Disclaimer: Don't Own.
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: AkaKuro
Warning: Mentions of rape; Abuse/Torture; Bloodplay
Uhm, warning, I feel the "saving" is very anti-climactic. So don't expect anything elaborate. Also half the size of the first two chapters. I'm sorry, lol. I may or may not go over and add more here and there, but I really just wanted this done. Lol.
On the bridge of two weeks, the police had declared that the bluenette was most probably dead. They'd continue to search for him, but on a smaller scale than before. Kagami couldn't help but think that they were simply giving up. This always happened; was a common thing to happen in the States whenever someone went missing. The friends and family would be avidly searching, but the police would give up, would move on to other cases and only if there was a clue on the missing person would they truly look into it.
While he understood why this was the usual occurrence, he didn't believe it was right. He had no doubt in his mind Kuroko was still alive, and honestly he believed he knew exactly who the culprit was. He just lacked the proof for his theory. Kagami had been highly unsuccessful when it came to getting the clues he needed to push the blame onto Akashi and reveal the truth behind heterochromatic eyes.
Kuroko found that whenever Akashi arrived in any mood besides his usual calm, collectedness it was the same incident all over again. He'd toy with Kuroko's body, pull reactions, take care to prep him, and the mental whirlwind would start all over again. If that wasn't bad enough, the red head had one day arrived with a dainty butterfly knife, and Kuroko learned of a fetish he hadn't been aware of until Akashi presented it. The redhead had oh-so-gently slid the sharp object across his abdomen, watched as the liquid of life bubbled to the surface and dripped down Kuroko's side before leaning forward to lap it up.
Akashi had literally bit into the skin, into the cut, and sucked. Had moaned as he pulled Kuroko's blood from his body until the pressure had cauterized the wound; with no more blood flow he would move to a new spot to do it all over again. His hips, the inside of his thighs, stomach, shoulders— a multitude of places littered with small slices from the blade until Akashi had been thoroughly satisfied, thoroughly aroused, and took Kuroko yet again. It was terrible, painful, and dirty and bruises littered his skin in a kaleidoscope of colors.
It was during one of Akashi's sessions that he'd left Kuroko's arms free. Kuroko had grabbed onto Akashi's shoulders, had dug his nails into equally pale skin and drug them down the redheads' arms in reaction to a particularly painfully-wonderful assault on his sweet spot. Akashi had enjoyed it, had doubled his efforts to sweetly torture the teen and pull more reactions from the smaller body, had kissed his lips as Kuroko tried to find a better source of purchase for his hands and groaned when nails raked down his back. The bluenette could only come to the conclusion that Akashi liked pain just as much as he seemed to enjoy inflicting it, maybe even more. The more Akashi enjoyed something, the less Kuroko was harmed, the thought remained in his mind each and every time.
Kuroko sighs as the heat of soap and water caresses his skin for the first time in days. He's thankful for the small respite the redhead has decided to grant him as he rests low in the water. Monochromatic eyes watch him from the shower stool, as if he may find a way to escape the windowless room. The skin of his previously cuffed ankle is red and sore, and the cuts on his skin burn from the soap.
Kuroko shifts as Akashi stands, eyes closing as if that would change the situation, as if when he opens them again it'll all have been a cruel dream and he'll wake in bed. That's not the case, however, as he feels fingertips press under his chin, caressing the wet skin in deceptively gentle movements.
"Open your eyes, Tetsuya," Akashi murmurs and he obeys, blue eyes fluttering open with resign. Akashi leans in close, close enough Kuroko can feel his breath until a shrill ring from another room has the redhead closing his eyes with a sigh and pulling away. Then they're open again and he's turning to stalk out of the room with a perfunctory, "I'll be back. Stay."
Kuroko can hear Akashi answering the phone in the other room, hear his voice rise slightly, before he hears footsteps and he assumes the redhead has wandered to another part of the house. Heaving a breath, Kuroko carefully stands, wincing as cuts pull taught but don't bleed. He finds clothes he assumes are meant for him folded and placed on a counter and dons them.
Quietly and carefully, Kuroko slides the bathroom door open, peeking around for any sign of the redhead and hearing his voice down the hall, opposite the direction they'd come. Inhaling softly, the bluenette takes a step, then another, before he's tip-toeing down the hall and to the stairs. He tries to remember which step it was that creaked on the way up before deciding that using the railing to lighten his steps is the smarter choice.
