Please remember that while ghost Shirosaki had black and gold eyes, his human body has red eyes because he's an albino.

Beta'd by the lovely WarriorNun- thank you!

Haunted: Chapter 10

I looked up at the starry sky and frowned. It was cold. I rubbed my bare arms and was thinking back to my warm room when someone grabbed a hold of me and shoved me off the path and into the trees. A hand covered my mouth before I could scream and I found myself staring into the glaring red eyes of Shirosaki.

I tried to say his name but his hand kept me from making any noise other than a moan. "Ichigo…" He purred my name and I found myself shivering. "Ya are a pretty forgiving person, aren't ya?" I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Ya got back together with that red haired idiot even though he tried to rape ya." How did he know that we're dating again? "He would have if I didn't stop him." He scowled at me and leaned in close so I could feel his body against mine. It felt sort of nice…but probably just because I was cold and he was so warm.

"Or maybe ya like stuff like that?" My eyes snapped to his face and I began to shake my head frantically. He smirked and rolled his hips forward. "Oh? I think ya do, pretty Ichi." I shuddered at the way he said that, like when he was alive before and when he was a ghost. "My Ichi…" His hand slid away from my face and trailed down past my throat to rub my cold arms as though to bring warmth to them. "How would ya like it if I took ya against his tree right now? Just forced ya to bend over and slammed into that tight little virgin ass of yours."

"Don't…" I whispered and he frowned, and then brought his hand up to push a piece of hair out of my eyes.

"If ya don't want that, then why are ya with that piece of shit?" I mumbled something under my breath and refused to look at him. "Speak up." He nudged my legs apart with his knees and pressed what I knew to be his erection against me. "Tell me or I'll assume ya want me to rape ya."

I hissed at the unwanted friction and let my head drop against the tree. "I…I wanted to forget you."

He stopped and I squeezed my eyes shut so I wouldn't see his reaction but he was insistent. "Look at me." He demanded. When I refused to he yanked at my hair. "Look at me!" I looked at him. I stared into his narrowed, red eyes as he frowned at me and studied my own brown ones. Then his look softened and he caressed my face with the back of his fingers. "Did ya miss me, Ichi?"

"No!" I responded immediately and turned red when he smirked.

"Ya did, didn't ya?"

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Heh-heh, I missed ya too." I looked away from him again, but this time he didn't force me to turn back and instead brushed his lips along my throat, making me inhale sharply.

"Shiro…" I moaned his name and arched my back as his teeth scraped along my sensitive skin. "We can't do this here."

"Mm-hmm…" He mumbled as his hand slid underneath my t-shirt and he pressed harder against me.

"I'm serious!"

He groaned in frustration and then pulled away. "My place isn't far from here." He said and threaded our fingers together before leading me forward. I was glad for the darkness; otherwise I was certain Shirosaki would have teased me about my red face.

His place turned out to be a one bedroom apartment which looked as though it had seen better days. He shifted awkwardly as I glanced around and frowned. "I know it's not anything like you're used to-" This time I was the one who cut him off with a kiss. He didn't hesitate a second before he grabbed the back of my head and brought our mouths together more firmly.

I moaned and squirmed when his hands began to run over my body and gripped my ass. "Shiro!" I cried out. I could feel him smirking into my skin and was about to yell at him when he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me into the next room, which turned out to be his bedroom. He threw me onto the bed and then was on me, kissing me and yanking at my clothes like he couldn't get them off fast enough.

I would have found it amusing if I wasn't tearing at his clothes with the same amount of desperation and want. He finally managed to pull my shirt over my head and latched his mouth onto my nipple, making me gasp and squirm underneath him. "Ahh…stop…" I shoved at his head but he batted my hands away and sucked at the hardening flesh. "Fuck!"

"In a minute…" He murmured and pulled away to admire to my body before pinching my nipple in between his thumb and finger and gently rolling it.


"Do ya want this Ichigo?"


"More than anything?"


"Good." He released my throbbing flesh and undid my pants before removing them and my boxers in one swift move. I was uncomfortably aware of how naked I was as I brought my legs together to try and hide the view.

"No, no." He said with a frown and glided his hands down and up my thighs before parting my legs. "Let me see ya."

