"Shizu-chan Roppi is crying again!" Izaya said nudging the blonde; Shizuo groaned at the high pitched whines of his youngest child. He un-wrapped his arms from the slim body and started towards his baby's room.
"What's wrong baby?" Shizuo asked picking up the infant into his arms. He picked up the pacifier that Hachimenroppi had spit out and carried him out of the room.
Roppi always had nightmares that made him wake up in the middle of the night and start crying. Shizuo was the one who usually had to go and get him from the room so he didn't wake up the other children.
"I hope he grows out of this "having nightmares" phase. The poor thing hardly gets any sleep." Izaya said as Shizuo slid the crying baby into his arms.
"I know, he didn't eat a lot today so he's probably hungry. I'll go warm him up a bottle; maybe that will calm him down." Shizuo said going into the kitchen to heat up a bottle for his baby.
Izaya turned on the nightstand lamp and held the baby against his shoulder; the brunet started patting the child's back trying to calm him down. Shizuo came back a few minutes later holding a warmed up bottle; he handed the bottle to the brunet and sat down in the bed next to him.
"Do you think we should take him to Shinra's? Maybe he has something that can help him sleep?" Shizuo suggested.
"I don't think so; he'll just give him some medicine. I really don't want my baby put on drugs to help him sleep. We're capable of taking care of our own kids; I don't need some underground doctor to tell me how to raise my child." Shizuo sighed and wrapped an arm around the brunets shoulder.
"Alright...he probably gets this from me you know? When I was a baby I used to wake up and start crying all the time; my mother just rocked me in her arms until I calmed down. I think instead of letting Roppi sleep in our bed we should calm him down a little then put him back in his crib."
"No! I can't just do that to him; he's my baby and I like him being close to me at all times." Izaya said looking down at the baby sucking at his bottle.
"I know you're really attached to him because of what happened last time; but he needs to grow out of this. Give him to me so I can put him back in his crib." Shizuo said holding his arms out towards to smaller male; Shizuo clutched the child tightly to his chest and moved away from the blonde. "Can't we just let him sleep with us for tonight? This will be the last night, I promise." Izaya whimpered.
"He's calmed down now, he'll be more comfortable in his crib." Izaya sighed and slid the baby into his husband's arms. Izaya sunk down under the blankets as he watched Shizuo carry his baby out of the room. The blonde lowered the child into his crib and kissed his forehead.
"Goodnight baby." Shizuo said smiling at his beautiful child. He flinched when he saw Izaya rubbing his watery eyes; he sat down next to the smaller male and pulled him into his arms.
" I know." Shizuo said rubbing Izaya's back, trying to soothe him. Izaya wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck and continued crying into his shoulder.
When Izaya was pregnant with Hachimenroppi and Tusukishima Shinra had told them that Roppi was a lot smaller the Tusukishima. Which meant that Roppi was developing slower then Tusu-chan. Shinra had said when the twins were born Roppi on had a 75% chance of surviving; he also said that Roppi might die inside of Izaya.
Thankfully the twins were late so Roppi still had a little more time to develop. Once the babies were born Roppi had to be kept in an incubator for a few weeks so he could finish developing. Even though their child was close to dyeing Shizuo and Izaya could only visit a few times a week since they still had Tusukishima and the rest of the children to take care of. It killed Izaya to not be able to see his dyeing child days on end; ever since Roppi had developed enough to go home with the couple Izaya never likes to be too far away from him.
"He's ok now; Shinra said he was in perfect health now." Shizuo said trying to comfort the smaller male.
"What the hell does he know; he's not even a license doctor! What of something else happens to him, he's still very small." Izaya said nervously
"As far as I know Shinra is pretty damn good at what he does; he's pulled bullets from my body before remember? Hachimenroppi has only just turned two years old, it's normal for him to be small. Shinra has checked up on all of our children and said they were all healthy so there's nothing to worry about. Remember the day psyche start school? It was hard to let him go but we did and now he's at the top of his class." Izaya smiled
"he gets that from me obviously" Izaya said; Shizuo just rolled his eyes.
"it won't be long before Hibiya and Delic start pre-school and Tusugaru goes into kindergarten you know?" Izaya sighed and nodded into the blonde's chest.
"It's hard...but it's good for them to grow up right? I mean how are they supposed to become sexy and charming like me if I don't let them go." Izaya said happily; Shizuo smiled when he felt the brunet stop crying.
"The only thing that hurts me is how Roppi is the exact opposite of me; the biggest difference would be his hatred for humans." Izaya said sadly "yes but we both love him anyway; all of them."
"Hn yea I do love them all...let's go to bed now, I'm tired." Izaya said; Shizuo wrapped his arms around the slim body and fell asleep with the brunet in his arms.
Author's Note: Ok so this is probably the last chapter to this! I don't know if I'll make a sequel to this or not. I know this was a little OOC but I really don't care cause it's cute and I like it so there flamers. Anyway I hoped you liked this ending chapter and I would love for you guys to check out my other stories!