Author has written 19 stories for Matrix, Teen Titans, Bleach, and Death Note. "People ask you for criticism, but they only want praise." Welcome to my profile no matter what lures you here in the first place. Allow me to express my gratitude to everyone who has listed me as his/her favorite author or put my name on alert lists. Also, I’d like to thank to everyone who's read and/or reviewed any of my stories. I really don't want to say much about me as a person since I believe that you can read who someone really is from the book they read (and if they write something, then you can also read them from their works.) Considering we're here on FanFiction and I wrote several stories in a few fandoms, you probably know me (or at least, my views on some matters) from reading one or two of my stories. As a reader, I don't really expect more than a story with a decent format and interesting storyline. As long as it keeps me entertain, I'm fine with it. Usually, I only review if I really like the story or if I find some huge flaws that I thought should be fixed, so I can't really say whether or not you should feel lucky that I reviewed your story. I just try to keep my reviews useful to other authors, but if you don't agree with my thoughts, then I respect your opinion. As a writer, I'm certainly not the best, and though I only write for entertainment, I still want to improve my skill, so I welcome all sorts of feedback--flames included. Criticisms keep me on the ground and make me see my flaws. Flames just remind me how I can't please everybody and no matter how careful I am, I’ll accidentally step on somebody's toe sometimes. But like everyone else, I loved praises as well. They're good for ego boosting. Announcement (07/2013) -- Amaratta has created an account on AO3 Not that it needs to be announced really, since it's not like I use a different pen name or that I plan to stop posting my stories here on this site and permanently move there. It's just that I came to realize that I haven't updated my profile here since 23 June 2009 (which is 4 years ago), so I thought I'd add an announcement so that the last updated date of this page would be more recent. Besides, I was a little bored so I decided to check out that site and its platform. (02/2009) -- Amaratta's decided to drop The Matrix and Teen Titans for good. The Matrix has reached its 10th Anniversary and the fandom is almost dead at this point. While it could be argued that authors write for themselves, the traffics to the stories are just so slow it feels so lonely. Not to mention, the movies simply ended in a way that didn't leave many rooms for imagination, and I'm just not that creative. But on the good side, the fandom taught me to be patient while waiting for reviews and to cherish every response from readers whether it was positive or negative. Teen Titans, while more active The Matrix seems to be, no longer inspires me. I've become rather bored with this fandom (blame it on the number of time it's been rerunning on Cartoon Network) and I've left that fandom for over a year now so I don't feel connected to the characters. So, for those who have read Cross and asked for a sequel, I'm truly sorry to say that there won't be one. It's been a marvelous journey with both fandoms, but it's time to move on. |
finalitylife (16) |