25 Days of SasuNaru Christmas

SasukexNaruto featuring KakashixIruka

Rated T

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, its characters, or any of its extensions

Ages (because I know I will forget otherwise. If I'm wrong as far as age differences, forgive me as I sometimes get confused):

Naruto: 18

Sasuke: 18

Iruka: 33

Kakashi: 35

25Days of SasuNaru Christmas

Day 1: Trimming the Tree

Naruto hummed as he carried box after box of Christmas ornaments from the hall closet of his and Sasuke's home. He still could not believe that Sasuke had not only offered, but insisted on having him stay with him in his home in the Uchiha compound. Not only that, but he also allowed Kakashi and Iruka to move into a house in the compound as well. They didn't have to pay rent or anything, just pitch in on the water and light bills; Sasuke took care of the electricity for both their house and the one he shared with Naruto. He refused to stay in the house he grew up in considering he found his dead parents there, and decided to stay in one of the houses that had always remained empty. Naruto of course understood, and moved in with him from his own shabby apartment the minute Sasuke offered. Seeing as they had been together for the better part of a year, it seemed appropriate.

The eighteen year old turned around as he saw his old sensei and father/older brother figure walk back into the living room with the final box of ornaments. The brunette had tinsel wrapped around his neck and was balancing another box filled with Christmas Lights on top of the ornament box. Iruka sat the boxes down on the floor before taking the tinsel and placing it on Sasuke's black counch. Sighing the older man smiled before saying, "Well, we've got everything to trim yours and Sasuke's tree. Now if only him and Kakashi would hurry and get back with the tree."

"Yeah, well if Sasuke's with your purposely late boyfriend, they probably won't be back for another thirty minutes," Naruto said as he sat on the floor trying to untangle the lights. Naruto chuckled as he imagined his own boyfriend standing irritated while waiting on their former sensei. Knowing Sasuke he would probably leave Kakashi to bring the tree himself.

The two of them turned towards the hallway that led to the front door as they heard it open. Rustling was heard, followed by a grunt before they saw Kakashi round the corner and enter the living room with one end of a tree, then Sasuke with the other. Naruto chuckled at the scowl adoring the raven's face as he and Kakashi placed the tree into the tree stand that Naruto had bought the other day. After tightening the trunk into the stand, Sasuke sat down on the couch behind Naruto.

"We would have been back earlier, but someone decided to stop and buy a Christmas holiday edition of Icha Icha. And then he stood and read three chapters, leaving me to pick the tree and carry it to checkout," Sasuke said, glaring at his former sensei. Kakashi scratched the back of his head while saying, "In my defense, I also had to help an elderly couple with their own tree while you weren't looking."

"Bullshit," Sasuke said before leaning over and pressing a kiss to the blond on the forehead. Naruto smiled before handing the lights off to his boyfriend. Sasuke got the lights untangled quickly and he and Naruto set to wrapping them around the tree. After the lights were around the tree, Naruto plugged them in, smiling at the glowing rainbow colors. He knew Sasuke preferred solid white lights, and had even fought with him about it, but three amazing rounds of sex later had him giving in and letting their tree have colorful lights.

Naruto gave Sasuke's cheek a quick kiss before having him and the two adults help with the ornaments. He laughed as Iruka snatched the pine green book out of Kakashi's hand and told him he wouldn't get the book back unless he helped with the Christmas tree. Naruto knew that Kakashi knew that Iruka was serious, especially since they had been dating since before Naruto returned from his training with Jiraiya. He sometimes wondered why they haven't tied the knot yet.

It didn't take long before the tree was trimmed and decorated all pretty and festive. After Sasuke placed the star on the top of the tree, the four of them stood back and admired the tree, the smell of pine filling their senses. Naruto left to go get a broom and dustpan for the pine needles that were decorating the floor, and returned and began sweeping. When he was done and the pine needles were in the trash, he sat next to Sasuke on the couch, watching Iruka give Kakashi his book back. The two adults bid the younger couple farewell before leaving for their own home. Apparently they had to also trim their own tree. As soon as the front door closed, a comfortable silence fell over them.

"Sasuke?" Naruto said, breaking the silence. The raven looked down to see the blond looking up at him, his big cerulean eyes staring into his own coal black ones. He lifted an eyebrow to let the other boy know he was listening. A grin spread across Naruto's face as he said, "I love you, teme."

Sasuke smiled softly and gave his pink, plump lips a sweet kiss before saying, "I love you too, dobe."

Naruto smiled before standing up and walking towards the kitchen. Sasuke followed after him and asked him what he was going to do. He rolled his eyes when the dobe told him he was making himself some ramen. Sasuke left him alone in the kitchen as he walked back into the living room. Looking at the tree he couldn't help but smile, thinking that this Christmas season was definitely going to be one to remember, especially now that he had Naruto with him.