Two months have passed since Ichigo and Starrk started their secret relationship. In that period of time the touches were small and few in between due to the fact that it was that time of year again, when the Senator and his children were barely ever left alone. Between the press, the photographers, and the parties that Karakura's rich had requested them to attend, the Kurosaki's barely spend time in their own house, except to sleep. Starrk is always there, following his young charge, his eyes trained on the crowd, keeping an eye out for potential dangers. Ichigo had stopped trying to escape awhile ago, and his father praised Starrk for being a God send. Sitting in the Kuchiki manor, Ichigo lets out a huff, staring out at the crowd of rich, stuck-up, snobs. The only one out of the whole Kuchiki household that Ichigo even likes remotely is the young adopted sister of the head of the house, Rukia Kuchiki. Said young woman, bounces up to the orange head, dragging a man Ichigo recognizes well along behind her. "Hey Ichi, look! This is my new body guard," Rukia exclaims, pulling the red haired, tattooed male to her side. Ichigo smirks, what's not good enough for his father seems to be just fine for Byakuya Kuchiki.

"He's very nice Rukia, but he is not a toy," Ichigo states, giving his friend a small smile. Rukia grins back.

"Oh I know, I was just thinking, maybe our body guards could you know hang out and we could go dance," Rukia exclaims, a mischievous glint in her eye that Ichigo knows all too well. When Rukia got that look, it meant that they would make it to the dance floor, but there would be no dancing. Just getting lost in the crowd and disappearing out the side door for some much needed freedom. Even though Ichigo had promised himself that he would not try to escape anymore, he could not help the excitement coursing through his body at the aspect of it. So, turning his attention to Starrk, he sends the man a pleading look. Starrk's eyes dart to him, raising an eyebrow. After a few minutes, and puppy dog eyes from both Ichigo and Rukia, he huffs out a sigh.

"Very well. But stay in my line of sight," he commands waving the two off towards the dance floor. Squealing, Rukia grabs Ichigo's hand, pulling him away from the two body guards and all the way into the middle of the dance floor.

"How are we going to do this," Ichigo questions, glancing at the young woman. Rukia tilts her head slightly towards a door, placing a hand on Ichigo's shoulder and grasping his other hand. Ichigo places his free hand about her waste, slowly waltzing over to the door. "Can they see us," he questions once he is in reaching distance of the door. Rukia glances around his side before straightening back up and shaking her head. Taking a deep breath, Ichigo reaches out, grasping the door handle and slowly pulling it open. Rukia steps out first, dashing down the hallway. Ichigo stays rooted to his spot, debating on following her out, or staying put like he was told. Rukia's scream piercing through the night makes up his mind for him, and he dashes out of the room, towards the sound of her scream. Skidding to a halt, he finds her pinned against the wall by a man with long, stick straight black hair, a white eye patch covering his left eye. The man glances over his shoulder at Ichigo, a twisted grin spreading across his lips.

"Ichigo RUN!" Rukia exclaims, trying to break free from the man's grasp. Said man grabs her wrists with on hand, pinning them to the wall.

"It looks like I hit the jack pot. I expected to only kidnap the young Kuchiki heir, but to get Senator Kurosaki's son as well," the man states with an evil glint in his eye. Eyes wide, Ichigo backs up, intent on returning to the party to warn someone. However, he is not able to get far as a pair of arms wraps around him, pinning the orange head. A blind fold gets placed over his eyes, his hands tied behind him with rope. Being lifted off his feet, Ichigo is carried outside and into a vehicle parked behind the bushes surrounding the main estate. Ichigo tries to scream out for help, hearing Rukia's screams as well, but to no avail. Hearing the doors to the vehicle shut and the engine roar to life, Ichigo's heart sinks in his chest.

When the car stops, Ichigo lifts his head from the floor of the vehicle, flinching when the door slides open. A hand reaches out, grabbing him, and dragging him forward. A door opens, and the young Kurosaki is thrown into a room, along with Rukia. Their bindings, and blind folds removed, only to be locked in the room. Ichigo stands up, surveying the area, trying to find an escape route, but to no avail. Defeated, he sinks to the floor, leaning against the wall, tears in his eyes.

Back at the party, everyone remains oblivious to the fact that two important people were just kidnapped. That is, until one of the Kuchiki servants busts into the room, brandishing a piece of paper, catching Starrk's attention immediately. His eyes search the crowd of people who have stopped in their steps to stare at the servant. When he can't place the orange hair known only to Ichigo, he leaps to his feet, stalking over to the servant and snatches the paper away from him. His eyes scan over the note, a few others stepping close to read over his shoulder. "It says that Senator Kurosaki's son and the young Kuchiki maiden have been taken," one of the guests exclaims, and Starrk's hand clenches, crumpling the note.

