![]() Author has written 68 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Kyo kara Maoh!/今日からマ王!, StarTrek: Voyager, Soul Eater, and Tsubasa Chronicle. Waking Up In Vegas is now FINISHED!!!!! At 60 chapters, it's three times the length of any of my other long fics! And it seems to be my most popular, too! So THANKS to all my friends and readers still with me from begining to end, and to the new ones who keep popping in! Thanks! Here is a summary of my new #1 story, Waking Up In Vegas! After a harsh falling out with his father, bussiness man Quatre heads out for a night in Vegas with his best friends. With his two best friends pushing him, an artist without inspiration, Trowa decides to try out Vegas's night life. Somehow the two wake up... married... and with no memory as to how they managed it. Trying to create a worth-while relationship with someone you just met is hard enough. What could make it harder? Ghosts(who aren't really ghosts), Spys (who may or may not really be spys), Bad Guys (who may or may not be the real bad guys), mysterious (and DEADLY!!) machines that everyone wants to get their hands on, and a plot to create World War(that may or may not succed). And their crazy families are not helping matters either! Please check out my YouTube account... 0DayAfterDay0... and the video trailers to some of my fics! There are also some under Animechan123's account..yamiyugiangelofdarkn. (Animechan123 is absolutely amazing! I love all her vids!!!!) I also have vids for 'Waking Nightmare' by Violet-Eyed Demon, and also for a fic or two of SilentEpiphany. http://www.youtube.com/user/0DayAfterDay0 http://www.youtube.com/user/yamiyugiangelofdarkn ()_(/) (gives literal meaning to the though of someone sending you plot bunnies grins) Do you live with or know about child abuse? If you do, or don't read the poem below, copy and paste it into your profile, you never know it just might make someone feel better and give them hope. My name is Sarah. I am but three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see, I must be stupid I must be bad What else could have made My daddy so mad? I wish I were better I wish I weren't ugly, Then maybe my mommy Would still want to hug me. I can't speak at all I can't do a wrong Or else I'm locked up All the day long. When I awake I'm all alone The house is dark My folks aren't home When my mommy does come I'll try and be nice, So maybe I'll get just One whipping tonight. Don't make a sound! I just heard a car My daddy is back From Charlie's Bar. I hear him curse My name he calls I press myself Against the hard wall I try and hide From his evil eyes I'm so afraid now I'm starting to cry He finds me weeping He shouts ugly words, He says its my fault That he suffers at work. He slaps me and hits me And yells at me more, I finally get free And I run for the door. He's already locked it And I start to bawl, He takes me and throws me Against the hard wall. I fall to the floor With my bones nearly broken, And my daddy continues With more bad words spoken. "I'm sorry!", I scream But its now much too late His face has been twisted Into unimaginable hate The hurt and the pain Again and again Oh please God, have mercy! Oh please let it end! And he finally stops And heads for the door, While I lay there motionless Sprawled on the floor My name is Sarah And I am but three, Tonight my daddy Murdered me. There are thousands of kids out there just like Sarah. And you can help.Sickens me to my soul, and if you just read this and don't pass it on I pray for your forgiveness, cause you would have to be one heartless person to not be affected by this story. And because you are affected, do something about it!! So all I am asking you to do, is take some time to send this on and acknowledge that this stuff does happen, and that people like her dad do live in our society,and I pray for child abuse to wither out and die,but also pray for the safety of our youth. Please pass this poem on because as crazy as it might sound,it might just indirectly change a life. Hey, you NEVER know. Please put this on your site if you are~~AGAINST CHILD ABUSE ~~ baCk iT uPP ~XxX Child Abuse XxX~ My OC for How To Save A Life, Kaori, has her very own picture! My old beta, Foxxy, drew her for me. Here is a link to the picture! http:///art/Kaori-115450183 Let me know what you think, and for goodness sakes, let Foxxy know! I think she's absolutely amazing! Foxxy, can I glomp you? Oh well glomps you anyway Huggles and cookies and all sorts of goodies to Foxxy for being one of the best betas ever! |