was doing, then a barrage of image started rushing through his head. He saw the people he'd given his life to save, they all looked sad over his death. Except the ones from Konoha who express themselves in happiness and joy over his death. The Konoha cruel words, confessing that they were never his friends and Tsunade plot to eliminate him.

Naruto falls to his knees with tears dripping from his eyes at what he'd seen. He lowered head before saying with a broken voice. "I...I don't understand. I did everything for them and for Konoha. All to show them I was loyal Konoha ninja, not a demon. Why, why me?"

More tears fell from his eyes however he smiled slightly at the ones that did respect him. His best friend Gaara and the other Kage that stood up for him and respected him, did rekindle his spirits a bit. Something like this won't be easily forgotten.

Yami shed a few tears seeing Naruto so broken and gave him a sympathetic look, gently placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry for you having to suffer through all that. Believe me it tore me up seeing you get hurt and even now it's hard for me to keep it together, without destroying something. Now lets get on to more important matters." The Goddess said softy as she kept her eyes on the blonde.

Naruto looked at the Goddess with a confused expression putting the things he'd witness aside. Rubbing his eyes, he wiped away the tears he had as he looked over at her. "What do you mean Yami-sama?" he asked now showing a great deal of eagerness.

Yami wiped away her owns tears as she gave the blonde a tender smile. "I'm giving you another chance with a new life Naruto-kun." The Goddess of Death told him, hoping he'd take her offer.

The blonde couldn't believe what he had just been told by the Goddess of Death. "Are you serious? I'm really getting a second chance?"

It may have sounded too good to be truth, of course anyone would have doubt if they were in his position. However this was the Goddess of Death, and he dared not question her judgment or there will be hell to pay.

Yami nodded and smiled. "What I'm saying is, you'll be sent to a new dimension. I've watched you grow into the man your are today, time and time again shown courage and determination, just what I'd expect from the Child of Prophecy. No one other than you has earned a second chance, Naruto-kun."

Having seen the hardships Naruto endured in the past, all because he couldn't control the kyuubi. Turning a pure hearted boy's childhood into a nightmare gave the Goddess all the more reason to do so.

Naruto smiles as he picks himself up. "Okay Yami-sama I accept your offer. When can I go to the place you have in mind? I am prepared to go there."

The blonde knew that living a new life would finally give him a shot a happiness, and wouldn't miss that for anything. He deserved that much.

The Goddess of Death chuckled at Naruto's enthusiasm as her smiled grew. "Settle down Naruto-kun! Before I send you to the place I've picked out for you. We have to talk about a few things. First they are a couple of people who'd like to see you."

"To see me? Who?" Naruto asked the Goddess.

"It's not that hard to figure out, gaki." a voice came nowhere. Naruto's eyes widen, and for good reason he knew that voice anywhere.

"Can it be?" Naruto slowly turns around to see Jiraiya, Minato, Kushina, and Sarutobi standing behind him. They looked exactly like they did when they were alive.

"Mom?" Kushina nodded smiling at her son "Dad?" Minato who also nodded "Ero-Sennin smiling with grit teeth "Jiji" smiling happy to see Naruto again.

"My, you've grown since the last time I saw you Naruto-kun." Sarutobi told him.

"JIJI!" Naruto cried running towards his grandfather figure, giving him a bone crushing hug. the Sandaime Hokage was actually glad to be dead at the moment otherwise he'd be in serious pain right about now."

"I've missed you so much, Jiji." the blonde said, remembering the day he'd been murdered by his former student.

"There, there Naruto-kun it's alright. Even though I wasn't there anymore Kami-sama informed me of everything you've done, and I'm proud of how much you've accomplished." Sarutobi praised.

Naruto sees his parents Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, and embraces them.

"Oh, Naruto your father and I are so happy to see you." Kushina said her son.

"Me too!" Naruto cried, holding them tighter.

"Not only have you surpassed me, you helped so many lives more times than I did. I couldn't be happier to be your father." Minato added.

"I'm not surprised, I always knew he'd arise to greatness. Like father, like son." Jiraiya stated.

Naruto looked at the people around him and realized that this might be the last time he'd ever see them again, having accepted Yami's proposal. Kushina saw this and says.

"Don't be sad Naruto, this isn't goodbye. It's see you later and I hope you live a better life then you're old one. Someday when you meet that special someone and have children, please name your first child after me." Kushina said, crying tears of joy.

"Your mother's right, no matter where you are or where you go we will always be with you. Inside you heart." Minato stated. He presented his Hiraishin Kunai to his son. "Naruto I'd like for you to have this, it was always my intentions to pass this down to you when you became the right age."

Naruto nodded accepting the kunai. "Thank you father, I promise I'll put this technique to good use."

"Take care of yourself, okay son." Minato stated, smiling at his son one last time. With that he and Kushina disappeared.

The Sandaime Hokage bowed his head to Naruto. "I want to apologize to you Naruto. I wasn't there when you need me most, if I could go back in time to correct my mistakes I would."