Two weeks have gone by, with no word from either Rukia and Ichigo or the kidnapper. Senator Isshin and Byakuya Kuchiki have been pacing in front of the phone, while the police and body guards have scoured the city looking for any sign of them. Starrk and Grimmjow have learned a valuable tip, after beating the crap out of a pink haired guy, and rush towards the destination given with Renji in tow. "Be prepared," Starrk calls to the other two as they near their destination. With a nod, they join Starrk in checking the premises.

Inside the room, Rukia and Ichigo sit in silence, staring longingly at the door, hoping that someone, anyone will come for them. Ichigo rises to his feet to pace the room again, looking for anything that could possibly be of use. "Ichigo, you have done that already," Rukia whispers, resting her forehead on her knees.

"I can't just give up! There has to be something," Ichigo cries out, pulling at his hair in frustration.

"We haven't had anything to eat or drink in over a day, our bodies are weak. There is nothing we can do," Rukia mumbles, giving out a defeated sigh. Clenching his fists, Ichigo turns on the woman, a dim fire in his eyes, all that's left from the burning inferno they once held.

"Don't give up! I'm sure someone will come for us," Ichigo states, trying to believe himself, but a string of doubt webs it's way into his resolve.

Rukia hugs her knees, resting her chin on them and whispers, "It's been so long Ichigo. If we would have had a chance of being found, it would have happened already." Her eyes have lost their shine, gone like her resolve.

"I don't want to believe it," Ichigo mumbles, the tears forming in his eyes again. The door flies open, causing both captives to shoot back against the far wall, staring at the door with horrified eyes. A teal haired man stands in the doorway, breathing hard and his eyes narrowed. Instantly recognizing the man, Ichigo pushes off the wall, crushing the man in a hug. "Grimmjow! Thank you," he cries, clutching onto the man's shirt. Rukia takes a hesitant step forward, stopping when Grimmjow turns his head.

"Oi! Starrk, Renji, I found them," he calls out behind him, and Ichigo pulls away from Grimmjow, staring at the man with wide eyes. Grabbing Ichigo and motioning to Rukia, Grimmjow steps out of the room, setting Ichigo down on his feet. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ichigo turns only to be crushed into a hug by a very relieved Starrk. Rukia lets out a cry of joy, wrapping her arms around Renji, staining his shirt with her tears. Grimmjow takes out his cell phone, calling an ambulance and the Senator.

"Starrk," Ichigo mumbles into said male's chest, his arms wrapped tightly around the man. Starrk brings a gloved hand up, running it through the young man's hair.

"Shh, Ichigo. Just rest," Starrk whispers just as the sound of sirens draw near. Handing the orange head over to the EMT's, Starrk slides into the passenger seat of the ambulance. At the hospital, both Rukia and Ichigo are given a complete physical, and found to be only dehydrated. After an IV and giving the police their statements, both are allowed to go home. The ride back to the Kurosaki manor is quiet, and Ichigo leans his head against the car window, closing his eyes. Starrk glances at him through the rear view mirror, a worried expression on his face.

Once the car pulls up to the manor, Isshin rushes out of the house, helping Starrk pull the now sleeping orange head out of the car and into the house. Starrk carries Ichigo up to his room and lays him on the bed. Ichigo sleeps through most of the rest of the day, having not slept worth anything during his time in captivity. Starrk remains at his side, his hand tracing lazily over Ichigo's arm. Unlike his norm, Starrk stays awake, waiting for his charge to waken. Late into the night, Ichigo stirs, bringing his hands up to wipe the sleep from his eyes. Rising into a sitting position, he blinks his eyes, looking around the room. "Where am I," he questions. The bed dips as extra weight is put on it, and Ichigo turns, a scared look on his face. His hands clutch the blankets underneath him, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

"Do not worry Ichigo," Starrk's voice states reassuringly. Hearing the man's voice, Ichigo calms down, crawling over to the man to rest his head on Starrk's shoulder. The body guard brings an arm up to wrap around Ichigo's shoulders, hugging him tightly to his side.

"I was so scared," Ichigo cries into Starrk's shoulder, his body trembling slightly.

