Reviews for Of Being Gay and Falling in Love
AmyWonderland382 chapter 3 . 11/3/2018
I am totally with you! For me it was rude, selfish and condescending for them to "pray" for him. Mercedes especially pissed me off, but that's not new, she's me least favourite character. The way this whole episode was written pissed me off. Emma's rant to Sue was totally uncalled for. She was the only one actually listening to what Kurt wants. Everyone else was trying to make themselves feel better, but their "prayers" didn't help Kurt, they hurt him. What Kurt needed that week was love, support and help, not prayers. Finn was a selfish jackass, which made me laugh when the following week Rachel praised him for being "kind and selfless" like hello? he literally prayed to touch boobs, win a game and be the quarterback over saving a guy who in Finn's own words was "the closest thing to a dad he has". Mercedes was a selfish bitch, and in my opinion, Kurt should of told her to get lost instead of apologising for not believing. The fact that Kurt basically felt alone all week because no one was actually supporting him, speaks volumes for how little they actually care. This is proven again when Karofsky is bullying Kurt and all of them including Mercedes his so-called best friend and Finn his "brother-of-the-year" don't do jack about the bullying, then they get upset when he announces he's moving schools.
Sorry, that was a long ass rant, but this episode was my least favourite, Chris knocked it out of the park with both his acting and singing, but the other characters just pissed me off.
Missy chapter 13 . 2/12/2017
It's literally 2017 and I'm still in love with this FF. I was literally shipping E/K
Mr-and-Mrs.Bowties chapter 8 . 10/12/2015
I aplaude you... Literally, when I read "Kill him, Burt!", I literally stood up and started clapping. That was golden.
Knb248 chapter 23 . 7/5/2014
bky2001 chapter 11 . 12/26/2013
Can I just say that when they break up I literally got up of my spot on the couch and started dancing around. I didn't realize that my dad had just gotten home for lunch...oh well! :D
quin3218 chapter 24 . 11/25/2013
love these 3 stories and hope to find season 3!
quin3218 chapter 17 . 11/25/2013
love micheals comment about the door ! and how much zoe loves kurt! too adorable!
quin3218 chapter 10 . 11/22/2013
go mr anderson!
quin3218 chapter 8 . 11/21/2013
oh my god! i almost died Kill him, Burt! hahaha too funny!
quin3218 chapter 4 . 11/21/2013
aww hummelberry
icheeseflip13 chapter 4 . 3/26/2013
Teenage Dream! Yay! It's still their song!
icheeseflip13 chapter 3 . 3/26/2013
Ha! He ate a bad sandwich... yeah, after being in the fridge that long, I was thinking, "Isn't that gonna be spoiled..." Anyway, I loved the last one and I can't wait to read this one, especially to see how you'll incorporate Dalton into the story or if you will at all. It's cool seeing how Blaine fits in to all of this.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/11/2012
alovestorytoldincupsofcoffee chapter 24 . 10/8/2012
YES! I just read Rocky Friendships and this all in one go... Am now quite tired. Words cannot describe how glad I am you're doing a Season 3!
Guest chapter 24 . 10/7/2012
WOW! Can't wait! WHEN?!
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