Naruto shook his head. "I know you would, Jiji. Don't blame yourself, none of it's not your fault, both you and Iruka-sensei were the first to accept me. The kindness you've shown is what first inspired me to become Hokage."

Sarutobi remembered the times when he wasn't on duty he'd spend with Naruto so he wouldn't be lonely. Despite his antics he cared deeply for Naruto's well being.

"For all the good you've done for Konoha in spite the way you were treated. I'm honored to give this to you as requested by both the Shodai and Nidaime Hokage." Sarutobi said as a scroll appeared before the blonde. "It contains information on Fūinjutsu, and every Jutsu I've mastered is in here, so don't go overboard while training."

Naruto nodded and hugged Sarutobi again one last before disappeared leaving only him and Jiraiya.

"Well Ero-Sennin, what sort of Justu do you have for me?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing. Your expertise have gone beyond what I originally thought. Out of all who I taught in the past, you and your father were the most remarkable students. I'm honored to have been your teacher, Naruto." Jiraiya said with pride in his voice. "Here, I would like you to have this." A red book appeared in Naruto's hand, the pages were blank. "Keep my legacy alive!"

The blonde knew what exactly what his godfather's referring to. As much as he detested Icha Icha he had a feeling writing books would come handy.

"Okay Ero-Sennin. Just so you know I'll give the protagonist your name." Naruto said.

"Oh is that so? Does the main character get a beautiful woman as his bride or will he get himself a harem?" Jiraiya questions his godson, his face led up like a Christmas tree at the anticipation.

"Maybe, who knows? I good writer never tells the ending." Naruto replied.

The white haired Sannin laughs at Naruto's remark, patting him on the shoulder. "That's the kind of answer I'd expect from a writer. Now go and live your new life."

Both smiling at each other right before Jiraiya disappeared. Naruto looks at the Goddess of Death who had silent the entire time.

"Thank you, Yami-sama!" he said.

"Don't mention it, and besides I couldn't let you leave without seeing your loved ones." Yami said. "I, myself have a gift for you as well."

Appearing around Naruto's neck is the Shodai Hokage's necklace, that had been destroyed in his fight against Pein now completely restored.

"The Shodai Hokage's necklace? Why would you want to give me this?" Naruto asked.

"If you recall what Jiraiya said, it's valuable as three gold mines. That necklace will help get you some money, and a more settle place to live." Yami explained.

Naruto like the sound of that, back in Konoha the only place he could afford was his rundown apartment after he'd gotten kicked out the orphanage.

"Yami-sama you're the best, with money like that. I can open my own ramen shop " Naruto stated.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, there's something important I have to discuss with you." The Goddess told him. Naruto nodded in understanding. "As you're possibly aware as the Goddess of Death I have the power bring a person back from the dead, however there are certain prerequisites for it to work. "For instance the body and soul must be intact."

"What do you mean?" Naruto questioned.

"That stunt you pulled wiped your body from existence, so I was unable to revive you with my usual method." Yami answered.

"You said you couldn't revive a person if their body and soul aren't intact. So then, I shouldn't be standing here."

"Normally that be the case, a soul without a body fade into nothingness. However there is another method I used revive you Naruto-kun, and all I needed to do is bind your soul to a living being." Yami informed.

"What?" Naruto exclaims, shocked by the news.

"I believe it's time to get acquainted with your new partner." Yami said.

Naruto's mindscape

Naruto and Yami are in his mindscape only now it wasn't in a sewer. They were on an island filled with fruit trees. Yami told Naruto to follow her, she guided him all the way to a cave once inside they face to face with a dragon.

The dragon is extremely large with golden scales that shined in the light. Two massive horns that framed it's forehead . A pale yellow underbelly, and pale golden hair that flowed down it's spine and ended in a bushy tail, long whiskers with crimson eyes.

"At last we meet hatchling. Yami has told me a lot about you." the dragon said.

"Who is this, Yami-sama?" Naruto asked, his eyes still on the dragon before him.

"His name is Ryushin, and he's no ordinary dragon. Ryushin is the King of all Dragons." Yami replied.

"She speaks the true hatchling, but because you and I are now of one body and soul. Therefore you are my successor." Ryushin said.

"Wait if the two of us share the body then what happened to Kurama?"

Yami sighs and said. "He's gone I'm afraid. When you destroyed your body he was too, and there was nothing I could to bring him back."

The blonde looks up into the sky, even though he appears sad. He was able to smile a little. "There's no need for apologise. Sure I'm sad that's Kurama's gone but I'm also glad the he and I got a chance to becomes friends after so long. He even willingly went along my idea to stop Madara knowing he'd die too. And even though I can't see him anymore I can tell that where ever he is, he's happy laughing himself silly because we won."

Yami smiled at the blondes words. "That's another thing I needed to tell you. When I bounded your soul to Ryushin's you became a dragon yourself, giving you a new body and, altering your appearance." A large mirror appears in front of Naruto. "Have a look!"

