Reviews for Footsteps
Shinigami Kiyomi chapter 20 . 8/17/2013
Oh i forgot to mention I love your titles and chapter titles too! :3
Shinigami Kiyomi chapter 21 . 8/17/2013
The ending's so cute! X3
Love what you did with the emotional roller coaster, very intriguing. I thought the bit when Heero was thinking he'd risk his life for the dog in chapter 14 was hilarious! XD "All he knew was one thing: they were everything. And he was surprisingly okay with that. Even the fact that he'd risk his life for a dog. Okay, maybe that disturbed him a bit, but other than that, he was at peace with the changes inside him."
I love it :3 again another amazing story! _
(Lol your getting a lotta wows from me)
Miso Muchi chapter 16 . 2/23/2012
I think I'm just going to skip the lemons. Every part until pentration is wonderful, but... Seriously.
Miso Muchi chapter 11 . 2/23/2012
Um, I like this story too much not to continue reading, but for goodness sakes, the lemon needs a tad bit of editing because the way it was written made it sound like Heero entered him through his dick and that just ain't right... Wow, I can't believe I'm saying right and wrong while I'm reading a gay lemon.
HeeroDuothenumberoneandtwo chapter 21 . 10/6/2010
maybe the presents are (signed) copies of Duo's book?
cho-chan09 chapter 21 . 11/24/2009
Yay! I liked reading this fanfic. It was such an interesting emotional roller-coaster. And did you seriously leave them getting all hot in the bathroom? o.O I want a present too Duo! But yes, I loved it! _
rupert maxwell chapter 6 . 3/2/2009
Jah,too sappy~~how could duo fell asleep after being kissed in such a way!gah,i couldnt*smacks*,pervy thought. Nah,i'm going to search others story,let this,hehe,i'll continue 4jj!
chibigirlflower chapter 21 . 3/25/2008
I just loved the hole story, it was great, awesome, fantastic.
SeekJustice chapter 10 . 3/1/2008
That is *the* best scene ever! I love the flipping off of the fat woman, and Duo's line about wanting it ever since he saw what he shot. So cute!
Tempus Mori chapter 3 . 2/28/2008
I had to comment on this, lol.

(A/N: In episode 10, because we all know that he didn't press that damn button just once, oh, no, let's make a HOBBY out of it. . .)

It just made me laugh, XD. However, you should put it at the end of the piece, indicated by an asterick or something. Putting it in the middle disrupts the flow and brings the reader back to reality (which is never fun :P) Just my two cents :P


p.s. You should justify your work. The format is odd and makes it a bit difficult to follow. _~ I like giving constructive critisism, not "omg u rawk!~ Rite moor!" I dont see how that helps anyone.
Ookami Shingetsu chapter 21 . 2/22/2008
I really loved this story. The characters are well rounded and believable and your grammer, etc, makes for very easy reading. What a nice ending too! You have a great talent for description. Can't wait to read more of your work.
greylady chapter 21 . 1/29/2008
So I definitely read your story all the way through when I should've been studying for an exam...but it was totally worth it. . Good job!
caz chapter 20 . 1/22/2008
my god the emotion is pouring out by the end! it made me want to cry with them. wow! i rely think you should do an epilogue for this just so people can see how happy they can be together.
Farley Alexa chapter 20 . 1/11/2008
Yes, please write an Epilogue. Once I started to read this story I couldn't look away from my computer screen. This story was more in depth and believeable than any of the other gundam wing fics I have read. And it deserves some closure. I'll be looking forward to your next update.
Jazzmin chapter 20 . 1/4/2008
Your style of writing, the emotion you put in to your words, is amazing. You really have a talent. While some authors may think that some of your sentances are fractured and that your structure is off, I disagree. I think that the way you break up your sentances rather than providing this huge monolouge of description makes your story more understandable to the reader in general. I do look forward to seeing some future material from you. Keep up the good work.
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