Challenge of the Immortal Friends
by Rob Morris

Joe Dawson: Gathered together from remote corners of history are the most evil Immortals of all time-The Legion Of Khaos

(We see animated action shots of Kronos, Kurgan, Kalas, Kristin, Kern and Katana)

Their goal: To ensure that the Prize goes to a barbarian, so the world will always be as they knew it. But another group dares to challenge this dire threat: The Immortal Friends. (Marching forward are Connor, Duncan, Richie, Methos, Amanda and Cassandra) In the end, only one group can survive -- This Is The Challenge Of The Immortal Friends!

JD: In the fetid sewers of Paris, The Legion Of Khaos meets to perpetrate yet more evil on an unsuspecting world.

Kronos: I call this meeting to order, in the name of the truly strong, who know the world is theirs by right--The Legion Of Khaos! We have the awesome Kurgan, whose well-planned strikes have started two mortal World Wars.

(We see Kurgan smash a globe between his fists)

We have Kalas, whose voice is Destruction itself.

(Kalas stands before a model of Immortal League Headquarters, opens his mouth, and the model breaks apart from powerful shockwave screeching)

The lovely but deadly Kristin, whom no man can resist.

(Kristin entrances a bunch of life size mannequins of the Immortal Friends, who then decapitate one another)

Kern, the deadly tracker and hunter, a brute second to none.

(Kern casually smashes his desk, and throws a splinter through a portrait of Connor)

Katana, Alien Immortal and master of strange technology

(Using a flying harness, Katana burns the mannequins with his exhaust)

And the most deadly of all...I, Kronos, Master Of The Night! Now, Katana, you said you had a plan for defeating the Immortal Friends, once and for all.

Katana: True, Kronos. Simply put, we will lure the Immortal Friends to where they may not fight us--on Holy Ground!

Kristin: The air up there must be a bit thin, Katana! We can't fight there, either.

Kern: Perhaps I should hunt for Katana's lost brain!

Kronos: Silence! Katana's plan has allowances for that little problem.

Katana: Yes, Kronos. You see, adapting the marvelous technology of my flying harness, I have invented these floating boots for us all.

Kurgan: Positively brilliant, Katana. The restriction on Holy Ground hardly matters if we're all floating above it! But can we take the Immortal Friends' heads while there?

Kronos: I am for bold action, but to be safe, we'll merely capture them there, and take them off Holy Ground for the rest of it. Imagine it-the final destruction of The Immortal Friends, and they may not lift a finger to stop us!

Kalas: But where will we lure them to? What Holy Ground will we use?

Kronos: The very best-Father Darius' Monastery. Since Duncan Macleod is a student of Darius, he won't be able to stay away, for fear of what we might do.

Kern: Even though Father Darius' monastery is hidden, my tracking abilities will find in no time at all.

Kronos: All hail the Legion Of Khaos!

All: KHAOS!!!

JD: In Seacouver, at Immortal League Headquarters, The Immortal Friends are all present and accounted for.

Richie: Holy All Quiet On The Western Front, Duncan! There's been neither hide nor hair of the Legion Of Khaos in weeks.

Duncan: Maybe, old chum, The Legion has finally learned its lesson-that crime never pays.

Connor: Maybe they have, Duncan, but somehow, I don't think so. They're always up to something, and its never anything good!

Amanda: I'll keep the Raven-Jet warmed up, just in case. I may have been a jewel thief, once, but the Legion Of Khaos wants to steal the whole world, and we just can't allow them to succeed.

Methos: Even worse, I was once a member of The Legion. (Punches table) That Kronos! If only I knew what he was up to.

Cassandra: You were under an evil spell, Methos. Just as the world is under a curse til we can bring The Legion down.

JD: Just then, the QuickAlert Buzzes, and Father Darius, teacher of Duncan and ally to The Immortal Friends, appears on their large monitor.

Darius: Immortal Friends! I ask that you come to my hidden Monastery quickly. The Legion Of Khaos is here, requesting a meeting with you. While they are as bound as anyone else by Holy Ground, I do not trust them in the slightest.

(Screen goes blank)

Duncan: Darius! We have to help him, Connor.

Richie: Holy Holy Ground, Mac! Even the Legion can't do anything there!

Methos: Don't kid yourself, Boy Wonder! If anyone can figure a way around the 1st rule, its Kronos.

Amanda: I suggest we take the Raven out to the general vicinity, then approach on foot. We might be able to figure out what they're doing if we watch them first.

Cassandra: But remember, Kronos is mine! It was he who cast my village into a dimension of no return. But someday, I will find them.

Connor: All right, Immortal Friends, move out, and watch your heads!