"It's embarrassing." I muttered and tried to cover my groin but he pushed my hands away.

"Let's even it out then." He leaned back against his heals and grabbed the bottom of his shirt before pulling it above his head. I wanted to drool at the hard expanse of muscle that was presented to me as he unconsciously flexed and then dropped his shirt to the side. I swallowed at the predatory smile that crossed his face and looked away when he began to unzip his pants. "Look at me Ichi." I didn't want to, but I did anyways. He was still smirking at me but his pants were on at least. "I want ya to pay attention to every second of this, and how much ya want it."

Then he took off his last remaining clothing. I stared. He was already fully erect and some fluid was beginning to bead at the slit of his head. He was larger than me, but luckily wasn't a monstrosity for which I was very glad. His pants and underwear met the same fate on the floor. Then he dropped down onto his hands and knees once more and crawled in between my spread legs, making sure to drag his hands up my legs to my hips and then cupped my chin to kiss me.

I opened my mouth to it as our tongue swirled against each other and his hands wandered over my body. It was relaxing, despite his hard erection pressing against my stomach, not allowing me to forget that I was about to lose my virginity. I shivered slightly and he pulled away to kiss my jaw before getting off the bed completely to walk over to his dresser and began to search through the drawers.

I took a minute to admire his strong body and heavy cock and balls as he cursed and grinned in pleasure when he found what he wanted. He turned around with a tube of something and a wrapper for a condom. "Got ya!" He exclaimed happily, making me burst out laughing despite myself. He scowled at me good naturedly and crossed the room to poke my chest. "Don't give me that, these are for ya, ya know!"

"Sorry." I was still smirking though, so I'm sure he didn't take me seriously.

"Hmph. Roll over."

"Er, what?"

"C'mon, I gotta prep ya." He nudged my hip and I warily turned over onto my stomach. "Ya really do have a nice tight ass." He gave said ass a little smack and I jumped.


"Sorry, sorry." He sounded about as sorry as I did. There was a click and then a slight squirting sound as he put what I assumed was some sort of lubricant onto his fingers. "It's kind of cold, but you'll get used to it." He murmured and then spread my cheeks with one hand and began to rub the substance again my entrance. I jumped at the cold feeling and he muttered apologies again before slipping a finger inside of me.

I inhaled sharply and tensed, expecting pain but none came. It was uncomfortable, but there wasn't any sharp hurt like I had come to associate with it. "Oh…"

"Does it hurt?" He asked a little anxiously, making me want to laugh but not daring to.


"Good." He moved it in and out a few times before taking it out completely and introducing a second. This one was a little bit more than uncomfortable and I shifted a bit, wincing.

"Still good?" He asked, his warm breath washing over my ear.

I nodded and found myself relaxing as his tongue traced the rim of my ear. He began to spread them apart and I cried out. "Ah!"

"Sh…" He hushed me and twisted his fingers around as I dug my nails into the bed sheets. It took me a moment and then I was able to force myself to relax again. "Last one." He warned me before introducing a third finger.

"AGH!" I threw back my head as my entire body tensed at the pain. I tried to shift away at first but his other hand came around to my front and began to stroke my erection. "Shi…" I whined and he kissed my shoulder.

"If I don't find it, we'll stop, okay?"

"Find it?"

"Your prostate." He answered just as his fingers brushed against that famous bundle of nerves inside of me.

"Fuck!!!" I cursed and shoved my hips back.

"Yeah, I'm that good." He said smugly. I wanted to smack him for it but I was too busy thinking how fucking good it actually felt to care. "It'll get even better." He promised as his fingers pulled out of me. I heard the crinkle of the condom being opened and then a hiss as Shirosaki rolled it onto himself. I gritted my teeth as he propped himself with one hand above my body and used the other to guide himself to my entrance.

I stiffened as he rubbed the head of his erection against me. "Wait…"

He froze. "What is it Ichi?"

"I don't want to do this face down." I wanted to see him, to know that it was him and not Renji, to look at him as he fucked me.

