Disclaimer: "I am SO not a tree."
a bit of comment commentary first.
Asteria: 1- I used Jean and Amara because I don't like them very much. That, and when people don't look alike, and are mistaken for each other, it's just funnier to me :) 2- yeah, I like Forge too, however, there was only two places I could put him with Storm in princess role, and... 3- Logan's my favourite, so he gets the hotman part ^_^
hehe,now, on with the insanity! (and thank y'all for the reviews, please keep it up!!!!
Mutantballs: Tightarse.
PIOTR: In front of Spaceball 1 is Storm's car.
PIOTR: Colonel Creed and Dark Fire are standink in the front.
COLONEL CREED: Princess Storm's spaceship within range, sir.
DARK FIRE: =mask down= Good. Fire a warning shot... or something. Preferably something... heh... flamable.
PIOTR: Guns start firink.
PIOTR: Storm takes off the headphones. Again. The car is shakink.
STORM: What's going on?
MYSTIQUE: It either the 4th of July, or someone trying to kill us.
STORM: Hey! I don't have to put up with this. I'm rich. (picks up phone) =mutters something about how stupid her lines are remaining.=
MYSTIQUE: What you doing?
STORM: I'm calling my father. 1-800-BAYVILLE. (dials the phone)
DARK FIRE (lifts up mask): Careful, you idiot. I said across her nose, not up it.
GUNNER: (lifts up eye guard to reveal Alex Summers.) Sorry, sir. (He's crossing his eyes.) Doing my best.
DARK FIRE: Who made that man a gunner?
SCOTT SUMMERS: I did, sir. He's my brother. Something wrong with that?
DARK FIRE: Who is he?
COLONEL CREED: He's a Tightarse, sir.
DARK FIRE: I know that. What's his name?
COLONEL CREED: That is his name, sir. Tightarse, Major Scott Tightarse.
DARK FIRE: And his brother?
COLONEL CREED: He's a Tightarse, too, sir. Gunner's-mate, 1st Class, Alex Tightarse.
ALEX SUMMERS: Hey! Just cause my brother's got a stick stuck up his, doesn't mean I do too!
Raven: Just follow the script dear.
DARK FIRE: How many Tightarses we got on this ship, anyhow?
PIOTR: All, but few, stand up.
ALL: Yo!
DARK FIRE: I knew it. I'm surrounded by Tightarses. (pulls down mask) Keep firing, Tightarses!
a bit of comment commentary first.
Asteria: 1- I used Jean and Amara because I don't like them very much. That, and when people don't look alike, and are mistaken for each other, it's just funnier to me :) 2- yeah, I like Forge too, however, there was only two places I could put him with Storm in princess role, and... 3- Logan's my favourite, so he gets the hotman part ^_^
hehe,now, on with the insanity! (and thank y'all for the reviews, please keep it up!!!!
Mutantballs: Tightarse.
PIOTR: In front of Spaceball 1 is Storm's car.
PIOTR: Colonel Creed and Dark Fire are standink in the front.
COLONEL CREED: Princess Storm's spaceship within range, sir.
DARK FIRE: =mask down= Good. Fire a warning shot... or something. Preferably something... heh... flamable.
PIOTR: Guns start firink.
PIOTR: Storm takes off the headphones. Again. The car is shakink.
STORM: What's going on?
MYSTIQUE: It either the 4th of July, or someone trying to kill us.
STORM: Hey! I don't have to put up with this. I'm rich. (picks up phone) =mutters something about how stupid her lines are remaining.=
MYSTIQUE: What you doing?
STORM: I'm calling my father. 1-800-BAYVILLE. (dials the phone)
DARK FIRE (lifts up mask): Careful, you idiot. I said across her nose, not up it.
GUNNER: (lifts up eye guard to reveal Alex Summers.) Sorry, sir. (He's crossing his eyes.) Doing my best.
DARK FIRE: Who made that man a gunner?
SCOTT SUMMERS: I did, sir. He's my brother. Something wrong with that?
DARK FIRE: Who is he?
COLONEL CREED: He's a Tightarse, sir.
DARK FIRE: I know that. What's his name?
COLONEL CREED: That is his name, sir. Tightarse, Major Scott Tightarse.
DARK FIRE: And his brother?
COLONEL CREED: He's a Tightarse, too, sir. Gunner's-mate, 1st Class, Alex Tightarse.
ALEX SUMMERS: Hey! Just cause my brother's got a stick stuck up his, doesn't mean I do too!
Raven: Just follow the script dear.
DARK FIRE: How many Tightarses we got on this ship, anyhow?
PIOTR: All, but few, stand up.
ALL: Yo!
DARK FIRE: I knew it. I'm surrounded by Tightarses. (pulls down mask) Keep firing, Tightarses!