![]() Author has written 3 stories for Sailor Moon, Ranma, Anime X-overs, and Naruto. Real Name: No Comment Location: Inside this universe, outside of Time, and completely out of my mind... Do not put statements in the negative form. Likes: Sleep, Pizza, Coca Cola, a variety of Music, Anime, Manga, Web-comics, Fantasy Novels, An assortment of other Novels outside of the Fantasy Genre, Fan-Fiction, Wilderness scenery, Any shade of Red, Camp Fires, And a few more things that aren't coming to mind at the moment... Dislikes: Being Tired, Hot-dish/Casserole, Stroganoff, Pepsi, Coffee, Rap/Hip-Hop Music, American Blue Collar Cartoons, Cigarette Smoke, "Over" Urbanization, Needing to have a cell phone, Texting, Waking up after Noon, Mosquitoes, Strong Cologne or Perfume, other things that I can't think of right now... Interests: Drawing, Writing, Ranma 1/2, Bleach, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Learning to play the Violin, Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer Table Top (Fantasy and 40K), Paintball, Video games, and a few other things but not much else... Wants: too many things to resonably list... _ Pet Peeves: Gratuitous Grammar Errors, people who think they're smart but really aren't (Think of the general opinion of Genma Saotome if you don't understand this one...), Not even trying to explain your plot through storytelling, People who don't do their research before opening their mouths on an issue (Though it is rather fun to tear gaping holes in their arguments with logic and research), Dead Fics, too loud music when I'm trying to go to sleep, the ending of the Fable II main Quest, Microsoft Tech Support, When my Xbox 360 decides to break on me so I need to fix it AGAIN and a few other things, but they'll come to mind when they crop up... Favorite book of all Time: The Count of Monte Cristo (Unabridged) Favorite Games: Myst; The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; Fallout 3; Assassins Creed 1, 2, Brotherhood & Revelations; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1, 2 & 3; Final Fantasy III & IV DS; Valkyrie Profile: Lenith (PSP); Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3, Dark Souls 1 &2, Minecraft, Chrono Trigger. Favorite Anime Series: A bit of a draw between Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, and Ranma 1/2 Things about Me and Fan-fiction: My introduction to Fan-fiction: I was stumbling through the various web comics I read one day and I ran across a link to the "Sailor Ranko" comic. I had already watched most of the Ranma 1/2 anime by then so I was curious (it wasn't until much later that I started reading the manga)... It was on a hiatus at the time so I eventually gave into my itch to read the fics and find out what came next... The rest of the fics in my "Favorites" Section are a byproduct of some possible obsessive compulsiveness of mine and the desire to fend off boredom... Favorite single pairings Ranma 1/2: Naruto: Harry Potter: Ranma/Sailor Moon X-overs: Note: By no means are these a rule. If the story is well written but has a pairing not listed it doesn't mean that I won't like the story so long as there is enough character growth to make it believable as well as enjoyable. Manga or Anime: I should probably make this clear now... I consider the Ranma Manga to be the "True Storyline" as much as I do the anime... they are both equal in my mind... However... anything I write will more likely than not be heavily based on the Ranma Manga for various reasons (three of which are 1) the ability to form a roughly two and a half year long time-line that fits within certain criteria with very little to no breathing room for filling in anime story-arc's, 2) the final fight against Saffron and following botched wedding attempt that signifies the ending of the Manga while the anime sort of trails off at the end of season 7 and 3) while the Manga never ends per-sey, it has a much greater degree of closure than the anime does at the end of season seven and the OVA's are stand-alone's that follow the Manga story more than the anime)... In converse, anything Sailor Moon Related will more likely be based on the Anime, but with heavy drawings from parts of the SM Manga and if the points conflict (Such as Rei's opposing attitude towards boys in the different cannons) then I will make a judgment call on which to follow (for instance, in the previous example, I find Rei's thoroughly anti male attitude in the manga so much more fun to work with and will more likely than not use it for most of my SM related fics [especially the Ranma related ones, but if I write something where a boy crazy Rei is required I'll use that instead). For any other series' I cross over with or write fics for, I'll use what I know best (Manga or anime) and if I know both and they conflict, I'll make a judgment call... How I started writing the stuff: I've always liked writing... I've always been able to express myself with words better than I was at showing my emotions... I was actually considered one of the better fiction writers in my high school class when assigned that kind of thing in my English classes, but that isn't saying much when the town you grew up in is almost an hours drive through mostly countryside to the nearest major shopping center... Long story short (Or not so short depending on how you look at it...) is that I've had a bunch of unformed Ideas in my head for a few years now, and the means to put it down on "Paper" (Can we call it paper in this digital world?), but I just couldn't get any of the Ideas to actually form into something coherent... Plus I may have been a bit depressed and my teenage angst came later then most people have it (Still not quite sure if that's over with or not... BUT I AM GETTING BETTER!!)... First made this profile as a means to more easily categorize all (Well most... there are a few I've read that I haven't been able to find here on ) the fics that I've read and as a way to help myself break out of my shell and actually start writing instead of just passing time reading... Update Schedule: I have none... Plain and simple... I write as I get Ideas and if I'm in the mood. This means that I don't have a specific time-frame for when new chapters come out. It could take a week, it could take a year or it could take longer... Not even I know when new chapters will be finished until I'm done writing them and I've never been able to keep a schedule of my own making so don't expect me to come out and say "Once a Month" or something because if I do that it'll probably end up taking me twice as long to come out with a chapter... -Muse Profile- "The little voice in my head that screams at me to get out of bed every morning..." Name: Alice Personality: Fun loving, but with violent tendencies. Alice will repetitively beat me over the head with a broom if it will get her what she wants. That's not usually that hard to get though... most of the time she seems to be asleep... But when she's awake, she doesn't let up. Fascinated with "What If" s and the Hows and Whys of the world she gets distracted easily, but when she does manage to focus on something for longer than thirty seconds it seems to take a life of its own and evolve... I've been sitting on and developing a fantasy world I made with my brother back in the third grade due to this effect. Notes: Wow... Been awhile since I updated this... Life's been a bit better recently seeing as I have a job and my own apartment finally. I still need to watch my spending but that's life isn't it? In other news, I finally got a little writing done, but it's still slow going. I have a few Ideas for some more fics to start on bouncing around in my head, but I want to get a bit further along with my current projects before I begin any real writing. Right now I'm focusing on the next chapter for SotS:DSotM before switching back to ATL. Hopefully I'll have a completed chapter to show for my efforts shortly after New Years, but it may take longer depending on how things pan out... Almech Alfarion Fic Ideas or Fics Not Yet Published: Shadow of the Sun: In Remembrance of the Fallen (Not Yet Published - Sequel to Shadow of the Sun: The Dark Side of the Moon) Harry Potter and the Arythmantic System (Idea) Rise of the Force: Harry Potter and The Force Discipline (Idea) Rise of the Force: Harry Potter and the Council of Knights (Idea - Sequel to Harry Potter and The Force Discipline) Rise of the Force: Harry Potter and the Founding of the Order (Idea - Sequel to Harry Potter and the of the Council of Knights) The Maw (Not Yet Published) Fics In Progress: Shadow of the Sun: The Dark Side of the Moon Amongst the Leaves Fics On Hold: Dragonfly: Completed Fics: See concept art for my fics at: http:/// |