Author's note: So this is the next adventure I have written, and as you can tell by the dates that I have used, it was a fair while ago now! This is a bit of a more grown up adventure for the Sarah Jane crew in terms of the darkness of the episode as opposed to one of the epiosdes on tv, I hope I haven't changed it too drastically. This is just a short chapter to get us started and I'm not sure how frequent the updates will be because of study commitments and the fact that I haven't fully typed this story up. I will try and post as often as I can for you all, though.
In terms of length, I think this story will be about the same length as my Torchwood story, if not longer. I hope that's okay?
Enjoy :D
Ben Campbell walked along a corridor expectantly beside his younger sister as they had been instructed to by the good looking lady who had hosted the seminar. He glanced down at the leaflet in his right hand that said "Special Enrichment Program for Talented Minds under the Age of Twenty" and shook his head slightly.
He hadn't believed a word that the lady had said in the seminar, but he had come for his sister's sake. They turned a corner and he saw the attractive woman walking towards them. Ben smiled at her and received a smile in return as the came to a stop beside her.
"My name is Sophie and I shall be conducting a scan of your brains to give you accurate and previously unknown information about how your brain functions and how smart you really are." She told them in a plastic and uncaring voice. "Which one of you would like to go first?"
Ben looked down to his sister on his left, who was looking at Sophie with a scared look on her face. She looked up to her older brother, shaking her head. "I don't want to do this anymore."
"Oh, come on Bianca," Ben sighed. "We only came because you wanted to." He paused then said, "Look, how about I go first and prove nothing bad or scary will happen."
Bianca frowned as Sophie patted her brother on his back.
"Good man," Sophie said, smiling, "Show no fear and get into the room and the scan will begin. Young girl, you can wait here."
The lady named Sophie walked through one of the two doors beside them and left them alone. Ben made to open the door that led into what he assumed was the scanner room but Bianca stopped him.
"Ben, there is something wrong about all this."
"Bee, you're over thinking the situation, like you always do." Ben said, shrugging her off.
Bianca stepped back as her brother opened the white door and walked inside, giving her a last, contradictory look before shutting the door behind him. She watched the door with worried eyes and she could tell that something bad was going to happen.
Sophie watched through the glass window as Ben walked into the white x-ray room and smiled. She pushed a button on the small, silver control panel in front of her and she spoke into a microphone.
"Just sit down in the comfy chair and we'll begin shortly." She instructed and someone behind her cleared their throat. "Some people will believe anything," she said quietly once she had taken her her finger off the button without looking around, "And these humans are no different!"
"He's older than the others." The man behind her said calmly, his hair white and his suit black.
"I am sorry about that, father." Sophie said, looking around to him. "The young girl wouldn't go in, so this one said he'd go first to prove that nothing would happen." She giggled slightly. "Can you feel the girl's fear though? It is so glorious and delectable!"
The older man took a deep breath and smiled. "She is good stock, but I am curious to see what the older boy has to offer."
Sophie smiled at her father before turning back to the controls and pushing a small red button.
Still outside of the room, Bianca gave a sudden gasp as she heard her brother scream and a bright, white light escaped from the cracks around the door. She stumbled backwards as her brother cried out for her to run and she did; she ran as fast as her little legs would take her.
(FRIDAY 18th DECEMBER, 2009)
Sarah Jane Smith sat at her computer in the attic reading that morning's newspaper as she sipped a steaming hot mug of tea and enjoying the peace and quiet while her son was at school; his last day before the Christmas break.
"Anything interesting today, Sarah Jane?" asked Mr. Smith, the amazing super-computer.
"No," Sarah Jane answered, looking to him over her reading glasses, "Should there be?" she added sharply.
"I believe so, yes." He told her seriously. "I think that you should turn to page nine."
She frowned and turned to the ninth page and gasped. "A school bus from Luke's school went missing yesterday!" she exclaimed. "It was reported yesterday afternoon when the children didn't arrive home! Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"
"I was not aware that I needed to," Mr. Smith said. "I do apologize Sarah Jane."
She stood up and put the newspaper down on the desk before she shook her head. "No, it's not something you should need to have to tell me. It hasn't got anything to do with aliens, I would guess." She mused quietly to herself as she put on her jacket. "Well, I can't imagine why aliens would capture a school bus… but I might just go and have a word with Haresh, he might know more about it."
"Good luck, Sarah Jane." Mr. Smith said as she left the attic.
She moved quickly down the stairs, grabbed her car keys and handbag off the table beside the front door and ran outside to her green car. She jumped in, put her seatbelt on then started the car before driving quickly out her driveway, waving to Gita who was driving away in the opposite direction. As Sarah Jane pulled away from her house, gathering speed quickly, she missed the vworp! Vworp! sound of a blue police box materializing in her back garden.