Jellicle Stories For Jellicle Cats
Author's note: So, here it is! The complete story of the only cats that are cooler than the Warrior Cats, the Jellicle Cats! This fanfic uses the family tree that I wrote separately. You don't have to read that one, for it will all be explained here. It begins waaaaay before the well-known Jellicle Ball. I base myself off of the movie for the actual Ball-part. The Growltiger-part will be included separately, though.
Warnings: No warnings for this chapter. Rated T for future chapters.
Disclaimer: If I owned anything of this, I wouldn't post this here, I would make a movie about it. (a movie wíth the Growltiger part included)
Let's start!
Chapter 1: How it began ( I know, cliché)
A long, long time ago, in the land of the river Nile, the people said they were holy animals. They knew they had existed for a long time, much longer than themselves. They thought they were an offspring from a god.
They were right.
First, there was the Everlasting Cat. He created them, blessed them with night-sight, high intelligence, the ability to always land on their paws, and some of them even nine lives. And don't forget incredible sing- and dance-talent.
A direct offspring of the Everlasting Cat were the Jellicles. They were a tribe that lived in London, no one knows since when. They were one of the few tribes that were chosen to send one cat of their tribe to the Heaviside Layer, where they could become one with the Everlasting Cat and come back in a different form. That choice, called the Jellicle Choice, could be made once a year, on the night if the Jellicle Ball.
The choice was made by their Tribal Leader. He was blessed with nine lives, and when he ran out of lives, he would go to the Heaviside Layer himself.
Once, there was a wise and noble Jellicle Leader. He had three sons: Bustopher, the youngest one, and Asparagus (or, as he preferred, Gus). They were still kittens. Deuteronomy, his oldest son, who would become the next leader, was much older than his two brothers.
One day, the Jellicles gathered on the clearing in the Junkyard, where they lived. They watched their Leader who climbed onto the tire that laid there. It was a big task, because he was really old and had only one life left.
He raised his arms and spoke:
"Jellicles, the time has come that I must give my son the title he deserves. It is time that I become one with the Everlasting Cat."
The Jellicles gasped, and Deuteronomy stepped out of the crowd, coming to his father.
"Father," he said, "I'm not ready! I couldn't possibly become such a good and wise leader as you!"
The leader looked at his son, with a loving smile on his face. "I'm sure, young Deuteronomy, that the tribe will never have such a good leader as you. You will lead this tribe with great wisdom. The Everlasting Cat has chosen you."
With these words, the tire began to raise itself up into the air, until the Paw of the mystical divinity, the Everlasting Cat, came down through the dark clouds of the night.
Deuteronomy stared as his father climbed past the Jellicle Moon, until the Paw raised itself up into the clouds again. He didn't feel sad, he knew he shouldn't be either. He just felt empty and unprepared.
As the light of that had come from the Heaviside Layer faded away, the tribe looked at their new leader with big expectations. He looked at the tribe. His tribe. His family.
A/N: I know, it was cliché. The title, the dying leader with the not-ready young soon-to-be-leader, everything. Next chapter will be longer and less cliché.
No, I didn't mean to fake Warrior Cats with the leader-has-nine-lives thing.
No, I didn't mean to fake Kung Fu Panda with the old wise leader who says it's time for him to go, giving his title to the younger guy who says he's not ready and couldn't possibly be as wise as him.
No, it wasn't my intension to make the first phrase sound like Star Wars. Alright, maybe.
No, I didn't mean to fake the Yellow Submarine movie with the guy-who-will-be-called-old-but-is-called-young-in-the-flash-back. Let me know if you think Yellow Submarine is an awesome movie!