A/N: This is the follow up to Number 2. The second part of this 'verse. A lot of people asked for this, both in reviews and on Tumblr etc. So I hope you find it pleasing.
There will probably be one more after this to give closure or I may write one where the opposite of this, happens to Kurt. If people would like to see that.
There may be a sprinkling of mild smut it this, nothing graphic, just references.
Again, this may contain Triggers and strong mentions of suicide. If you suffer from depression related issues, then I advise you not to read this if you are feeling down...or if you feel you may be triggered at all. Reader discretion is advised
Note that I do not believe this would or should ever happen to Kurt. I am using artistic license. I don't think he is weak or pathetic or anything bad, because this may portray that. But he is so strong in canon. This does him no justice. Also, Blaine...I despise my version of him in this, but love canon Blaine. Sebastian can just gtfo. Nuff said.
P.S. If you want music for this, then I recommend Use Somebody and Heartbeats- covered by Scala & Kolacny Brothers.
The music is in full swing. Blaine is dancing wildly and can feel dozens of others pressing in on him as the dance floor fills. Sebastian grinds against his back and Blaine lets out a small moan.
This is the life.
A gorgeous boyfriend.
Amazing friends.
Good health.
What more could a guy ask for?
This isn't normally his scene but tonight it is just incredible.
Blaine turns around to face his boyfriend, locking his arms around Sebastian's neck and leaning in to kiss him; long and slow and passionate; before suggesting they head somewhere a little more...private.
Kurt ejects the disk containing his suicide 'video note' and pulls out a sharpie from his desk draw; carefully inscribing Blaine's name on the front before slipping it into a plastic wallet.
Blaine and Sebastian left for Scandals around an hour and a half ago. Based on their usual date times, they shouldn't be back for another couple of hours, and even if they were, they would most certainly be in Sebastian's room; the one with the larger bed.
Kurt shudders.
Blaine's head drops back against the cold tiles on the bathroom wall as a low moan escapes his lips. Sebastian is on his knees before him, in one of the larger stalls, his mouth working rigorously on the younger boy.
Now normally Blaine wouldn't dare do anything this 'cheap', especially not in a place like this; but when one had a hot guy attached to one's body, one didn't tend to think about location.
Kurt slips on a pair of thick socks, to quieten his steps. He slides the disk into the pocket of his pants and quickly creeps over to his dorm room door; pulling it open with a creak before sneaking out.
He checks around every corner and continues on his way; careful to avoid any passing boys, in case he aroused suspicion.
He doesn't want to raise any questions. He just wants to get things over with as soon as possible.
Wow, that was certainly something to cross off the bucket list; which, since Sebastian had entered his life, had become much more sexual than Blaine had even considered possible.
But hey, he was a teenage boy. He has urges and hormones and stuff. You can hardly blame him for doing what he just did. It feels good, and that's what teenage life is about. Feeling good.
Everyone should have the chance to feel good.
Kurt feels absolutely terrible. The slow pace he is walking at and the solemn way each step seems to echo down the hall make it seem like he is heading to the gallows, or to a hangman's rope, rather than to a friend's dormitory.
He can feel the disk knock against his side with every swing of his leg; taunting and teasing him as if it knows what is about to happen.
In a way, Kurt supposes, it does.
Blaine is back on the dance floor now; surrounded by people, all dancing and cheering and having a fantastic time.
He smiles as Sebastian send him a flirty look, shimmying back over to him, between the rambunctious males.
'Hey Blaine.' He half shouts above the loud bass of the music. 'I think we should head back!'
Blaine immediately pulls a face. 'What...Why?'
'There's nothing wrong.' Sebastian reassures. 'I'm having a great time. I just think we could have an even better one back in the dorms...in my room... in my bed.'
A grin splits across Blaine's face as he begins to nod frantically. Sebastian chuckles low, and reaches out to grab his hand, before pulling him through the throngs of dancers and towards the door.
They smile and shoot each other sly glances, happy that they have each other right now, that they are together.
Kurt is alone. Completely alone.
The corridors are deserted and the entire building is silent, except for the gentle hiss of the boiler a few doors down. He wishes he could choose to be lonely; because solitude is much more comforting when you want it. Not when it is thrust upon you.
He approaches his friend's dorm and quickly checks around, almost hoping for a sign of life, before trying the handle.
Unsurprisingly, it isn't locked. So Kurt quickly presses the door open and slips into the darkened room.
Blaine swings his and Sebastian's joined arms wildly as they head out of the club and over to Seb's car. It's getting quite late now. The sun is nearly set and the sky is a deep crimson red with barely a cloud in sight.
It's beautiful, Blaine thinks, although that might just be the alcohol talking.
Kurt glances around the room; taking in all the minute details for the final time.