"It's easier this way." He warned, but got off of me and allowed me to turn onto my back. "But I don't mind, I'd like to see your face when ya come." He grinned down at me as he parted my legs and nudged them up so that he was in between them. He kissed me again and rubbed his erection against my hole once more before gripping my hip to steady himself and pressing in. At first there was just a blunt pressure, and then he slipped inside of me and I couldn't help a small cry that came from my lips at the pain.

He said nothing, but instead muted my whimper with his mouth as he kissed me gently and continued to press steadily forward. I squirmed and shifted my legs and hips to try and ease the pain, but everything I did seemed to make it worse. So I held still, tense with my jaw clenched as he pushed all the way inside of me until I could feel my rectum stretch past its limits. I yanked away from his mouth and gasped for breath as he inhaled sharply and laid his forehead on my shoulder.

"Fuck ya feel good." His murmured and rocked his hips to coax my entrance wider, making me cry out. "Ya okay Ichi?"

"I don't know…" I muttered, which was the truth. I was still in pain, but it dulled to a sore ache when he stopped moving and it wasn't so bad as long as he didn't move- his hips shift forward again and I hissed, digging my nails into his arm. "Don't move!"

"Sorry." He murmured. He actually did sound a bit sorry, but that didn't stop him from being fully erect inside of me and obviously enjoying it. His hand encased my slightly less erect dick and began to stroke it back to full hardness. I groaned and turned my head to the side and allowed myself to be lost to the pleasure. Ever so slowly, he began to pull out of me until only a small bit of him was left inside of me before he slammed back in.

"AH!" I screamed and threw my head back as he began to thrust into my hard and fast, in time with the jerk of his hand. "Fuck!" The pain threatened to split me apart, but with his hand moving over me and my prostate being abused so deliciously I wasn't going to protest.

"I've been fucking thinking about this since I first saw ya." He growled into my ear and grabbed my knees, pressing them upward to hook on his elbows. "Ya look so good underneath me." He gave a particularly hard thrust and I gritted my teeth, clenching around him at the wave of pleasure. "Too fucking good"

"Fuuuckkk…" I dragged the word out and reached my hand down to jerk myself off. "Faster!"

He didn't say anything but smirked and did as I demanded. I screamed his name as he began to continuously rub against that pleasurable spot inside of me and cursed the fact that I was already close to losing it. My only comfort was that Shirosaki's breath had noticeably quickened and he was gripping my legs a lot tighter as his thrusts became harder.

"Ichigo…" He growled my name, making me shiver.

"'m close…" I moaned and buried my head against his chest.

"Just let go." He murmured into my ear. I half sobbed in ecstasy and tightened around him before finally allowing myself to release all over my hand and stomach. He purred in pleasure and kissed my temple before thrusting in and out of my trembling body harshly until he called my name and his thrusts slowed down. For a moment he remained inside of me, his body pinning mine down uncomfortably. He slowly pulled out of me and I shivered.

He mumbled something under his breath as he took off the condom and tied it before tossing it into the waste can across the room. Then he slumped beside me and spooned his body against my side while nuzzling my hair. "Pretty fairy…" He murmured and I sighed, rolling me eyes. This mix of personalities was going to take some getting used to, but at least he was affectionate. His kissed my lips lightly before dropping his head to the pillow beside my head and we both relaxed into sleep.

Rukia snickered to herself as she waved her hand over the crystal ball and the image of the lovers disappeared. "Did you think that it would turn out like this Byakuya?"

"I had hoped that I would be the one." The stoic Kuchiki commented. "But I am glad that it worked."

"Hm, I suppose witches are good for something."

"It almost killed him though." Byakuya said in a lecturing tone. "It forced the part that could love Ichigo out of his body and he thought that Ichigo had killed him."

"But when the pieces came back together he was still able to love him." Rukia countered and tapped her fingers on the table.

"No more true love spells." Byakuya ordered with a frown.

"Oh! But there was this sweet kid name Hanataro that I thought really could benefit from…" Their voices trailed off as they moved to the next room. Ichigo and Shirosaki's life was balanced once more, and nobody would be able to tear them apart.


Yes, this is finished. I hope that everyone enjoyed it!!! Of course Rukia was behind the whole thing, the devious little witch =P [with a capital B]

For those who like RenjixIchigo, I have a new story out with him and Ichigo.