![]() Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, and Skip Beat!. Name: AnjoRemix Traits: Laziness... Hobby: Sleep! Read! Play! Fan of: Yaoi, not much yuri, genderbending I like as well...wait it's asking myself what I'm a fan of? BANGTAN BOYS! I'm a HUGE KPOP FAN!! So I tend to have KPOP lyrics in my stories. Favorite color: BLUE Favorite food: errrr...everything edible? OKAY I TAKE THAT BACK! Eggrolls! Favorite Football team: what am I asking myself? NO I DON'T LIKE FOOTBALL! *runs away from football fans who are mobbing me for saying that* Favorite Author: umm what? When I meant read...I meant fanfic... Personality: wait this order is messed up...short temper though... Sex: wait wait wait WHAT? TMI!!!!!!!!!!!! Gender then?: Oh you're asking about my gender...add iron to man...again this order is messed up! Favorite couple: Couples of what? My boyfriend and me? Favorite Naruto couples...: OOHHHH..well hmm...EverymaleinexistenceinNarutoxNaruto? That doesn't count!: OF COURSE WORDS CAN'T COUNT THEY CAN'T SPEAK! Favortie TOP 5 Naruto Pairings GO: ItaNaru, MinaNaru, KakaNaru, ShikaNaru, PeinNaru! Favorite TOP 5 SONGS of BTS!: OMG FOR REAL???????????????????????? I Need U, We are BulletProof Pt. 2, Dope, Tomorrow, Let Me Know! Favorite TOP 5 One Piece Pairing GO: But I've nev...(SHUT UP AND DO IT!) ZoroxLuffy, AcexLuffy, LawxLuffy, err I don't have anymore until I watch more... Favorite TOP 5 Bleach Pairing GO: GrimIchi, err I died just there... Favorite TOP 5 Eyeshield 21 Pairing GO: wow that went off the mainstream animes already! HiruSena, ShinSena, I FORGOT THE OTHER'S NAMES! Favorite TOP 5 Fairy Tail Pairing GO: GrayxNatsu...no seriously...okay I lied; ZerefxNatsu, JellalxNatsu, LaxusxNatsu, LokexNatsu Favorite TOP 5 Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Pairing GO: RebornxTsuna, HibarixTsuna, YamamotoxTsuna, XanxusxTsuna, ByakuranxTsuna Favorite TOP 5 KPOP GROUPS GO!: THIS IS REALLY RANDOM DAMN QUESTION! BTS, BIG BANG, 2NE1, GIRLS GENERATION, 4MINUTE! Favorite TOP 5 ONLINE GAMES GO!: World of Tanks, Vindictus, Ark: the Survival, Shaiya, Diablo Favorite TOP 5 GAMES ON PS3: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X and Pt. 2, Dynasty Warriors, Resident Evil, (can't think) Favorite TOP 5 GAMES ON XBOX 360: WTF MAN! Gears of War, God of War, something something something SOMETHING I'M DOING THIS AT 5 AM IN THE MORNING DAMNIT GIMME A BREAK! I'll stop here...like seriously about to pass out. I'll add more later x.x |