He's on the landing at the base of the steps when he hears the monotonous tone Akashi's using with whoever, draw closer, and he runs now, quickly fighting with the locks on the front door of the house and flinging it open. He's not stupid, he knows any second now Akashi will realize he didn't follow his order. That Kuroko was no longer in the bathroom, and he knew Akashi would come after him.
Dashing out, Kuroko finds it's a quaint little neighborhood about a twenty minute walk from the city limits. He bites his lip knowing that if it came to an endurance test, wounded or not, Akashi would catch him. He runs regardless. It's not until he's three blocks down that he stops at a house with a screened-in porch, opening the door and ducking inside. He leans back against the wall, panting, swallowing thickly, and trying to quiet himself as he listened for the sound of footsteps, for Akashi's voice, for anything, because he's not stupid and Akashi was only minutes behind him.
Kuroko wakes some hours later with a shiver. He's surprised he managed to fall asleep, surprised Akashi hadn't found him. How had he not easily figured out where he was? Licking his lips, Kuroko stood with a wobble, peeking out around the street before opening the door and slowly descending the stairs. He didn't see anyone or anything around, and so he took his chance. He attempts to run, however a hand grabbing his wrist halts him and he trips, only held up by the person holding him.
Swallowing, Kuroko finds Akashi gripping him, eyes narrow and very obviously pissed. The growl coming from the red heads' throat doesn't help, and Kuroko feels a shiver from fear this time travel down his spine. The grip tightens painfully before he's being drug back the way they came, Kuroko struggling the entire way. A loud bark startles them both, Akashi shoving Kuroko through the front door hard as a familiar husky rounds the corner, charging forward with an uncertain Kagami in tow.
Kagami's eyebrows dive as he sees Akashi, even more so at the quickness of him shutting the door he's in front of, almost rough. And Nigou doesn't seem too pleased either, running quickly towards the red head with teeth bared. He doesn't expect the husky to run up to Akashi and growl, a vicious side he's never seen before and Kagami is admittedly afraid of the dog at the moment. What surprises him however, is when Nigou looks at the door before biting right onto the leg of Akashi's pants and jerks his head.
He hears snarling as he tugs like he's pulling on a toy and suddenly the door flings back open and Kuroko's there and Nigou let's go in favor of moving in front of Kuroko and guarding him from the slighter red head. So, admittedly, Kagami decides that following Nigou had been the best plan possible, apparently. And he felt kind of smug; Akashi truly had been the perpetrator. Kagami ran over quickly, pulling Kuroko to him, noting the bluenette not just flinch at being touched, but hiss in pain.
"Kuroko, you okay?" Kagami had been quick to ask, to check over his outwards appearance. He was paler than Kagami was used to; eyes dull, and a little dirty, but seemed alright.
"I'm okay, Kagami-kun. Thank you." He could hear the sincerity in the bluenette's voice as he pulled his phone out, quickly dialing the police to report his finding, Nigou on top of the redhead, teeth still bared and snapping as if to say 'I'll bite' whenever the redhead moved. They stayed that way until the police arrived.
Akashi was arrested and Kuroko taken to the hospital. At first the bluenette was unwilling; refusing to let the doctors treat him, touch him, until Kagami was in the room with him. The horror Kagami felt at seeing Kuroko's skin, red and sore and infected in a few places, purple and blue and green in others, was plain on his face. When he found out that not only had Kuroko been cut to ribbons, but he'd been raped multiple times, the shock intensified.
Once he's treated and robed in a hospital gown, pain killers in his system, and he's asleep, Kagami follows the doctor out to inform the friends and family of the diagnosis. The reactions are diverse but not unexpected; terror, grief, shock, anger.
Momoi all but stops breathing before a soft wail escapes her lips, Kuroko's mother isn't much better and she comforts the young girl she's come to learn harbors affection for her son. His father rubs his wives' back while Aomine stands awkwardly behind the pair of women, there if Momoi needed him. Kagami can see the twisting rage and sorrow and regret—as if it were all his fault that Kuroko had been kidnapped—haunting Aomine's features.
Kise's face is of pure anger, pacing as Midorima, still shocked, tries to stop the blond. Murasakibara is all but staring at them, looking almost confused, but also sad. The blond eventually sites beside him, leaning his head onto Murasakibara's shoulder and looking lost. Midorima excuses himself to the bathroom.
