Author has written 5 stories for Bleach. Hi Guys!!!!! I'm Emily. My imagination is well, for all you Bleach fans can probably extend as far as Orihime's does. I'm a crazy author. Sorry that ur stuck with well, my it's 3 AM and I might as well right a story. I'm working on some other stuff at so here's a link to that account!!! I'm also an artist so you should check out my Deviant art page. If you like my writing and my writing style I have other stories posted on DA as well. I also have a tumblr account for those of you who wanna be more in the know with ME as well as a separate blog attached to that that promotes ALL of my creative stuff as well as a book I'm in the process of writing. http:/// http:/// Favorite Quotes from Gerard Way (lead singer of My Chemical Romance) -"Talent can only take you so far; it's your view on the world that makes a difference." "Anything at all is completely possible and I think that's what I like about drawing." "The best heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary." "Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive." "There's something really pure about people who listen to music." "There's something about being extremely unashamed about what you are that really pisses people off. It means you're going to get a lot of people that understand it and love it and a lot of people that don't understand it and hate it." "Now the first rule some of you can't help. The first rule is don't be an asshole. The second rule is don't flash your boobs. We're not into that." QUESTION: WHAT WAS THE WORST THING YOUR PARENTS EVER CAUGHT YOU IN, AND HOW LONG WERE YOU IN TROUBLE? "Oh, I set a fire. I almost burned the house down.." |
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