The posters on the wall, spelling out influential quotes, or displaying grinning sports men. The film memorabilia and the tiny little wind up robots that lurk on a bookshelf. There are a few photos littered around the place too. A few more than when Kurt was last in here.
He crosses the dark carpeted floor and heads over to Blaine's dresser. Where most of his pictures are laid out.
There are framed snapshots of the warblers; all standing in a group after a competition. There is another during rehearsal, of Blaine and Nick mid leap.
Just to the side there are some shots of Blaine's parents and his older brother and across from that is a small picture of a toddler Blaine with who Kurt presumes are his grandparents.
In pride of place though, there is a huge framed shot of Sebastian and Blaine, arms slung around each other's waists and grinning cheesily for the camera.
Kurt winces.
There are a few more of Blaine and friends, and Kurt smiles at each one, trying to memorise the expressions of glee and the emotions around them that were so beautifully captured within these frames.
There is one thing Kurt finds strange though.
He cannot find the picture of Blaine and himself; the one that used to sit where the image of Blaine and Sebastian now lurks.
It was taken at the Lima bean a couple of months back. Mercedes had snapped the shot and emailed it to the pair almost instantly as it was just 'too cute', and Blaine had of course immediately framed it. Laughing with Kurt and telling him how 'adorable you look, seriously. This photo makes you look like a little bunny I just want to cuddle'
Kurt had blushed and turned his head, smiling at the compliment but still embarrassed.
He did indeed look like a rabbit. He had coffee foam on the tip of his nose and Blaine was making those silly ears behind his head as Kurt pulled a completely ridiculous pose for the camera.
Back then, Kurt had believed those flirtatious actions had meant as much to Blaine as they had to him. That maybe Blaine calling him adorable was a chat-up line or come on...that hadn't been the case.
But it was still an amazing day, he had been so happy.
Just as he is about to turn and place the disk on Blaine's bed, Kurt spots the photo in question.
It is sat right at the back of Blaine's dresser. Hidden by books and papers; a striped Dalton tie covering half of it, so one can only see Blaine and the side of Kurt's hair.
There is a thin coating of dust covering the glass and Kurt winces at the knowledge that this shot has been left untouched for quite some time.
Kurt reaches out and picks up the photo, dropping the tie on the floor with little regard.
He holds the photo to the light, taking in as much detail as he can.
Why had Blaine abandoned it?
They looked so happy.
Blaine is in the car, speeding down the country roads with Sebastian driving, on their way back to Dalton.
He has a delayed curfew and doesn't actually have to return to school tonight, but Sebastian's dorm is much nicer than any hotel they could get, and it's quite far away from the other rooms, thanks to his persuasive father. It also contains Seb's 'supplies.'
Blaine reaches out to caress Seb's hand as it perches on the gear stick.
His boyfriend briefly glances over to him and smiles.
Blaine gives a rather tipsy giggle.
How is this his life?
He is just so happy.
Kurt by this point, has slipped the photo out of the frame and has tucked it into his pocket.
He likes that photo; he wants to keep it with him.
He is obsessing far too much over this guy, but right now, with less than an hour left, is there really any point stopping?
Kurt checks his watch; he has around an hour or so until Blaine and Sebastian would normally get back, but for all he knows they could have left early. He doesn't want to risk being caught.
He leaves the frame on Blaine's dresser and quickly trots over to the bed, pulling out the disk from his pocket and laying it lovingly on Blaine's pillow.
He smoothes down the creases on the surrounding fabric, and presses a kiss to his finger, which he then touches lightly to the disk.
This is his goodbye.
Kurt walks the corridors of Dalton, making his way to the sports locker room. Because he knows that despite the extensive security everywhere else, they always leave the windows there unlocked and open. Something about the horrific smell otherwise, and right now Kurt has never been more thankful for it.
He is heading outside; and across to the school chapel.
He's never been particularly religious, and he's not going there to pray.
He's going there because it is very tall, and is the only building in the school, where one can actually access the roof.
He was dramatic. Yes.
He wanted his passing to be dramatic too.
So sue him.
He wanted it this way. He had had no say in almost everything else, shouldn't he be allowed to at least choose his death?
This was also pretty guaranteed to work.
There was always a danger with wrist slitting or hanging, that something wouldn't work, or that you'd be found before you could actually go through with it.
Sometimes you had to just let go of your fears and...jump.
He deserved the pain he was about to receive. He deserved it. Taking pills and alcohol was easy and painless, but this was the way for him. Maybe the pain of jumping would balance out with the pain he would have received in later life?
It would hurt like hell when he hit the ground, Kurt knew it. But then it would be over. Then it would stop. He needed to feel the force as his body struck the earth. Taking pills was easy. This method actually required courage.
And Blaine had always preached courage.
