Wahoo! Shuichi is here and I'm on a role! I'm redoing all the chapters of When Is Rape Consensual. Tell one, tell all. I'm making some parts more detailed… and some less. Don't worry. It'll be better… o_o… -_-… wait… that means more work for me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Warning: Yaoi, rape, and profanity

Story: When is rape consensual? Ch 1


"Ow! You're hurting me!"

"Well, if you'd just stay still, I could do it right!"

"Don't pull it out so roughly!"

"Well, I have to take it out sooner or later, Naruto! Now hold still!"


"Naruto, it's out now."

"But it hurt!"

"If you hadn't rubbed your hand on the railing, like I told you not to, you never would have gotten the splinter in the first place!"

Naruto looked over at the splinter in Iruka's steel tweezers. The drying blood on his hand covered the miniscule puncture in his skin. Why did something that small hurt so much?

A small, metallic noise echoed in the room, and Naruto looked up to see Iruka's stretched hand reaching for the dropped tweezers. For a moment, he continued to stare at Iruka even as the man walked towards the sink.

In Naruto's eyes reflected the only friend he'd ever made...the only person who understood him. It might seem stupid, but Naruto felt Iruka was an angel sent by God. He had to be! There was no other way to explain the reason why he talked to Naruto like his equal.

Iruka even looked like something out of a fairy tale. His brown ponytail sat at the top of his head like a small crown. The hair blended with his caramel skin and eyes… What did he remind Naruto of? …an earth spirit! Iruka always had a way of creating peace and making people smile…and the way he was always wearing that green vest!

On top of that, Iruka was really beautiful… handsome… or whatever you call a guy. He had a lot of admirers. A few times when Naruto was visiting, Iruka would receive presents from them… some of which definitely weren't girls.

But even though Iruka was his best friend… sometimes…being around him could make Naruto feel so… lonely. The love and warmth that made up Iruka's world made Naruto think of his life and remember the pain, failure, and loneliness. He didn't have someone to greet him when he got home. There was no one to gently wake him for school… no one except for…

He shuddered.

"Iruka," Naruto began. "Do you think I'm a…" He caught himself at the last minute, hoping Iruka hadn't been paying attention.


"Nothing," Naruto lied. He didn't want to finish the question. He was too afraid of the answer.

Iruka tried to ask him to repeat the question, but Naruto was dodged it. "Uh… my teacher will get suspicious if I don't head back soon. Bye, sensei."

Naruto left, hoping Iruka would forget the conversation soon.


Naruto's feet shuffled slowly across the hall. He was never eager to return to class. When he knocked on the door, he knew the teacher wasn't either.

Laughter erupted in the classroom…they knew it was him. The slow, leisure tap of a pair of shoes indicated that the teacher was taking his precious time walking to the door, enjoying every moment as time passed.

When the door finally opened, a thin, dark-haired man emerged from the classroom.

"Well, well, well… look what the cat brought in today."

Naruto ignored the comment and brushed past the teacher toward his desk. The laughter died down to a soft snicker, but heads were still turned towards him. Naruto laid his head down and drifted into his thoughts as the rest of the class turned away from him, starting the lesson again, pretending he didn't exist anymore… just like always.

It hadn't always been as bad as this. Naruto could ignore it in the beginning. At least the laughs would die down when he came around the corner. Now, they mocked him openly, not caring whether he heard or not.

The teachers were different. Most of them didn't laugh. They recoiled from him… like he was a monster. One teacher hated him especially… the gym teacher.

Naruto'd missed the mile run his class had to do and the physical exams… and the week the guys had to do gymnastics…. But he still had a good grade because he was just a 'very sick kid.' The teacher thought Naruto was faking the sickness and accidents. Everyone did.

But no one understood. It wasn't his fault… it was that bastard's fault. That man came and went as he pleased, and Naruto couldn't stop him. It'd be like standing in front of a train with cut brakes. Nothing stopped him… nothing he didn't already have a plan for anyway, and as much as Naruto hated to admit it…. he wasn't exactly strong, at least not against that guy and the things that would happen…

Naruto looked out the window when his eyes began to sting.

The memories swirled around in his mind as he tried to blink the tears away. He felt like he was standing on the edge of a cliff and a million hands were trying to push him off.

He'd struggled for so long, but who was it helping? Certainly not him. Was this punishment? Was Naruto being punished for not being born normal… for not being good enough that his parents wouldn't abandon him…?

He laid his head down again, finally letting the tears fall into the nook of his arm, waiting… just waiting for the bell to let him leave.

'I guess monsters like me deserve this,' Naruto thought. 'It's not like anyone's trying to prove me wrong.'

'…I can.'

'Really?' Naruto thought sarcastically. 'Name one time when-'

He froze and glanced around the room, only to receive glares from a few wandering eyes.

'… Great. Now, I'm hallucinating. What's next? Will I start seeing an imaginary person name Bob who will understand all my problems?'

'I'm not imaginary.'


Naruto looked around again… but this time, he was sure no one had spoken to him.

'Great! I really am crazy! I'm imagining someone to talk to!' Naruto thought, already feeling a hysterical laugh rise in his throat. He opened his mouth to let it tumble out but the echoing words stopped him.

'I'm not in your imagination, Kit.'

Naruto shook his head softly, wondering how much sleep he'd gotten in the past few days because now, he was arguing with himself! And the other side was winning!

