Disclaimer: I do not own Eyeshield 21

Sena opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling above him. Where am I? He wondered. The hospital, there's no doubt about it, he thought moments later. He could smell the heavy antiseptic in the air, he could sense a migraine starting in his brain and he could feel the bandages tightly wrapped around his forehead. His whole body hurt like he went to hell and back, so much that even breathing was painful. He was obviously injured and had ended up in the hospital. Sena should have been worrying right now or at least curious as to how he ended up in this predicament, but all he felt was a quiet indifference. He was tired and he couldn't summon the energy to care even if he wanted to so he went back to staring at the ceiling. It was a uniform white and smooth across. There were no splotches or even the tiniest of bumps even with the unforgiving bright lights shining on it. Like the ceiling, his mind was surprisingly empty and calm despite the pain he felt. With nothing better to do, he engaged in a staring contest with the ceiling for what seems like hours but was probably only a few seconds. He was losing, his eyes were getting heavier and he was about to succumb to the pull of sleep when a high pitch screaming jolted him awake.

"Seeenaaa! You're awake!"

He slowly pulled himself upright with the help of the girl standing close to him and proceeded to stare at the short blue-haired girl with indigo eyes who was wearing a weird combination of a cheerleading uniform, red bat wings, and rollerblades. Was rollerblading allowed in the hospital? He thought silently to himself. It was only now, that he notice the crowd of people gathered in his room. He didn't recognize anybody in the room. The girl who helped him up was oddly familiar with her blue eyes, brown hair, kind smile, and motherly concern emulating from her eyes as she looked at him. He could only return her gaze with a confused one of his own before he moved on to the other people in the room. Other than the two girls, the rest of the group was guys.

There was a lot of good looking...scratch that… droll worthy guys in the room. There were guys of every hair color possible and even impossible colors like pink and white. There were guys that are twice his height and some that were only a few centimeters taller than him, although the majority of them were of the first kind. There were guys that are lean and toned and others that look like they are just filled with muscles. For Sena, it was like being in a candy store with all its variety and flavor.

He praised himself for not salivating and just resorting to licking his lips as he descends from his euphoric high and snaps himself from indulging in all the possible naughty daydreams he just came up with. He thought he did a good job in hiding it until he saw the guy with the spiky blond hair and earrings giving him a predatory smile that says he noticed. Normally, Sena would have been embarrassed to be caught, but for an unknown reason that smile resulted in all of Sena's blood rushing downwards and a slight sheen of hidden promises glowing in his eyes. He tried to distract himself with other thoughts like the weather seen through his window, the curious twitching tail of the screaming girl's uniform, what type of smile the blond would have on when he is on top of Sena, when Sena is riding him, or better yet, when he enters Sena and he thrusts against that special place until he can't take it anymore and he…

Shit, he needed other thoughts quickly, thoughts like… why are this group of people here? They obviously knew who Sena was judging by their presence in his hospital room and their stares at him, but Sena is positive that he never met these people before in his life. Sena racked his mind for all the possibilities as to how these people knew him.

Are they my childhood friends who grew up and came to look for me? No, they can't be. Not all of them at once. I don't remember having any childhood friends. No wait, I did have some friends. But why can't I remember who they are. Must be because it was so long ago.

Are they classmates of mine? If it is, then I must be one lucky person to get into a class with all these handsome guys. But some of them look older than me. Maybe only some of them are my classmates. But why can't I remember who's in my class and what is the name of my school. Am I homeschooled? Is that why?

Sena furrowed his brows and murmured quietly to himself, subconsciously ignoring the many calls of "Sena", "Sena", "Sena". The girl with blue hair, tired of being ignored, screamed in her best cheerleading voice,


"hm, what?" replied Sena, finally looking up from his bed sheets

"are you alright, you have a confused look on your face for a while" said the girl with concern written on her face

"I have been meaning to ask all of you this for a while, but who are you?"

The girl with brown hair gasps quietly with her hand over her mouth, and her blue eyes almost ready to cry. The faces of everyone else in the room were a mixture of shock and concern except for one person who was deep in thoughts with a frown on his face.

***Hiruma's Flashback: 6 days ago***

Does the fuckin shrimp not know how worried he is? Yoichi Hiruma does not worry about other people; he leaves that for the fuckin manager to do. But the fuckin shrimp did something to him. He does not know what, but he does not like this feeling. It made him feel vulnerable and Yoichi Hiruma did not like having any weaknesses and feeling vulnerable like this is definitely a weakness. He felt like fuckin mother hen as he paces back and forth in front of the emergency room.

'The fuckin shrimp is going to be fine. There won't be any fuckin problems. The fuckin doctors going to come out with the fuckin shrimp, he's going to fuckin sleep here tonight, and tomorrow morning he'll leave this fuckin dreadful place and we'll return to playing fuckin American football.' Hiruma tells himself this, but Hiruma, being who he is, can't lie to himself about the all the possibilities. He already calculated the chances of each and only 17 percent of the shrimp being ok is not good enough for him.

"If the fuckin shrimp is not fuckin ok, then the fuckin guy who puts him into this fuckin situation is going to fuckin pay for this fuckin accident" Hiruma said while pulling out his little black book and crackled rather loudly. His shadow grew twice as large and as he crackled, the shadow became even more sinister.

The whole Devil Bats team looked up in the middle of their prayers and shuddered and felt a tiny bit of sadness for the person on the receiving end of their captain's wrath.

"Hiruma-san", said Mamori as she stood up from her chair and walked over to him with her hands across her chest.

"What, damn manager? You're going to give me a lecture on forgiving others on the goodness of my fuckin heart?" said Hiruma with an apparent sneer on his face

"Goodness no, I just wanted to help you in carrying out your plan and to make sure that you're not too lenient on that asshole" replied Mamori with an angelic smile

The whole Devil bats team shuddered again. They felt bad for that poor unsuspecting soul. Mamori and Hiruma together is something they wouldn't wish on even their worst enemy. The guy is going to be scarred for life.

***Hiruma's Flashback: 3 days ago***

The fuckin' doctors said that the shrimp will be fine, but if he is fine, then why the fuck is he still in a coma for three days straight? Hiruma slumped even lower into his chair as he ran his fingers through his messed-up hair. He had been sitting in the same chair for the past few days, only getting up to use the bathroom and to check up on the shrimp after waking up from one of his nightmares. He has been having the same nightmare every night but in different forms. It would start off differently each time, but it would always end up with the chibi dead. Getting up from his chair, Hiruma ran his fingers through his hair one more time and he looked across the room at the chibi with a pained smile on his face. The chibi looked like he's just sleeping on that bed. There was a small smile on Sena's face and with the moonlight shining through the hospital window and highlighting his face in all the right places, he looked like a fuckin' angel.

Hiruma walked over to the sleeping angel and lightly brush back some loose hair from Sena's face. He ran his fingers slowly down Sena's features; starting from his forehead to his nose and finally to his lips. He lifted his fingers and lean down to softly touch his lips to Sena's. From just that small gesture, Hiruma can feel his heart thump a little faster and his eyes watering just the slightest bit.

"Shit" Hiruma cursed silently to himself.