Blaine's thoughts drifted around as he lazed around in Seb's car.
He felt like texting...
Maybe Nick, or Jeff, or Wes, perhaps David, or Thad, or Trent, or...
Or Kurt.
He hadn't spoken to Kurt in aaages.
Yeah...he should text Kurt.
Kurrrt...Kurtie Kurt Kurters...
Wait...no...that wouldn't work.
Cos it was late and all...so Kurt would be asleep.
He was going to sleep real early recently.
And Blaine didn't want to disturb him.
He'd talk to Kurt in the morning.
Yeah...the morning...that was nice...Blaine liked mornings...mornings were haaappy...
Kurt felt the wind rustle his hair as he gazed over the edge of the chapel building. The ground was a hell of a long way down, Kurt could only just make out the seam between the stone path and the grass below as the moonlight shone down upon him.
It was cold tonight. Not bitterly so, but enough to send chills shooting down Kurt's spine.
He could see the stars shining above him. Glinting and twinkling, like tiny fairy lights spattered across the sky.
They looked so cheerful up there, dancing above the heavens. Kurt spins on the spot, eyes fixed on the sky above him. Maybe he'll end up there...amongst the stars. He always wanted to be one on earth...maybe now his course has changed...he can shine in a different way.
If he was a star he could watch over everyone. He could make sure others got the happiness he never did. He could stop all the hurt and the pain; the suffering and the agony. He would never let someone go through what he had, not if he could help it.
He would watch his dad, and keep him in good health...and help him forget. He didn't want to hurt his father...he really, really didn't. He loved that man so much; he was always there for Kurt. Well, up until recently at least. But he had Finn and Carole now. Kurt would help him forget about the disappointing son he was, and help Burt to love Finn just as much, if not more than he had loved him. Finn deserved a father like him, and Burt deserved a son like Finn; and Carole would just complete their happy family. Kurt would make sure they were never sad. He loved them too much to let them grieve for long.
He would watch the New Directions. Watch as their family evolved. As people make up and break up and fall in love. And he would watch the Warblers too. Watch as they choreographed new routines and made their team even stronger. He would watch as they wowed audiences with their synchronised steps and amazing voices. He would make them happy, all of his previous friends. He would grant them all their Number 2s. He would make them so very, very happy.
But mostly...he would watch Blaine. Because try as he might he just couldn't get this damn boy out of his head. Blaine invaded every though he had, every dream he dreamed, every breath he took. And it was so stupid. Kurt knew it was; because you shouldn't feel like that about someone. Not at this age. But he did...and those feelings wouldn't go away...they weren't even returned. Blaine was happily together with someone who was definitely not him.
But Kurt was ok with that.
As much as he wished it was he who got to have Blaine, he was ok with Blaine having someone else. He wanted him to. Blaine deserved to have someone to love him and have someone for him to love . He truly did. If Kurt couldn't give him that love, then it was only right that someone else did. And Kurt was overjoyed that someone would. He may love Blaine, but as every cliché Romance novel says. 'When you love someone, you've got to let them go.' And that was what he was doing.
Letting Blaine go.
Letting him love someone else, and not causing a fuss. Letting Blaine be himself, and supporting him. Letting Blaine live his own life.
Removing Kurt from the equation, so he would never have to worry about his friend again.
Blaine could just get on with life and be happy, like he deserved to be. It may hurt him a little at the start, but Sebastian would help him through it. They had each other.
Kurt had no one. But at least Blaine did.
And even if Blaine and Sebastian didn't work out, there was no doubt that he would never be alone. He had everything a guy could dream of; looks personality, wit, humour, he was amazing!
If he and Seb did break up, there would be hundreds of guys just begging to date the curly haired teen. He was too perfect. Kurt didn't deserve that kind of perfection in his life, but Blaine should have his life be utter perfection.
Kurt steps up onto the ledge of the building, and wraps his arms around the horizontal part of the cross that perched besides him.
It was built of cold concrete, and about the same height as him. Small patches of lichens had sprouted up along its surfaces but it still retained a superior stature.
It provided good support as he surveyed this earth for the final time.
Blaine sits giggling in the front seat of Sebastian's car as the pair head back up the Dalton drive.
They are listening to some obnoxious song on the tacky late night radio, but Blaine is too tipsy to care about the quality of the music. He's just focused on getting back to his bed...or preferably Sebastian's if things go well.
Blaine smiles as he gazes out the window, tapping his fingers to the beat of the bass. His eyes catch sight of the large Dalton chapel. The humongous cross above the roof illuminated in the moon light.
The chorus of the tune starts up, when Blaine notices what seems like a figure, standing alongside the cross.