"Now do you understand why you need a body guard," Starrk questions softly, brushing his fingers over Ichigo's cheek. The younger male nods, bringing his head up to face his companion. Without saying a word, Starrk leans forward, claiming Ichigo's lips with his own in a soft gentle kiss. Ichigo's arms come up to wrap around Starrk's neck, parting his lips when the older male asks for permission. As his tongue explores the sweet mouth given to him, Starrk leans forward, slowly forcing Ichigo to lay on the bed. Ichigo moans softly into the kiss when his back hits the mattress, one of his hands reaching up to twist into Starrk's hair. Breaking the kiss for air, Starrk leans down resting his forehead against Ichigo's. "You are safe now," he whispers against Ichigo's lips. With an annoyed scowl, Ichigo leans up, pressing his lips against Starrk's.

"You talk to much," he growls after breaking the kiss. Starrk stares down at him, raising an eyebrow in question. Saying nothing more, Ichigo leans up on his elbows, keeping his eyes locked with the man above him, bending his legs and parting them slightly. At Ichigo's change in positions, Starrk's body is moved to lay in between the orange haired males parted legs.

"Ichigo," Starrk questions, giving him an apprehensive look. Ichigo reaches up, grabbing the collar of Starrk's shirt, pulling him down until their noses touch.

"Can't you just shut up," Ichigo growls, before crushing his lips onto the body guard's, parting his lips, allowing Starrk to dart his tongue into the younger male's mouth. Placing his gloved hands on either side of Ichigo's head, Starrk adjusts his position, pressing his body flush against the orange head's. Ichigo lets out a little whimper into the kiss, moving his legs to lock around Starrk's waist, holding the older male to him. Breaking the kiss, Starrk looks down at Ichigo whose chest is heaving with every panting breath he takes in, his face flushed a delicious shade of red.

"Ichigo," Starrk whispers, and the orange head looks up at him through half lidded eyes. Starrk leans down whispering in Ichigo's ear, "you had best tell me to stop now. You need your rest."

"And if I don't," Ichigo questions, tightening his legs around Starkk's waist, causing the older male to growl.

"If you don't then I'm afraid you won't be getting up from this bed for quite some time," Starrk hisses through clenched teeth. Ichigo flashes the man a smirk, a dark mischievous glint flashing through his eyes.

"Is that a promise," he asks in a teasing tone, grinding his hips into the male above him. Starrk lets out a hiss, his gloved fingers curling into the bed sheets at either side of Ichigo's head.

"We should not be doing this," Starrk growls, but thrusts his hips down against Ichigo's rolling them slightly. Ichigo bucks his hips against Starrk's, tilting his head back to let out a throaty moan.

"You say that a lot. Haven't you figured out yet that I don't care," Ichigo questions playfully once he gains control again. A smirk falls onto Starkk's lips as he leans down to trail his lips along the expanse of Ichigo's neck. Ichigo lets out a purr, gripping tightly into brown locks, tugging lightly. The kisses turn into nips, and then a bite when Ichigo tugs more forcefully on Starrk's hair. Gloved fingers move from their spot on the bed to slowly undo the buttons of Ichigo's shirt, a warm mouth kissing and biting the skin that is exposed as each button falls open. Once finished with his task, Starrk moves his tongue over Ichigo's stomach, tracing across each of the younger male's abs, eliciting more delicious moans from Ichigo's kiss swollen lips. After thoroughly marking the orange head's chest and stomach, Starrk leans up, crushing his lips onto Ichigo's, allowing his shirt to be unbuttoned, and slid off his shoulders. Long tan fingers trace over the newly exposed skin, before sliding around to scratch playfully at Starrk's back. Said male breaks the kiss, gazing down at the man beneath him, quite aware of the growing problem in the front of his pants. Ichigo doesn't give him time to think though, instead moving his hand to work the button of Starrk's pants open. Gloved hands grasps the tanned wrists, pinning them above Ichigo's head, as Starrk leans over him.

"Don't make me restrain you," Starrk states simply, grasping both wrists with one hand, the other moving to toy with the waist band of Ichigo's pants.

"Is that another promise? Oh how you tease me," Ichigo taunts, letting out a strangled moan when Starrk's hand clasps him through the front of his pants, stroking and rubbing the growing erection under his palm.

"You do not know who you are messing with," Starrk whispers a warning into Ichigo's ear before biting the lobe, sucking it into his mouth.

"Why don't you show me then," Ichigo challenges, raising an eyebrow at the man when he brings his head up to look down at the orange haired male.

"Very well, but just remember, you asked for it," Starrk whispers dangerously. In the blink of an eye, Ichigo's pants are gone, his eyes wide in surprise.

