
"The sky looks so small and pretty like this!" Eri awed. She was sitting on the roof with Deku, staring at the sky. Deku nodded with a yeah. The surrounding skyscrapers were circled, blocking the view.

"Right!" He reached out. "It's almost as if you can grab it."

Eri stared at Uncle Deku, before copying him. She tried to capture the sky in her hands. He smiled down at her. He jumped to his feet. "Let me help." Picking her up. She giggled. He began to throw her higher and higher, causing her laughter to grow.

Buzz. Buzz.

"Ah, sorry, Eri." He caught her and gently put her down. He pulled out his phone. "Oh, Togata?" He swiped to answer. "Hello?"

"Deku! Good news, we tracked down the rest of the league! We're preparing the final strike, I'd really appreciate your help... Given how..."

Izuku clutched the phone. "A chance to end things with Tomaru," by extension All-for-One. "Of course, Lemillion. I'm on my way, just send me the location."

"Yeah!" Click.

Deku slipped his phone into his back pocket. "Hey Eri, um, I have some work to take care of."

She crossed her arms and huffed, looking to the side.

"C'mon Eri, I'm a hero."

She growled for a bit in childish frustration.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll still make it to Aunt Jirou's performance, ne, doesn't that sound good?"

She caved turning to him u crossing her arms. She lifted her hand up, sticking her pinky out. "You have to show up, okay?"

He laughed wrapping his pink and nodded. "It's a promise."

They walked back inside the hidden safe house. "Let me drop you off with Uncle Dabi and Aunt Uraraka." They reached the door to the room they were in. Izuku opened it without a care. "Guys I have an emergency I need-" Blink, blink, trying to comprehend. "Eeh!?" He slammed the door shut, making sure Eri didn't see any more than that.

Uraraka had climbed Dabi, on a makeshift bed, both were shirtless, looking like animals in heat about to devour each other. He saw Uraraka freeze in embarrassment because of Eri.

Dabi simply rolled his eyes. "It's cool."

"No, it is not!" Uraraka shot back, jumping off him. "At least be decent, Dabi!" She found his shirt, flinging it to him.

"Oof," As it landed on his head. "Alright, geez, what a letdown." He had been needing this and now he didn't know when his next chance would be. "Fuck me." He groaned.

"I will later!" She offhandedly added as she put on her bra.

Izuku coughed, almost choking on his spit, after what she said. He was able to hear them, mostly Uraraka, scrambling to get ready. He glanced down at Eri who had a confused expression. He dreaded what she was wondering and whether she was going to ask.

Thankfully the door opened. "Hey what's up?" Uraraka was acting as if nothing happened for Eri's sake. Izuku fumbled at first but eventually got in step.

"Er, yeah, actually, I got called up. It's important." His second sentence was hard.

Uraraka glanced confused but nodded seeing his eye. It was that cold glare.

"Oh okay, we can take care of Eri."

"Please and thanks! Don't worry I'll be quick." Seemingly switching back to the dorky Deku.

"Be safe." She corrected.

"Ah." He rubbed the back of his hair. "I will be, I'll meet up with you guys at the café." Making his way to leave. "I'll see you soon okay Eri." Saying goodbye. "Thanks, Uraraka. My bad Dabi, I'm really sorry!" He ran off before Dabi could burn him.

He ran up to the roof, pulling out his maskguard. He latched around his face and took a deep breath reaching the ledge. His wings ignited from his back and he took off.

Tomura was scratching his neck restlessly. "I feel so smothered. I can't handle it." The heroes had deterred the league to a shell of its former self. He was down to having Spinner, Mr. Compress, and one last Nomu. They had been camping for months at one of their last hideouts. Inside a skyscraper on the highest floor. No one would imagine them hiding out in a populated business district. "I won't let it end like this. It's not checkmate! That pathetic pawn can't beat me. There's no way Izuku was Sensei's favorites!"

"So, what's the plan?"

Izuku had flown to the coordinates, where a chopper was hovering, he climbed inside after the door was slid open. It was slammed shut, canceling the wind. As soon as Deku entered the helicopter took off in a certain direction.

