-1What's really in the dark of night

Chapter 16: Heero POV

I told him…I can't believe I told him! I promised I wouldn't tell but there I went… I had to betray the one person I've ever trusted with my secret. Okay, so I didn't mean to tell Quatre, but that's a moot point. The point is that I DID tell him, regardless of whether or not it was by accident.

I messed things up royally between us, I really did. I don't know how Duo can ever forgive me, I won't blame her if she never does. No, today is not going to be a good day if this morning is anything to judge by. I just really hope nobody tries to bother me today, I'm not in my usual mood.

I make my way to class only to find Relena already there and chatting up a storm with her followers. I swear that girl will make an excellent politician, dictator, or at the very least, cult leader. The woman has excellent leadership skills, if only she'd use them for good, not evil.

Sighing, I trudge over to my desk and take a seat. Pulling out my notebook and pen, I attempt to blend in with my desk while trying to appear busy if anyone happens to notice me sitting here. Unfortunately for me though, it appears as though everyone noticed my grand appearance and watched intently as Relena saunters over and sits on my desk.

"Good morning, Heero," she said in her annoyingly sweet voice; the one I can't stand.

"Go away Relena, I don't feel like dealing with you right now."

She pouted, putting on her best hurt look, "But Heero…"

"Relena, PLEASE don't start with me today," I nearly growl, my grip almost breaking my pen.

"I just wanted to tell you that now that you and that riffraff had a falling out, I'm still free for you to take me to-"

That was it. I couldn't take that pink menace talking trash about MY Duo… even if Duo didn't want anything to do with me… I couldn't let this girl trash her. I abruptly stood up from my seat, knocking down the chair I was sitting on and leaned in really close to her face.

"Duo is not now, has ever been, or will never be TRASH!" I growled. I felt the entire class grow silent and stare at me, but I wasn't about to care.

"Come on, Heero," she smiled, taking a step back, "everyone knows you two had an argument this morning."

"And how would they know that?" I ask, shaking in anger.

"I saw you, of course." She had the audacity to smile, as though seeing that and telling everyone about it was some feat to be proud of. "Too bad that the Winner name will also have to suffer because of that freak."

I wanted to hit her, just then. I've never hit a woman, and I wasn't going to start now, so I punched the next-best-thing: my desk. Everyone, including Relena, jumped back at that, much to my amusement.

"I will say this to you once," I growled, then looked around the room, making sure everyone heard, "I despise you." I heard several gasps and an 'I told you so' from somewhere in the back. "I've never liked you and now I know I never will. You are annoying, selfish, conceited, vain, and to put it plainly, an eyesore. Your best quality is the ability to manipulate all these sheep who follow you around blindly. I pity you, and I pity them. You are so wrapped up in yourself that the few people who have the gall to stand up to you and reject your tyrannical run of the school are ridiculed and humiliated constantly. I want NOTHING to do with you, EVER. Do I make myself clear? I've had enough of your pestering and effective tomorrow, I'm placing a restraining order on you."

With that, I picked up my things and left the room. There was complete silence as I made my exit with everyone getting out of the way as I passed. Even the teacher gave me a bug-eyed look but didn't stop me. I needed to go somewhere and get away from all the people I couldn't bear to look at.

After some thought, I went into the library and hid in there until the end of class. I went through the rest of my school day in silence, blatantly ignoring everyone and everything. I needed to become numb. I didn't want to face Duo during art class, but I needed to vent some of the emotions going through me. Besides, I could always try to ignore everyone like I've been doing the whole day.

As the bell rang for Art class to start, I slumped down in my chair. I didn't bother to raise my head to greet my friends. I didn't want to deal with anyone right now. I didn't want to have to see Duo angry at me. I didn't want to see how the news had affected Quatre.

"Heero?" I heard Duo's voice call to me.

I looked up warily, afraid of what I'd find. I was surprised to see that there was no anger in those gemstone eyes, but something else entirely.

