Author has written 240 stories for X-Men: Evolution, X-Men: The Movie, X-Men, Teen Titans, Spider-Man, Exiles, Vampire Hunter D, Witch Hunter Robin, Ultimate Marvel, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gundam Wing/AC, Batman, Hellsing, Runaways, Justice League, Transformers/Beast Wars, Marvel, Gargoyles, Teen Titans, Naruto, Heroes, Wolverine & the X-Men, Young Avengers, Flash, Young Justice, Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Avengers, and Legends of Tomorrow. Hi to everyone who reads these things. I'm a college graduate with a degree in English (go me!). I probably should be too old for this but I have been a geek so long that I refuse to care. There's this nifty feature on the bio that tells you all the fandoms I've written for. That should basically give you an idea of what I'm into although really there are tons of other things I like that I haven't written for and/or don't write for. Anyways, that little feature should give you the basics. If you want to talk to me, just shoot me a pm here. I try to answer back as soon as I can. I'm also on AIM under the name plaidwarlock. Just make sure you let me know you're from here if you decide to message me there. If you want to know more about me without actually talking to me, check out my tumblr under the same name as this one. I post fics there and sometimes I post ones that don't make it onto here. Also check me out on Marvel Omega. I'm writing an Exiles series there as well as a Secret Warriors series. P.S.: If you want to post my fics on your website or something, ask me first. Ninety-nine percent of the time I will say yes. As always, give the credit where the credit is due. Thanks. |