Laura: Guess what! It's time for a mini series! I really like these because they don't make me feel as stressed as a full story usually does XD This is going to be full of random snip its of Naruto and Sasuke's lives together. I'm pretty happy with this story and I really hope you get as much enjoyment out of it as I do. Enjoy :}

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything related to it. Alls I gots is my own plotssss.

(Also, as you can see, I drew some fanart for the cover image from one of my favourite moments in chapter 15.)

Suigetsu was pissed off. Scratch that, he was down right livid. After a long day of listening to boring lectures and writing essays all he wanted to do was come home, grab a snack and watch some TV. But no, nothing could ever be that simple when you're living with an Uchiha. Suigetsu had never considered Sasuke a friend. He was an acquaintance at most. The two of them had nothing in common and most of the time they spent together there were a million other places both of them would rather be. Suigetsu however seemed to completely forget these important details when he learned Sasuke had bought his own apartment near their school.

And it just so happened that Suigetsu himself was looking for a place to stay. At the time, the two figured they could both get something out of it. Suigetsu would be close to school and all his friends while Sasuke would benefit from the second income of money. It was a win-win. However, as months passed Suigetsu was reminded of why he and Sasuke had never become close friends. The dude was fucking insane. Not 'Oooh I just saw a unicorn!' insane but 'Do as I say or I'll kill you in your sleep' insane. Now, Sasuke may have never said this out loud but his eyes had said it for him. At first it was tolerable. Hell, Suigetsu even agreed with some of his rules. But things quickly escalated from there. At one point Suigetsu was receiving new rules on a daily basis.

Sasuke even had the balls to ban Suigetsu's best friend from entering the apartment after he threw up all over the couch, a result of his drunken night out. Suigetsu thought it was hilarious. Sasuke wanted to rip his hair out. He didn't know how, but Suigetsu had managed to survive four months with the freak. Four was the limit. Suigetsu had cracked. And it wasn't because of Sasuke's rules or his inability to hold a conversation. In fact, for once, Sasuke had done nothing at all. Suigetsu had been sitting on the couch in the living room with the TV on and Sasuke was sitting across from him in his favourite recliner. No one but him is allowed to sit in it of course. The obnoxious sign taped on the back made that very clear.

Sasuke was studying like always and Suigetsu was trying to pay attention to whatever was on the TV but he just couldn't seem to relax. Whenever Sasuke was around he felt tense. Granted, Suigetsu was the one who decided to sit down. Sasuke had been there first, like usual, but if he had slunk off to his room that would have meant that Sasuke won. He refused to back down to this bastard. With these thoughts going through his head Suigetsu found himself glaring at Sasuke across the room. Sasuke, sensing eyes on him, slowly lifted his head and met Suigetsu's gaze. "Can I help you?" He asked with a perfectly arched eye brow.

Dick.' Suigetsu thought. "Why don't you ever go out? Don't you have any friends?" Ridicule was clear in his voice. Sasuke simply stared at him. "You know. Friends." Suigetsu repeated as if he was speaking to a child. "F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Friends. People you hang out with. Outside." Sasuke frowned. "And what about this? What's all that about?" Suigetsu pointed to the books on Sasuke's lap. "Are you ever not studying? Do you even know what fun is?!" Sasuke's expression clearly showed his displeasure but Suigetsu was on a roll. "Let's see. All the things that are wrong with Sasuke Uchiha!" Suigetsu started listing things off on his fingers.

"You don't talk. Ever. And when you do it's only to rank on me for breaking one of your stupid rules. Which leads me to fault number two! You make up so many idiotic rules that you literally have lists hanging around the apartment so I don't forget them! You say rooms are off limits and yet you have no problem barging into my room to complain about something pointless when I'm clearly busy! You have absolutely no sense of humor and sometimes I think your face is stuck in a permanent frown!" At this point, Suigetsu was standing up glaring down at Sasuke as his pent up rage boiled over.

"You only buy the food that you want and you're such a clean freak that I can't even take my bloody shoes off by the door without you getting on my case! Not to mention your inability to take a joke. I pranked you with a whoopee cushion and you changed the fucking locks on me!"

"I only did that once." Sasuke defended himself steadily.

"It doesn't matter how many times you did it the point is you did it Sasuke!" Suigetsu boomed. "You are the most annoying, big headed, emotionless freak that I have ever met! I can't take this anymore dammit!" Suigetsu's chest was pumping up and down furiously and he was sure his face had become red from lack of oxygen.

Finally his rant had come to an end. Throughout this whole time Sasuke's expression had remained emotionless, exactly as Suigetsu had said. "You done?" Sasuke questioned coolly. Suigetsu shook his head in disbelief. "Fuck you Sasuke." And that was the end. The next day Sasuke watched as his ex roommate hurriedly gathered up the last of his things in boxes and piled them into the back of his car. As Suigetsu drove away, graciously sticking his middle finger out the window, Sasuke felt an immediate sense of freedom. He had also learned a very valuable lesson from all this. No matter how nice it is to have a little extra money, it's not worth living with another person.

~Later that day~

Kiba's eye brows rose in genuine shock as he watched his best friend pace in front of him. "They kicked you out?" He asked, still not believing it was the truth.