"How did you," he starts to question, only to be cut off by his boxers disappearing just as fast. Long fingers curl around his erection, pumping the heated flesh slowly, causing Ichigo's hips to buck up pleading for more. Bringing his free hand up, Starrk uses his teeth to pull the glove off of his hand, his eyes trained on the blushing orange head beneath him. "S..Starrk," Ichigo whines out when the hand is removed from his erection, only to be replaced with the other hand as Starrk removes the other glove in the same fashion. Tossing his head back onto the pillow Ichigo lets out a long moan when Starrk's finger slides over the tip of his erection, spreading the precum that had already appeared. The torturous hand continues to work over Ichigo's heated flesh, tearing more moans of pleasure from the young man's throat. Lost in oblivion, Ichigo barely registers the slick digit circling his entrance, his eyes flying open when it slides into his tight hole. Letting out a small whimper, Ichigo shifts underneath Starrk as the male continues to pump his finger in and out of Ichigo, his other hand still working his shaft. Another finger is added, scissoring to stretch and prepare Ichigo, causing said male to let out a slight moan when Starrk's fingers ghost over his prostate. Bucking his hips to get more of the feeling, Ichigo misses the smirk spreading over Starrk's features.

Struggling to keep his eyes open, Ichigo stares up at Starrk through dazed eyes, as the man curls his fingers to hit his prostate dead on. "Fuck! P...please Starrk! I..I need m..more," Ichigo exclaims, gasping for breath. Starrk adds a third finger, thrusting in and out of Ichigo harshly. Ichigo's legs buckle, his head falling back onto the bed, a slight sweat forming on his heated skin. The fingers are removed, earning a whine of protest from Ichigo. His eyes are closed, so he does not see Starrk removing his pants. Positioning himself over the oblivious berry, Starrk snaps his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt in the orange head whose eyes fly open, his lips parted in a silent scream. Starrk stays still for a few moments, waiting for Ichigo to voice that is all right to move. He doesn't have to wait long as with a roll of his hips, Ichigo growls, "move you bastard."

"As you wish," Starrk states, slowly removing himself from the tight heat of the man beneath him, only to snap his hips forward again harshly. His thrusts start slow, picking up force each time, until the male beneath him begs for more.

"F..Faster," Ichigo cries one simple word, and Starrk angles his hips, thrusting into Ichigo at an incredible speed, thoroughly abusing the male's prostate. Keeping his eyes trained on the half lidded brown eyes beneath him, Starrk wraps his fingers around the man's thighs, bringing them up to rest on his shoulders. Leaning in, he claims Ichigo's lips with his, pulling Ichigo's bottom lip into his mouth to suck and nip at it. He swallows the moans torn from Ichigo's throat as the young male reaches up to grip tightly into Starrk's hair, arching his back off the bed. Groaning, Starrk's thrusts become harsher, driving Ichigo to the brink. Breaking the kiss, Starrk watches as the orange heads pupils dilate, his body trembling under his touch.

"S..So tight, Ichi," Starrk growls out, purring Ichigo's name, his grip tightening on Ichigo's legs.

"Starrk," Ichigo cries out as the body guard continues to thrust into him relentlessly. Starrk's hand reaches up to curl around Ichigo's erection, pumping it in time with his thrusts. A groan passes his lips, when Ichigo's walls begin to tighten around him, the orange head arching his back to meet each of his thrusts.

Starrk leans down to whisper in Ichigo's ear, "you're close aren't ya love." Ichigo lets out a small moan, his hands trailing over the older male's back.

"I ca..can't t..take much more! I'm, AH! g..gonna," Ichigo cries out before letting out a loud moan when Starrk's finger digs into the slit of his erection.

"You're gonna what," Starrk questions, leaning his head down to take one of Ichigo's nipples into his mouth.

"I'm go..gonna, OH FUCK," Ichigo moans, his back arching off the bed, his muscles taunt, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he falls over the edge, releasing over Starrk's hand and his own stomach. The feel of Ichigo's walls convulsing around him sends Starrk over the edge as well, moaning Ichigo's name, after a few more deep thrusts, slamming into Ichigo's already abused prostate. Starrk rides out his orgasm with shallow thrusts, leaning forward to bite the Ichigo's neck where it meets the shoulder, licking at the wounded flesh afterward to soothe it. Pulling out of Ichigo, who gives off a small whimper at the act, Starrk collapses next to him, willing his breathing to go back to normal. Ichigo moves closer to Starrk, resting his head on the older male's chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heat. A hand comes up to pet his hair.

"Go to sleep Ichigo. I'll be here when you wake up, always," Starrk murmurs and Ichigo smiles, closing his eyes and letting sleep overtake him.