'Hey...' he slurs, waving his hand in front of Sebastian, keeping his eyes fixed on the figure. '-Hey Seb'
'What is it Blaine?' Sebastian questions, not looking at his boyfriend. 'I'm trying to drive your drunken ass home.' They are nearing the car park now, and Sebastian is trying to focus on getting inside as quickly as he can.
'I think...I think I see Jesus.' Blaine says, squinting as the figure extends a hand over the edge of the chapel roof.
'Blaine.' Sebastian sighs. 'I doubt very much that you can see Jesus. It's probably a hallucination; I think the alcohol is getting to you.' Just like I will be getting you in a minute if you just shut up.
'No.' Blaine says, rapping his fingers on the window, as if this will mysteriously attract the figures attention. 'I see him...on the chapel... I'm not halu- hal- halus- Seeing things. He's there. I see him.'
'Ok babe. You see him.' Sebastian says, as they turn a corner and lose sight of the chapel. 'But no more Jesus talk for now ok, not unless you're screaming it in ecstasy'
Blaine flushes and giggles even more. 'You think you're so impressive Bas.' He chuckles.
'Not hearing any complaints from you.'
'And you never will.'
The figure is forgotten in seconds.
Kurt steps back, mentally preparing him for the jump.
He tries to picture happy moments in his life. The happiest thing he can possibly think of.
He wants to fall and wake up to a world where all of his dreams would have come true, where these happy thoughts would have a hope of happening.
He lets his mind run blank, and then allows the steady flow of images to enter.
Kurt imagines a life where he and Blaine had a chance.
He sees coffee dates and flirty duets. Just as they once were, by suddenly so much more. There are secret glances and sly smiles as they watch the other. Constant hand holding and hugs mean so much more, and they can kiss too.
And how they kiss.
Blaine's lips will be slightly chapped, but still oh so soft and warm. They would press against Kurt's with such passion that the whole world could see their love, by seeing a single locking of lips.
He would kiss Kurt one day. They would be alone, together, and Blaine would give some sappy declaration of emotions and Kurt would sit awe struck as someone finally returned his feelings. And then Blaine would smile up at Kurt and lean slowly in and-
Kurt sighed.
And then they would become a couple; Boyfriend and Boyfriend. And they would walk around Dalton hand in hand; never shy of showing off their love, because no one could touch them, or what they had.
They would go on dates. Go see movies and go to restaurants together. And of course, get coffee, in the place that has quickly become their coffee shop as they frequent it so much. The baristas would know their names and would greet them cheerfully every time they entered. And he and Blaine would sit opposite each other on their table; in amicable silence, simply relishing the others presence.
They would get to sing a proper duet one day too, in front of everyone, maybe even at a competition. Blaine would probably pick something incredibly inappropriate but Kurt would find it endearing none the less, and they would spend the entire song sending each other small smiles and praying for the performance to end so they could finally kiss.
And one day they would go to prom together. And Kurt would watch as his boyfriend was crowned prom King, and he would grin like a toddler with candy as they slow danced together. Holding each other so very, very close. Kurt knowing that everyone else in the room was so very envious of him; because he had Blaine, and Blaine only wanted to dance with him.
And his friends would love them both. And be so proud of them. Because they were so perfect together, they overcame the obstacles and made it through... together... And they were so, so happy.
He reaches his arms out to either side. So his body is reflecting the crucifix beside him. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, picturing himself and Blaine sitting across from each other in their coffee shop, letting an array of images flood his mind.
There is one final clip of his heel as he steps towards the edge.
They are just talking; discussing events in each other's live. The conversation passes between the pair with practised ease. They are so comfortable with each other...so at peace. And Kurt is on a roll, explaining in detail the latest drama occurring in his fabulous life... when Blaine gazes up at him with love filled eyes and-
Kurt extends his other leg out just over the ledge and-
-Blaine speaks.
Kurt falls.
Air hurtles past him. His clothes billow in the wind as his eye squeeze reflexively. The wind is deafening and his pulse is pounding in his ears.
-I love you.
The ground hurtles towards him and Kurt releases his last breath.
'I love you too.'
There is no one left to see the slip of shining paper, gently float down from the sky. It spins and twirls; dancing in the moonlight as it makes its way to earth.
With a final and very tiny clip it touches down on the cold surface at the base of the chapel...next to a crumpled body.
It's a photograph.
On one side of the shot there is a tall brunette, resembling a bunny, and on the other, is his chirpy best friend.
They are smiling...
Anyone who saw it would think they were a couple...there was just so much love in their eyes.
And that's how it should have been.
And that's how it will never end up.
A/N: Yeah...so apparently I wrote that. Umm...yes.
I don't really know what to say. Only that right now writing is a really great way to get emotions out, and I am very sorry for doing this to Kurt.
If you want to review...I would really love it. Otherwise...have a lovely day, and I shall hopefully see you all soon.