Author has written 34 stories for Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy VII, Doctor Who, Phantom of the Opera, Sherlock, Angel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, Sarah Jane Adventures, and Charmed. Ok, here's a third stab at making a profile that doesn't ramble on. I think I've failed that already. Yup, definitely failed that aim already. Favourite games: anything Final Fantasy. I've played them all, with the exception of XI, and I never quite finished V or VI. My favourites of them are II, VII, X, and XIII Ok, that's games discussed. Onto books, which I personally prefer on the whole. I can't write as easily for books, just because I find it hard to write another's characters, but I might sometimes try. Favourite TV: Doctor Who. Hands down. Fan of the series from the start to the most recent. Favourite Doctors: I, III, IV, V, VIII, X, XI. Also, most of Whedon's work. If you want me to read any of your stories, send me a PM. I'll leave a review if I can. Less active here due to Uni work, though I do occasionally come back with a story. Still reading a handful of others, as well. |