Lemillion smirked as Deku took the seat beside him. "I'm gonna punch him."

"Eh?" Izuku had a confused expression until he realized that it was honestly his plan. "I guess that's straight forward enough." He figured. A police officer handed Deku info about the mission. "Tracked them down to the business district? Hm, this could be difficult if we don't contain it."

"Not a problem. As we speak, Heroes are surrounding the location within a two-mile radius. They are just waiting for us to swoop from above." Lemillion told him.

"I see." He nodded, mentally preparing himself. He adjusted his maskguard one last time before his eye hardened into that empty green orb. "We're finishing this."

"Lemillion, Deku, our destination is right below us." The pilot informed over his shoulder.

Lemillion jumped to his feet. Deku hesitated slightly with anxiety but stood. They slid open the door for the two heroes.

"Let's go!" Mirio leaped off easily.

Deku took a deep breath before letting his body fall forward, head first. He spread out his arms feeling the wind.

As he fell, Lemillion pulled his fist back, aiming for the roof. "Power!" He roared as his fist smashed through the roof in explosive debris.

He was in possession of a power that has been passed down for generations and has continued to stack that power. The power of One for All.

Mirio Togata was All Might's successor.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

He was huffing, his breath came out condensed from the cold rain. "I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna make it!" He couldn't fly because of the rain, so he ran. His red shoe splashed on a puddle as he raced by.

The owner of the coffee shop was tending the first-floor bar like old times. He gave a warm smile as he severed the normal, and the different, everyone was welcomed here.

It was nothing but quiet murmurings as she took the small stage. She cleared her throat, glancing around the audience. She saw Uraraka, Dabi, and Eri but not him. "H-Hello. Um, I don't really have that much to say, just that this song really means a lot to me because of someone, a-and I hope you enjoy."

The doorbell to the café chimed before she could begin. Her eyes traveled to it. Her lips quivered, curving up. The idiot was soaking wet and out of breath. He didn't want to make a mess so he stayed by the door entrance. She clutched her guitar with a tenderness, closing her eyes.


I'm waking from this dream

Returning to reality is so bittersweet

She thought of Death Arms funeral and how he held her hand, never letting go. How she cried in frustration that she was so weak, how she lost another aspect of being a hero.

But I open my eyes and the illusion is fading

Slipping away

It was just within reach, yet so far

I lay here all alone once more

She recalled how she found that strength because of him, how she went back to school with all her friends supporting her, so was he, not in the spotlight alongside her friends, but always with her, always alone.

I dreamed you were beside me

Together on those cold nights.

You were there once again

As if you had never left and

I remember wanting to say

Asking you not to go, but I know that was impossible then

You say "I can't stay here"

As my damp eyes open

On nights she was alone...

The sun shines on the bleak horizon

It's just another day

I look out at dimly lit buildings and think of you

The rain would slide down the window. Droplets meshing and separating like their bodies.

Am I imagining you here, right next to me?

Your eyes catch my own

I look back fleetingly before I realized you're really there

She had vivid orbs. Her skin glistened the lack of shine and atmosphere of the rain. Why was he here?

I dreamed you'd be beside me, that we would meet again

It was past midnight, the rain was heavy. She was sitting up on her bed in shock. Her parents were on tour. She was supposed to be alone, but he was here.

Your eyes glisten, your tears are falling

He whispered it, breaking apart. "I'm not... I don't think it's possible for me... to be good." Then she realized it. He was as scared and lonely as she was. He wasn't simply being with her to support her, she was supporting him, they were doing their best to mend the other. Even if just realizing, she knew it was true. They grew so close, so quickly. So resonating.

I know you have not forgotten the past that

We shared as I quietly watch you wipe your tears away

She hugged him dearly into the embrace of her bosom. She combed his hair, humming sweet nothings of encouragement. Laying their bodies to rest on her bed.

Although I've found you, I know this meeting will not last

She ignored the blood. The blood soaked into his damp clothes. The blood washed up on his hair. She ignored the burned up ends of his clothes. She ignored all of it, purely focused on him and his tears. She stayed with him through the rainy night to the misty morning.

I have to let go continue finding your way

Though I will miss you

It's time to wake up from this dream