Author has written 85 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z, Fanfiction Poetry, Andromeda, Sentinel, Harry Potter, FAKE, Weiss Kreuz, Gravitation, Please Save My Earth, Misc. Anime/Manga, Stargate: SG-1, Here is Greenwood, Saiyuki, Pet Shop of Horrors, Fruits Basket, Clamp, Get Backers, and Moon Child. NOTICE - July 27, 2018: So I actually did start the editing and rewriting of my fics. I also created an Ao3 account to go with this pseudonym to post them. The process is slow, especially with the longer stories, but it is happening. I've also started picking at some of my WiPs. yay? So far 8 titles have been processed and transferred. You can find them as I update here - https:///users/NemKess/pseuds/NemKess Thanks ~nemkess NOTICE - April 20, 2012: well, what to say? We all know it's been forever and a day since I updated here. The thing is that I still want to finish all those fics. The biggest problem is this - a quick glance through is all that it takes to pick up on some of the simplest typos. I tremble in fear of what a more in-depth look would actually show. I did, in fact, have most of what I wrote read through by other people back thendespite what some of the random comments (and a read through) might indicate. They just didn't catch much more than I already had. So I'm left with what I still believe were good ideas, but some really poor execution. As well as a great deal of change in the universes themselves (can you imagine how much easier a pensieve would make things for Draco and how much worse for Ron/Hermione in Betrayed???) that render some of my own creations ineffectual? Which means I have to rewrite almost everything. * The very idea gives me a headache. Still, I'm not opposed to it. But it causes a second problem - I have no idea how to rewrite and switch chapters without losing every single review this fic has ever gotten or breaking everyone's update alerts. And why bother rewriting and updating if no one who was interested and, who stayed interested for so long, can get those alerts? I mean... I suppose some of you have actually gone and looked for the updates yourself, but given how long it's been since I updated (and how often I get the notices about them) I find it more likely that most just have an alert set. I suppose one possible solution is to just post the rewrites on my AO3 account and link back from here... For those curious about if I write any longer and if so, what, well... The answers are yes, quite a lot, and none of the fandoms here. I don't even write in the same RPS circles as I used to and I changed pseudonyms a long, long time ago. I created that second pseudonym for separation between myself and some very bad pennies that I'd managed to pick up, so I won't just go spouting it around, but I've written more under it than I ever did under this one. The last HP movie did manage to stir my muses a bit, but now I'm completely out of anime. Which doesn't mean that I don't want to finish the WiPs I left in those fandoms, just... I don't know if I'll ever find the oomph to do so. One of my very kind readers told me that losing my interest in the source material doesn't invalidate the fic itself, but... How can I work within a source universe that I no longer feel passionate about? I don't know. I suppose the only real point to this post is to let people know that I'm still alive and I'm still writing and I'm still hoping just as much as any of you that there will come a point when I'll be able to finish these stories. ~nemkess (and wow, you have no idea how weird it feels to call myself that again) My Fic Journal - Kitsune Tales - is also on indefinite hiatus. books anime non-anime |