Chapter 18: Epilogue: After the Storm

Thank you untouchable hexing witch for reviewing!

Thanks for all the love and support on this story guys! I'm so sorry this had to come to an end, but I had so much fun expressing my darker gory side. Thanks to those who always reviewed and those who just got into the story.

Four years later...

"Come here you little brat!"

Grimmjow held out his arms as the little two year old ran into them. He picked her up and brushed her jet black hair out of her face. Streaks of teal brightened her long tresses. They had no idea how that happened; she was simply born like that. Amethyst orbs widened brightly, knowing that she was going to get something good.

Grimmjow took out a bag of candy from his pocket. "You want one, Kaminari?"

The toddler nodded eagerly and held out her small hand. Grimmjow placed a piece of candy in her palm. Once she got it, she wriggled to get out of his grasp. He placed her down and she ran over to the couch in he and Starrk's house. She tore open the wrapper eagerly and ate the candy so fast it didn't look like she had time to chew it. Starrk leaned against the wall and chuckled, enjoying the scene before him. He already knew what was going to happen. It happened every time.

Kaminari hopped off the couch and ran back up to Grimmjow. She placed her hands in front of her, asking for another piece. Grimmjow bent down to her level and wagged his finger in front of her. "You can't have any more until after dinner."

She frowned and her violet eyes narrowed. She kicked Grimmjow in the shin. "Gimme candy Uncle Grimmy!"

"Ow," he said chuckling. "That's not nice little girl."

She glared up at him. "I not little! Gimme candy!"

"You have to wait until..."

Kaminari flopped on the floor and began to scream just like any typical child who didn't get what they wanted. "Uncle Grimmy!"

"Oh dear," Szayel said from his spot on the opposite couch next to Renji, turning his gaze away from the current temper tantrum "You knew better than to only give her one piece Grimmjow."

"When are ya gunna learn?" Renji asked as he laughed. "She's not going to tolerate just one. She's got a serious sweet tooth."

Orihime giggled as she stood next to Ulquiorra. He gazed at the child in amusement. Ulquiorra turned to Grimmjow. "She is the only female you let yell at you like that isn't she?"

"That screeching is getting on my damn nerves."

Nnoitra reached down and grasped Kaminari by the arm and hauled her up. He placed his other arm underneath her bottom and glared at her. "What the hell are ya screaming for?"

The child immediately stopped crying. She buried her face in Nnoitra's hair, grasping it in her tiny fists. "Papa, Uncle Grimmy won't gimme."

Nnoitra looked over at Grimmjow. He held out a hand. "Give it blueberry."

"Fine lanky," Grimmjow huffed. "You're lucky this kid's my soft spot or I wouldn't share."

He handed over the bag to Nnoitra who in turn held the bag to his daughter. She put her hand in instantly.

"You can only have one more, that's it," he informed the two year old.

"Okay papa," she said as she took the candy.

Nell walked over chuckling. "You're going to spoil her Nnoitra."

"So what?" he snapped. He placed his chin on top of her head. "She can have whatever the hell she wants."

Nell smiled at her husband. It was great saying that, but it had been hell to get him to even ask. He didn't think things like marriage were needed. Everyone would know who she belonged to when he was by her side was what he always said. After a while, he finally gave in to her persistence. He said he was only doing it to shut her up. At the wedding, Nnoitra yelled at the priest to hurry the hell up so he could fuck his wife. That didn't go over very well...

That was about a year after their long encounter with Tesla. She had to get her wedding dress altered because she found out she was pregnant with Kaminari. She delivered only a month after their wedding. She remembered it like it was yesterday.

Nell's water broke while she was out shopping with Harribel, Szayel, Orihime, and Renji for more baby supplies. She already had a lot from her baby shower, especially from Starrk and Grimmjow, but since she and Nnoitra owned a house now and the baby would have her own room, she wanted more things to put in there.

They were just leaving the store when it Nell thought she had wet herself and realized she was starting labor. Her friends immediately rushed her to the hospital and Szayel phoned Nnoitra to let him know the baby was on her way. He said "so what" and that he would get there when he was done working. Nell's contractions had already kicked in. She heard what Nnoitra said so she snatched the phone from Szayel and told him he better get his pencil ass to the hospital or she would tear him limb from limb.

Once he was there, she screamed at him and called him every name in the book for putting her through the pain of giving birth. He shouted back that she wasn't complaining when he was fucking her, in fact she begged him not to stop. Szayel ushered him out of the room while Renji, Harribel, and Orihime struggled to hold down a very pregnant, in labor, and irate woman.

"Don't be mean to Uncle Grimmjow, Kaminari," Nell said as she kissed her daughter's cheek.

"Okay mommie," she said as she finished the second piece of candy. She looked up at her father. He could tell she was asking for more candy without saying anything.

He put her down. "Go eat dinner and you can have some more."

"Kay," she said as she toddled over to Starrk. He picked her up and carried her off as she proceeded to tell him what she wanted to eat.

Nell was amazed at the change their child brought out of Nnoitra. Sure he was still an ass. That part about him would never change, but he had a soft spot for his daughter. He could be rough on her at times, but he would still hold her tight whenever she stretched her arms up for him. Every night, she fell asleep in his embrace. She refused to sleep in her bed. Anytime they put her in it, she would just get up and get in bed with them. It was hard on their sex life so they would put her to sleep first and then place her in her room. She was the light in his dark heart and Nell wouldn't have it any other way.

Once Nell and her family headed home, Nnoitra put Kaminari to sleep like he always did. He would cradle her in his arm and order her to go to sleep. She had no idea why that worked, but it did. It sure didn't work for her though.

Nell was in the kitchen washing out Kaminari's sippy cups. She turned and saw Nnoitra standing in the door way. His hair was covering one of his eyes as it hung down past his shoulders. He was shirtless and his arms were crossed over his chest. His pants hung low on his waist, showing his hips and the crevices in them that led into his pants. He motioned her over with a finger.

"What do you want Nnoitra?" she asked seductively as she dried her hands and sauntered over to him.

He placed her hair behind her ear and then grasped the back of her neck. "I don't need to tell you what I want. You're not a dumbass."

"I can't, you know that Nnoitra," she answered already aware he wouldn't accept no.

He placed a hand on her swollen stomach. "He's going to be fucking so many girls when he's older so I don't think he'll care while he's in there."

"You're a sick father," she said laughing as she wrapped her arms around his slim waist.

His arms encircled her as he held her tight. They stood like that in silence for a few moments. When they first came home after what happened, Nell found herself constantly waking up in fear. She had dreams of what happened over and over. Each time she would wake up screaming when Aizen came towards them with a knife. Nnoitra would cover her mouth and pull her firmly against his body. This was the only time that Nnoitra didn't insult her. He could understand why she was afraid although he himself was not.

Now they were finally able to relax a little in peace. They had their little girl and their boy on the way. They could finally live without worry. Nell couldn't bear to think what would have happened if Kaminari was in the picture when Tesla was alive. Aizen managed to survive his gun shot and stab wounds. He was now in prison on two life sentences.

"Come on Nell," Nnoitra whispered as his long tongue darted out to meet her neck. "It's not like you don't want it."

She couldn't argue with him there. Pregnant or not, she was going to get laid tonight. She pulled him by the hand toward their bed room. But paused for a second when she felt a chill go over her spine.

I feel like an eery tone would be a good way to end the story. I hope you enjoyed it and thank you all so much for following! I do have ideas for another NellxNnoitra story, but I will have to do lots of research on this subject and I need to finish some of my other stories first. Please review and let me know what you think!

A/N: Kaminari means thunder. She has that kind of personality don't you think? lol