"They kicked me out!" Naruto confirmed with a shout. He sounded just as surprised as Kiba was.

"Minato and Kushina Uzumaki kicked you, their pride and joy, out of your house?"

"It's not my house anymore, it's theirs." Naruto quoted his father in a mocking tone.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing!" Naruto exclaimed. "They just ambushed me in my room, telling me I was too old to be living at home and that I needed to learn how to live on my own. What kind of shit is that?!"

Kiba leaned back into his chair and shrugged. "I don't see what the problem is. Just move into the dorms like me."

Naruto tugged at his hair in frustration. "Kiba that's exactly what I've been trying to avoid! You really think I want to live in the same building as a bunch of idiotic, horny frat boys?" Kiba made a face. "No offence." Naruto added as an after thought.

"None taken," Kiba grumbled.

The blond let out a troubled sigh as he finally stopped pacing and flopped down on the brunette's bed. "If they're really going to make me do this then I'm going to do it my way. I'll have to get my own place."

Kiba narrowed his eyes at the blond. "You can't afford your own place," he stated matter-of-factly.

Naruto let out an annoyed growl and punched at the air. "I know that!"

"So, what's your plan?"

Naruto rolled over onto his stomach and rested his head on his arms in front of him. "Beg my parents to let me stay?"

Kiba shook his head in disbelief. "Your parents are right, dude. You've turned into a pansy."

Naruto scoffed. "Excuse me?"

"You're too dependent on them, man. It's creepy, not to mention unhealthy. Being on your own will do you some good." Naruto wanted to disagree but he knew Kiba was right. He didn't think it was his fault though. Growing up as an only child, Naruto's parents had essentially spoiled and babied him his whole life. He wasn't used to not getting his way. He knew that was a dick thing to say, but he didn't know anything else. That's why this whole situation had really shaken him. For the first time in his life he felt like he wasn't in control of what was going on, like he was powerless. He wouldn't admit it to Kiba. Hell, he wouldn't even admit it to himself, but deep down he was scared. Scared of change, scared of having to take care of himself, but most of all, he was scared of growing up. Moving out and living in your own place required a certain level of maturity that Naruto didn't have, and frankly didn't want. What if he changed? What if he became boring? Naruto couldn't think of a worse scenario.

Kiba frowned as he saw Naruto's troubled expression. "I think you're overreacting. Just make a plan and stick to it. Simple as that."

Naruto blew a piece of hair out of his face while pouting. "A plan, right. A plan requires money, Kiba, in which I am seriously lacking."

"Get a job." Kiba couldn't help but snort at Naruto's appalled expression.

"Me? Get a job?"

"You are absolutely hopeless." Kiba mumbled under his breath as he stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Naruto demanded. "I'm in the middle of a crisis here!"

Kiba smirked. "Which is exactly why I'm leaving."

Naruto climbed up onto his knees in a panic as Kiba closed the bedroom door behind him. "Kiba get your ass back here! What the hell am I supposed to do?!" The thought of getting a job honestly made Naruto feel nauseous. He just wasn't good at this stuff! How did his parents expect him to succeed when he had absolutely no idea what to do?! He needed a place to stay, which means he needed money, which also means he needs to get a job. Naruto shuddered. I really am a pansy... he thought with a depressing sigh.

Before Naruto could wallow in anymore of his self pity, the bedroom door opened and Kiba suddenly came back into the room. Naruto simply glared at him. "What do you want?" he grumbled childishly.

Kiba plastered a wide grin on his face as he held up his cell phone in front of the blond. "I am about to answer all your prayers."

Naruto stared at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"Okay, so get this." Kiba pulled up a chair in front of the bed and flipped it around, sitting on it backwards. "I just got a text telling me that this guy, Suigetsu, just moved out of his apartment that he shared with his roommate."

Naruto raised an eyebrow curiously. "Your point being?"

"My point being there is now an apartment with an extra room available! It's close to campus, a decent size, and in a good part of town."

Naruto narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "And who exactly did you get this information from?"

"A friend of a friend... of a friend..."

"Sounds trustworthy," the blond said sarcastically.

"Look, it's something alright? Just take the damn miracle and thank God that I'm your best friend."

"I don't know, Kiba..." Naruto mumbled unsurely. "Having a roommate? Do you think that's such a good idea?"

Kiba shrugged. "Better than nothing."

"But I haven't even met the guy!"

"I'll set up a meeting," Kiba said cheerfully. "You can put him under your charm spell and bam! You have a home. And you'll only have to pay half of the rent. You'd be an idiot not to take this." Kiba paused for a second. "Actually, now that I think about it, you are an idiot."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll meet the guy and see what happens. But if this blows up in my face I'm holding you responsible!" He still wasn't sure having a roommate was a good idea, but at the moment it was his only option. Maybe if he showed his parents that he could take care of himself for awhile they would let him move back in! Naruto internally face palmed. I am so screwed

Laura: So, what do you think? Interested in more? Let me know in a review! In the next chapter Naruto and Sasuke meet for the first time! Hope you come back here for more! See ya!