JD: So the Immortal Friends headed out in Amanda's awesome Jet, The Raven, little knowing the treachery that awaited them at Father Darius' Monastery.

Darius: All are welcome here, Kronos, even the Legion Of Khaos. But remember this is Holy Ground.

Kronos: Why, Father, you insult me. So long as our feet touch Holy Ground, we won't lift a finger against you or The Immortal Friends, if they are brave enough to show up.

Connor: When it comes to evil, Kronos, The Immortal Friends have courage to spare. Now, talk!

Kronos: Why talk, Macleod? I'm more a man of action. Katana, now!

Katana: Floaters On!

(All six Members of The Legion now float a foot off of Holy Ground)

Kurgan: (Goes around Richie at a very fast clip, wind knocks him down) Care for a spin, Boy Wonder?

Kern: (Grabs the mission bell, throws it at Duncan, whom it barely misses) Ask not for whom the bell tolls, Macleod!

Kristin: (We see a projection of her face aimed at Methos) Time you came back where you belong, Methos!

Methos: I'm resistant to your charms, Kristin! I'll never join The Legion again.

Kristin: Perhaps, but those monks behind you are quite taken with me! (The monks grab Methos, who may not fight back)

Methos: Tricky of you, you vain harpy. But I've been slipping in and out of traps for 5000 years (Ditches the entranced monks, who still follow him) Got to lose them--ahh, there! (Methos opens the animals barn, burying the monks in harmless hay)

Katana: (Grabs Amanda, and pulls her into the air) You can't even fight back, for we are not on Holy Ground.

Amanda: Gee, Katana, while I'm in the air, neither am I !(She kicks him know) aaaaaarrhhhh!

(Amanda is assaulted by sonic shock waves as she falls)

Kalas: What's the matter, girl? Do you find my libretto wanting? Haahahnoooooooooooooo!!! (On the ground, Duncan has dragged the mission bell over near where Amanda has fallen; Its chamber reflects Kalas' deadly voice back at him)

Duncan: Sorry, Kalas, but this musical has had lots of bad reviews!

Amanda: Thanks, DM!

Duncan: What are Immortal Friends' for?

Kronos:(Zooms in and punches Connor, sending him flying) Give it up, Macleod! We can keep this up, and you can't. Our victory is inevitable, thanks to Katana's device.

Connor: Kronos, you talk too much!

(Connor throws a dagger which pierces Katana's control device. All the Legion members hit the ground. Kronos is stunned, but not done.)

Kronos: Get them! They still can't fight us here, and we have hostages!

Kristin: The monks are under my control, Cassandra, and even your Voice can't break them free!

Cassandra: It can't affect them, Kristin, but it can affect you. 'KRISTIN, YOUR LOOKS HAVE FADED. YOU ARE A CRONE. YOUR IMMORTALITY IS GONE'.

Kristin: NO, Its not true (The monks snap out of it, and grab her) Blast! When I doubt my own beauty, my power fades.

Kurgan: Come here, Amanda! I want to give you a final bear-hug!

Kern: Well, Richie, I think I'll put you under six feet of Holy Ground.

(The two large kimmies don't see their would be prey jump out of harm's way, and so collide with one another, falling on each other in a broken heap.)

Richie: Holy Slash, Amanda! We did it!

Amanda: Normally, I'd say the bigger they are...but that would be giving those two the benefit of the doubt.

Katana: (Comes flying at Methos) You're History, Oldest!

Methos (We see he set up a dummy for Katana to crash into) Yes, I Am!

(Inside, we see Kalas throwing violins, trumpets, etc, at Duncan)

Kalas: Time for some true music appreciation!

Duncan (Throws a tuba, which lands over Kalas, covering his top half) Why, Kalas, I didn't know you were into instruments!

(Outside, Connor sees a storm beginning, and gets an idea)

Connor: Here, catch, Kronos!

(Throws him a sword)

Kronos: You fool! We can't use this here.

Connor: (Smiling) I know.

(A bolt of lightning comes down, drawn to the sword like a rod, badly shocking Kronos, who yet manages to hit a switch; The Legion all teleport out)

Richie: They got away again!

Methos: But we also beat them again.

Cassandra: As we always will.

Duncan: Evil never learns, does it?

Amanda: Nah, if they learned, they'd be like us, and I don't see that happening.

Connor: But we'll be there wherever The Legion Of Khaos rears its head, and one day we will destroy them.

Darius: Thank You all. From now on, perhaps we will ask who's at the door, first. Some guests can be quite rude. But not all guests, thankfully.

JD: So, the Legion Of Khaos learned once again, while you can float above the law sometimes, eventually you'll be brought back down to Earth--by the Immortal Friends!