
"Christine I" Tears streamed down his face as he stared up into his loves eyes. She twisted the ring he had given her around her figer as she looked down at him and his sorrow. She felt for this poor man who cared for her unconditionally. All of her struggle between these two men had to be resolved once an for all. The dear Phantom's eyes shone as his heart broke, she was all he had ever wanted, all he would ever need. She knew this but was it the right choice to make? Raoul could give her a normal life but her dear Phantom could give her the pleasure she had always yearned for. The passion of music and the love for someone on a deeper level then Raoul could ever achieve.

Christine's mind raced. Raoul was waiting outside and he would be expecting her return but this man in front of her, she knew that his love was something that she could never forget. Deep within her heart she knew what the decisson was to be but consisitatly second guessing herself. Her fingers were wrapped around the ring, ready to take it off if she so please but they felt solid, as if there was a barrier around the ring that kept her from doing so. She heard the soft musical call of Raoul's voice, "Christine...Christine..." When he reached that last note, she had only heard the Phantom's voice, it was as if her heart was calling out to her. It was then she knew the right choice.

Bending down to the dear man in front of her, their eyes level with one another, she placed a kiss upon his tear soaked lips. His eyes closed and his whole being rose, he knew that she would not leave him now nor ever again. They embraced, "Oh Christine, my Christine." He sat, she wrapped her legs around him and sat upon his lap, looking into his eyes now full of delight. She saw past the horror of his face, how he potrayed himself and saw him for who he really was. They stared into each others eyes, kissed and let the whole world fall away from them.

Time had passed, Raoul became curious and stepped into the room, he gasped placing eyes upon the two lovers. "Christine! How dare...what are you doing?" Christine and the Phantom stood, Raoul set his glance over to the man before him, "You! I will kill you!" Raoul fumed as he looked at the two staring at him. The Phantom, who was now elated, stepped forward and adressed the angered man.

"Vicomte, this may come as a surprise to you but you must leave. You have lost dear Vicomte, now take yourself away from my sight." Raoul looked at Christine, pleading and confused, she mearly shook her hear and mustered a look of apology. The engarged Raoul pointed at the Phantom, his body shaking with rage, "You will pay for this!" The man mearly nodded in response, angering Raoul only that much more. He turned on his heal and stormed out leaving the two looking after him as he trugged through the water, the same way he had come in.

The night could have turned out to be different, she could have chosen Raoul and left the poor Phantom alone with a broken heart. They two turned tword one another, he took her face in either hand, placed his forhead on hers, "Say you'll share with me one love, one life time."

She smiled as his angelic voice pleaded only for her, "Say the word and I will follow you."

Christine placed her small, delicate hand upon his face, feeling it for who he was, "Share each day with me each night, each morning." With that they began what was to be a passionate night, one that both had always dreamed of. It was their time to start a life together. She loved him and he loved her, that was never to be denied.