Hey there! This is my second ever fan fiction!
I was going to leave this chapter as a simple one-shot, but decided I liked the story line and have made a few changes. I hope anyone who bothers to read enjoys, and I intend to get the next chapter up as soon as humanly (well, me-ly) possible!

Just thought I should point out that I do not own any of the character, as much as I wish I did, its not going to be happening anytime soon. Please be patient!

1. A turn of events

He jumped from roof to roof, through the deserted town, following a small golden ball with wings, which was zooming ahead of him in a set direction. The thing came to a sudden halt and hovered over the scene which it had brought its master to. The boy made one last jump onto the roof of a building he guessed to be some kind of pub gone inn, at the edge of the settlement. He crouched down, painfully aware that the moon, conveniently place behind him, whilst lighting up the area of his interest, also made himself more noticeable, his body creating a silhouette against the stunning white orb. The snitch like creature completed a few laps around his master's head before settling in the soft, luminous, white hair, its usual resting place.

The sight before the boy was a play unwinding before him. He watched as two men and a woman fought against three Level 4 akuma, with no chance of winning. Even though their deaths were the only possible outcome if they continued, the three of them fought on, the determination to take at least one akuma down with them, as they concentrated all their attacks on the one to the left. Three pairs of eyes, deep cobalt, emerald and amethyst reflected their resolve. Each of the exorcists looked exhausted, covered in minor injuries: cuts scraped and bruises. One of the men, the red head with the eye patch, was also swaying a little on his feet. Probably, the boy concluded, caused by loss of blood from a wound to the back of his head.

The boy continued watching the scene develop, as a door appeared out of thin air between the two opposing sides. The exorcists paused in their doomed battle; hopelessness came off them in waves, as they watched two Noahs emerge. The first was a small girl, somewhere around ten years of age. Her hair was sticking out at odd gravity defying angles and she was dragging a resisting umbrella behind her. The second was a tall man, wearing a top hat; his wavy hair was loose, falling onto his shoulders. Both of them sported dark, grey skin and the stigmas of many crosses in a line across their brows, both of these features were a clear indication of their lineage.

The Noahs took in the scene they found themselves now a part of, and turned, giving a mocking greeting to their three preys they intended to use as entertain for the evening. Whilst the red head and girl seemed to shake in their black uniform boots over the sudden arrival, defiance could be clearly seen on the usually stoic face of the other male. He was the one with the long hair and innocence that took the form of a sword.

The boy straitened when the door arrived. This was what he had been waiting for, the chance to remind the Noah Family of his existence. They had been becoming cocky over the last few decades; it was time they learned their place. A small smile pulled at his lips, before becoming a full out grin, the first expression to cross his face since his evening meal. A chuckle escaped his rosy lips, and the gold ball jumped into the air to hover in front of the boy's face. He then spoke for the first time that week:
"Guess it's time to go, Timcanpy, wish me fun!" he murmured, the light voice created an impossibly beautiful melody, swept towards the people, he was about to acquaint himself with, by a light summer night's breeze.

By the time the music reached the said people and akumas' ears they had already turned to face the advancing figure, pre-warned by his shadow falling over them when he stood, his body blocking out the eerie glow of the moon. He took a jump covering an inhuman distance, and landed behind the Noahs. In the fraction of a second it took for the exorcists eyes to catch up to his movements and the Noahs to turn round, he had drawn a sword that previously took the form of his left arm. Slaughtering all three level 4s in a single swipe, he released the ugly, drained souls.

The said souls voiced their thanks, as they faded, returning to the afterlife. The boy then turned to face the Noah, choosing to ignore the exorcists for the time being. As he took in the shocked faces, he allowed second emotion to twist his features. A smirk. The Noahs felt their guts churn in fear and disbelief at who stood before them. They had never met personally, however they knew the stories. The fear they felt only confirmed the identity of the figure.

Not waiting another second, they turned tail, and ran, the colour had drained from their faces, and their legs shook beneath them. When they reached the door they turned to take in the boy's appearance once more. A chill ran down their spines and their legs were rooted to the spot. Molten silver eyes bore into their own golden holes. They could not move; their legs no longer obeyed their commands. And then the boys made a dismissive move with his hands, mocking their vulnerability:
"Go. Tell the Earl that he has awoken me from my sleep. His downfall will begin presently." The tune of his voice washed over the two. Breaking the hold his eyes had over them, the boy turned away. He was bored already, and saw no reason to watch their cowardly forms rushing through the door, running away.

Thanks for reading (I'm going to presume you have read it if you are now reading this!)
Hope you enjoyed.
Please let me know of any likes and dislikes by reviewing!
