Reviews for The Academy
Chrininnie chapter 14 . 2/24
Hello !
I hope this message will reach you even if the last update was long ago.
I discovered boot camp with a french translation but she didn't translate fast enough by my taste so i read it on your profil i thought it was excellent
I was delighted when i saw the sequel. I doubt it will be a next chapter but i have to say i really like your story and it was a pleasure to read it.
Thanks for the good time (and if you write more of it one day, i'll be waiting)
Aacire chapter 14 . 1/23/2019
I hope you one day decide to continue this story. It was one of my favorites and I just read it and Bootcamp. It would end the mystery for me of what direction you were going with it.
Akumu Nokami chapter 14 . 8/27/2018
Every once in a while I come back to this story hoping one day it'll be updated. I'm not sure where you went, or whether you even still think about this story or not. I understand you have your own life and sets of troubles. Or at least I hope so, as to be honest the alternative is that something happened to you which made it impossible for you to continue. Considering how dedicated you were to all of your works, it's a legitimate worry. I'll just pray that one day you can come back and finish everything up. I really want to see where you go with this.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that people are still reading your fanfiction even years after you posted it. And rereading it whenever they get the chance. Boot Camp is still one of my all-time favorite stories.
sammyjane73 chapter 14 . 7/15/2018
This story is very good. Are you still writing on it? I would love to read more of what happens. You're a great writer.
Duaimei chapter 14 . 1/6/2018
Thank you! Just rereading this classic fic!
Tula Fate chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
I love Boot Camp and was glad to find there was more to it with this story. Looking back at when it was last updated I'm just wondering if there is a place I can find the rest of it. I know with life there can be little time so I'm guessing not. I just thought I'd try and hope. _
Pokeyonekenobie chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
I've hit a patch of writer's block so I've been re-reading some of my favorite stories. Now my muse has an idea that would work for this story but not so much with mine! I still love this story and keep crossing my fingers that one day the story will beg to be worked on again. :)
Lyndzai Radtastic chapter 14 . 5/29/2017
I'm so sad this story hasn't received any updates in so long! I just found your stories recently and fell in love with the way you write! Boot Camp was amazing, and this one was just as good! I really want to read more! I hope someday you may find the time to finish, or even maybe start new stories in case you have lost your motivation for this one. Either way I hope you are inspired to write again in the future. I know I will be waiting and I'm sure others will be to!
Dot chapter 14 . 7/18/2016
I so wish you'd update this :( isn't Quat only 15? He's a pretty darned cool 15 year old! Love all your stories ! :)
SaKuRa-MIna chapter 14 . 5/23/2016
AAAAHHHHH! I can't believe I waited so long to read this sequel! I am loving the Academy. Oh the drama, it makes me want to smack them, but they all are just so cute with each other. I hope you will finish the story. I am anxious to find out how they do... Also, I REALLY WANT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE DATES COLLIDE! That's going to be hilarious! Keep up the awesome work and good luck!
Liasid chapter 14 . 11/29/2015
All caught up. But seeing as this story hasn't been updated in over 5 years I don't think you'll be writing anymore :(

Oh well. It was a great story and I'm glad I read it.
Koiame chapter 14 . 9/20/2015
Love the sequel. Hope you come to update it someday, but more importantly that you are well. Thank you for sharing your work as it is always a pleasure.
AmaChan chapter 14 . 1/11/2015
Hello Snowdragonct,

I have read and re-read Boot Camp so many times and I love everything about what you've created and how you write. I've also read what you have posted of The Academy and I keep coming back hoping for more.
I hope, even if you've just given up on this story, that you are at well and okay. I realize I'm just an internet stranger, but I truly have gotten concerned. Regardless of your plans for the story, I hope you are well, healthy, and happy. And I wanted to thank you for sharing your talents and creating the best AUverse I've ever read for this series.
serentara chapter 14 . 9/13/2014
I read Boot Camp and then this story over the last few days. You are a wonderful writter. Your stories are well developed and lengthy and I love your character portrayal. Please update soon!
Zombietdactyl chapter 14 . 8/21/2014
So I read Boot Camp and then this story over the past month in my free time on my phone, because it was so good I wanted to read them whenever I had a moment. You write so wonderfully and the characters feel so lifelike. It's disappointing you seem to have hit a snag or lost inspiration on this story cause it's really so great and I was really excited to see where it was heading. Like other reviewers, I hope you decide to add more chapters to this story! But even so, thank you for writing something so great to read!
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