The conversation we had barely registered in my mind. Everything is kind of fuzzy in my memory, but I know that was one of the happiest moments in my life… so far. I now had a date with Duo. I couldn't believe she wasn't mad at me.

The next thing I know, the date for the dance had arrived and I stood outside of Duo's door in a white tux with a black shirt and white tie. In my hand, I held an orchid corsage that perfectly matched Duo's beautiful eyes.

After only a moment's wait, Duo's uncle opened the door and ushered me in. Like any parent, he held in his hand a camera , ready to take a picture of his daughter's… er… niece's first date. I was on my best behavior; after all, I didn't want to make a bad impression.

"Heero," Mr. Maxwell said, "You've grown a lot since I've last seen you."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You'll take good care of my Duo, won't you?"

"Of course, Sir," I said, smiling a little.

Just then, Duo came down the stairs in the most beautiful dress I'd ever seen her in. It was black satin all the way through. The off the shoulder neckline made her pale skin look creamy and my breath hitch. The corseted top showed off her feminine looks while the elegantly flowing fabric of the skirt gave her allure. Her hair had been done up from the top so that a bow studded with plum gems was woven out of her own hair, but left the bottom half flowing down her back. Her hands and arms were covered to just above her elbow with black gloves and from her neck hung a dark amethyst on a satin ribbon.

"Duo…" for some reason my voice seemed to have left me for a second.

She smiled at me as she came daintily down the stairs and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back before placing the corsage on her wrist. Duo's uncle then took the mandatory pictures and we were then ushered out of the house and to the awaiting limo. Inside the limo, Trowa and Quatre waited, both looking their formal best in complementing tuxedos and cuddling in their seats.

"Wow, Duo," Quatre gushed as he looked at Duo's dress, "You look like a cross between Audrey Hepburn and…"

"And a gothic Belle from Beauty and the Beast." Trowa finished for him.


"What? She does."

Duo just laughed at them and thanked them graciously for their compliments. I had never seen Duo be this ladylike …ever. I just wanted to keep her for my self from this moment on and I'd be damned if I ever let her go.

When we entered the dance, there was a hush that settled over the room.

"What's wrong with them?" Duo whispered as I led her into the rented ballroom.

"They're all staring at how beautiful you look," I whispered back.

"What about Relena?" she asked, her eyes focused on something behind me.

I looked, and sure enough, there was Relena, looking as lovely as she could with a lacy pink dress that really did make her look like a princess. It hugged all the right curves and accentuated all the right places, her hair was even done up so that her long, swanlike neck was on display, but she couldn't compare to the girl I came here with.

I turned away from Relena's hopeful gaze and stared into Duo's vivid violet eyes, "What about Relena? I'm here with you."

Just then a romantic slow tune began to play, the lights were dimmed and all around us, people were pairing up.

"Would you like to dance?" I asked, holding my hand out to her.

"Yes…" Duo whispered back.

Gently, I wrapped my arms around her slim waist and led her gently through the mass of people dancing in our surroundings. To be honest, I didn't even notice any one else. My whole world was centered around the soft face in front of me.

I leaned in gently, kissing Duo's cheek, then whispered words spoken to me by my grandmother in Japan. They'd never made sense before, and I had almost forgotten them until this very moment.

"Violet fire and Cobalt ice.

When united,

Lost souls shall be guided."

I pulled away from her slightly to look into her shining eyes, "That was beautiful, Heero."

I just shrugged a little and leaned in again. I didn't want to yell over the music, so I leaned in close to her ear and whispered the three words I've wanted to say to her since that kiss we shared.

"I love you."

Duo shivered in my embrace but leaned in as well, "I love you too, Heero."

She then did what I'd never expected; she kissed me. She really kissed me.

No moment in my life will ever compare to that kiss, the purest, most heartfelt kiss ever to be bestowed upon a person… and she had given it to me.