'I'M REAL!' the voice screamed, making Naruto jolt up in his seat. He bit his tongue to keep from screaming, regretting it when he felt the familiar taste of blood in his mouth. He held his hands to his head, hoping the room would stop spinning any second. Imaginary or not, whatever was talking to him was really loud.

The gravelly voice took advantage of the quiet to speak again.

'Look, it may not seem possible, but I live in your mind. I'm just not… part of your mind. My name is Kyuubi. Kyuu for short.'

Naruto felt his head spinning. But one clear question came to mind.

'Are you living in me? Like a… like a parasite?'

'No! Well, I had a real body once, but now… I'm just a soul. But I don't eat you or anything…. You'd be dead by now with how long I've been here. You've never been able to hear me until now… weirdo.'

'Yeah…. I seem to be one of those…'

The bell finally rang signaling the end of the day. Naruto slung his backpack over his shoulder before getting up to leave, still wrapped in his discovery of Kyuubi.

'Hey Kit, how come everyone hates you so much? They have some pretty disturbing auras and look at you kind of… funny. As long as I've know you, the worst thing you've ever done was run into a pole on your way home, and that didn't hurt anyone but you… And me… a little.'

'When did I run into a pole?'

'The other day… you were thinking about something and you walked right into a pole on the way home.'

'Oh! I remember that… wait… you saw that?'

'Yeah, you can do some pretty stupid things every now and then, Kit.'

'What does that mean? You keep saying Kit. What's that mean?'

'Oh, that? Kit is short for kitsune… you know… a fox? Since my name means demon fox, I figured you're like a… little fox.'

'Ok… another thing. Do you see everything that I do? What if I'm taking a shower?'

'Nah. I usually go to sleep around when you get home and wake up… whenever. It's usually late into the morning. Besides, I've seen it all before.'

Naruto blushed and looked up for the first time since walking out of the classroom. Someone was standing in from of him.

Naruto walked around him, but neither Kyuubi nor he said anything as Naruto walked out of the school; the first to speak was actually Naruto's stomach.

"Man… I'm hungry," he murmured.

It'd been about a day since he'd last eaten. He'd just been fired from his latest job because of "repeated absences." Naruto was glad he had enough saved up to pay the rent otherwise he'd be in deep trouble.

Stretching out his arms to yawn, he felt something land on his face. Reaching up, his hand returned with a twenty dollar bill.

'Sweet! Money for ramen!'

'That ramen crap you eat isn't good for you. It's high in sodium and has no vegetables or types of protein. That isn't healthy.'

'Hey, I put an egg on it… and sometimes a pork cutlet. That's good!'

'Not what I meant.'

'Take it or leave it.'

'Whatever. Just don't complain when you stop growing from lack of nutrients!'

Naruto cheered.


"All right. It's time to do homework!" Naruto yelled, slinging his back onto his bare desk. He was full of food and lively for the first time in days.

'Why are you excited to do homework?'

"I have no clue; I'm just happy! I think they might have spiked the ramen!"

"Who are you talking to, little Naruto?"

Naruto twisted around to see a man dressed in black stepping out of his hiding place among the shadows. The blond choked with fear and took uneasy steps backwards.

"W-why are you here so soon? You never come back this f-fast."

"I just couldn't keep away from you," the man answered seductively.

Naruto turned to run, but the man was quicker. He pulled Naruto back into the room, closing the door.

"Let go of me!" Naruto screamed, trying to use his free hand to push away the man.

Sharp nails dug into the side of Naruto's stomach, and he felt his hands trapped above his neck. Warm saliva trailed behind the tongue slithering down his neck. He gasped and made an effort to break free again but only felt the nails dig deeper into his side. His shirt ripped easily under the claws of the man, and a moan threatened to arise from Naruto's throat as the man gently dragged his fingers across his lower abdomen.

Naruto felt like throwing up and crying out at the same time. He tried to fight back instead. The man tightened his grip.

"Stop pretending, Naruto. I know you actually want it," he said while glancing down at Naruto's jeans. "Besides," he whispered, "even if you didn't, no one will help you… They hate you."

Naruto felt the tears sting his eyes. He hated when the man brought that up. He hated it more than his nails digging into his stomach…. More than the countless times he'd been thrown across the room trying to escape. It wasn't fair.

"Why can't you leave me alone?"

Naruto felt the warm tongue slither farther down his body. A sudden wave of heat blocked his mind. He mentally cursed himself for feeling any sick form of pleasure from this assault.

"See, what did I tell you? You are enjoying this!"

Naruto looked away as the man unzipped his pants. He wanted to rip off this man's head.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" he screamed.

Naruto shoved all of his weight against the man. Unprepared, the figure released him accidentally and nearly fell backwards.

"Excuse me? I believe that was very rude. You should apologize, Naruto, before I get… angry."

Naruto felt his breath catch in his throat. He knew that look. He knew that tone.

The tears rolled down his cheeks before he could stop them.

"Please! I… why can't you just leave me alone? I don't know what you want… I don't care! Just… just leave me alone! Please!"

His breath became ragged. The man was less than a foot away. Naruto had nowhere to run.

"Such a foolish desire. You know I won't, so why are you asking?"

The man caressed his cheek. Naruto felt the tug on his jeans and the roughness as they fell to the ground. He whimpered as he was hoisted onto his bed.

"Don't cry, my little Naruto. Now that you're warmed up, we can begin the real show."


Wow. Does it sound better than the last one? I hope so! I had to take out my sexy little laugh at the end for those who read the first version of the story. Sorry.