What Naruto saw gave him the biggest surprise he'd ever had in his life. He now has Muscular body that most men could only dream of having. His spiky blonde hair had grown longer passed his shoulders. He had grown taller over 6'0. Dragon scale patterns from his forearms down to his torso. The whiskers he had since birth were gone. What really got attention was the fact he his the Sharingan activated.

"Why do I have the Sharingan?" Naruto asked.

"Because I gave you all of Madara's powers." Yami answered. "Consider it another reward from me to you for excellent service, and proving to the shinobi world that anyone can accomplished anything along as they believe and never give up no matter what the odds. Ryushin, I leave Naruto-kun in your hands, train him well." With that Yami vanished.

"You're going to be training me?" Naruto asked the dragon.

"Yes. Otherwise the other dragons while never respect a king that's weak, and your title as Dragon King will be diminished."

"I see. So when do we get started with my training?"

"Right now. And don't expect me to go easy on you either." Ryushin replied.

Naruto smirked. "Alright, Ryushin-sensei whenever you're ready bring it on."

"I like that look in your eyes, this'll be interesting indeed."

Flashback Ends

Three months passed since Yami brought Naruto to this dimension. The people of this world spoke in a different language, with the help of his Sharingan he learned how to speak English. Even so there were several who's language is similar to his own only it's called Japanese.

He'd also learned this place is called Earth one of the biggest countries named USA, short for the United States of America, and more advanced than the Elemental Nations. Naruto discover there are so people with powers calling themselves superheroes and they protect their lands and homes with skilled taijutsu and marksmanship, while others were like bloodline limits expect they didn't use handsigns. Naruto decide to get some information about them. Apparently the most known and famous heroes of this world are two characters, although it's easy to tell they are the complete opposite of each other.

The first is Superman, his choice of clothing were red boots, with blue with red pants, blue shirt with a giant S on his chest with a red cape. He also wore, what appeared to be, a pair of boxers over his pants, or maybe they were part of his pants, all of them look skintight and he is very muscular. His strength is still in question seeing how he is able to lift objects that should be beyond his ability to lift. He's very fast, also has the power of flight. It made the blonde wonder how Superman's powers compared to his, even so he was certainly impressed by the Man of Steel and his heroism.

The second can be considered Superman's opposite. This person called himself Batman, he was dark and mysterious, but at the same time honorable and skilled. He was dressed in something like a bat costume of gray, dark blue and black. His bat-like mask covered the upper half of his face that looked similar to the masks worn by some ninja of my world. His gray and dark blue pants and armor similar to that of ANBU standard clothing and his belt which was yellow and had many pockets look like my ninja pouches and kunai holsters. His cape offers great camouflage in the dark, and his appearance can intimidate a normal person. This hero was normal and used high-tech devices to compensate for his lack of special power. From what Naruto read, he is a good fighter and solves criminal cases that most consider impossible to solve. Which is why he's also known as the World's Greatest Detective.

These individuals operate in two different cities, one watches over the skies of Metropolis while the other guards from the darkness of Gotham city. Both are highly respected and known around the world.

"Still thinking about them, hatching?" interrupted the voice of his companion.

"I am for some reason." he responded with a straight thought.

"Could it be that you want to be like them? A hero of this world too?" Ryushin thought

"The idea crossed my mind several times. What I'm mainly concerned about is will I be able to form any true bonds? And will there be those who'll accept me?" Naruto inquired.

"Who knows? But I do know this, if you continue dwell in the shadows as a recluse you'll never know. Remember Yami gave you this opportunity to make a fresh start, don't let it go to waste."

You're right. Thank you, Ryushin!" Naruto expressed his gratitude.

"Think nothing of it." he replied.

The blondes chain of thoughts was cut off when I heard and saw the image of a man flying overhead. And indeed it was, Superman himself was flying above him and headed towards a different section of the forest.

"Think we should check it out, and see what's going on? I mean trouble is always following this guy."

"Why not, there's nothing else to do."

"Also it could be good way to test the results of my training for the passed year." Naruto added

"Don't let your guard down, I have a feeling that things are about to get a lot more interesting for us." Ryushin told his successor.

"Hm. If that's the case, then I won't miss out on it. I've stayed on the sidelines for far too long, the time has come to show this world what the King of all Dragons can do." Naruto smirked, taking off into the air after Superman.

End Chapter

I hope you all enjoy reading this story. As a reminder Naruto is no longer human, he is now a dragon in human form.

My friend Blades123 has written three interesting stories, be to check them out Fate and the Force Part 1:The Shadow of the Dark side, The Uchiha shinobi of Feudal Japan, end The Z fighters of the Feudal Era.

If anyone likes horror films then go to my profile and vote rather or you want to see I Know What You Did Last Summer 2016. The poll will be closed next Tuesday.

To all the Naruto/Hinata fans, I apologize for bashing Hinata. Like many other I'm a Hinata fan too, this is the only story I'll ever bash her in. So please don't flame me for it.

Until my next update farewell and Happy New Year.