Kagami moves to stand besides Aomine, heaving a sigh and murmuring for his ears alone, "He looks terrible."
Akashi is tried in court as an adult. With help of a lawyer on his grandfather's behalf, Akashi claims insanity. After a review of evidence and disclosing the reason why Akashi had taken Kuroko, he is declared legally insane and is to serve his time in a mental hospital.
It's been two years since the incident, and Kuroko's recovered for the most part. He's a bit more skittish when it comes to being touched, so the group of friends has gotten used to alerting Kuroko they're there and who it is before they touch him. He hates it, but it's necessary until he doesn't feel as if he's going to be hit over the head and grabbed like that night.
Kuroko can't help thinking about Akashi regardless, it's enough so that Kagami suggests visiting him—yes Kagami, believe it or not. So Kuroko eventually agrees after finding out which psychiatric care unit the smaller redhead was moved to. It's in Kyoto, transported closer to home by request of his grandparents, so it's on a weekend that he goes down there, Kagami and Aomine in tow.
The place is smaller than they'd thought, looking like a regular clinic averse to a hospital for the mentally ill. Kuroko had phoned ahead of time to alert the facility of his visit and they welcome him with a smile before the three are lead down a hall to a door. It looks like a normal door, almost, except for the large plexiglas window to see inside.
The redhead sits in a chair next to a window, simply looking out and dressed in plain light green scrubs with socks. His hair looks flat and skin slightly paler than they remembered, but they can see its' their ex-captain. The nurse opens the door with a smile, announcing their arrival, "Akashi-san, you have guests."
Dichromatic eyes look in their direction and widen marginally in surprise at who it is; a person who he most definitely had never expected to visit him. Kuroko watches the surprise and pain flicker before a grim smile settles on thin lips, "Daiki, Kagami-kun, Tetsuya. What a surprise, it's been awhile."
"It has, Akashi-kun," Kuroko replies with a look to both Aomine and Kagami. They nod, standing in place by the door, now inside the room, as Kuroko moves to sit across from the small redhead on the bed. It's silent and tense but Akashi makes no indication of moving, so Kagami shuffles on feet before saying he would go wait outside for him to finish. Aomine agrees with the notion, knowing that there were cameras in the room anyway, should something go wrong.
Kuroko simply glances and nods, before turning his attention back to Akashi. He briefly bites his lip before sighing. He was here, but now what was he to say?
"Tetsuya," Akashi speaks before he can think of anything, and he looks into mismatched eyes, watching the emotions and slight flickers in facial expression. "I'm sorry, Tetsuya," Kuroko nods, watching as the redhead moves to stand, walking over to him, and dropping to his knees in front of the bluenette. Kuroko reaches out and places a hand on red locks with a miniscule smile. It's rather out of character of the redhead, but being locked away, charged as mentally unstable, probably changed him in a way too.
The redhead laid his head in Kuroko's lap, face tilted sideways as he sighed, "I'm sorry. I love you." And Kuroko wasn't stupid. He'd known all along. Had known that Akashi had never intentionally tried to hurt him, but the redhead hadn't seemed to be able to grasp the concept of affection at the time; had twisted it to hatred upon losing. Something long ingrained in his brain as absolute and nothing else mattering.
Kuroko combed his fingers through Akashi's hair for an hour in silence before a nurse arrived claiming that it was time for Akashi's appointments. The redhead had stood obediently, Kuroko calmly reaching for him. When he'd also stood, he leaned over, pressed a soft, quick kiss to his lips, before pulling away.
"Goodbye, Akashi-kun," he murmured, walking ahead of the surprised redhead before going in the opposite direction the nurse lead Akashi. They can both feel it, the air of finality as they part ways; Akashi unsure if he'll ever get out of there and Kuroko leaving him and his past behind for good.
In hindsight, Kuroko should have probably known it was coming; that it was bound to happen. All the signs were there from the beginning. However no one ever expects these things to happen to them, things that one can only imagine happening to someone on a television drama or hear about through the news to some unknown person that's just not them. But Kuroko understands first hand that these things really do happen in real life, and can happen to anyone no matter how unexpected.
To be realistic, even if he'd known beforehand it could happen, there'd have been no way to prevent it. Because really, who would have believed him if he'd told someone before the incident actually occurred? He'd had no serious proof. Either way, his life changed that day.
A/N: Lord, it's over. I apologize for this taking so long. College classes bit me in the ass and I had some issues working out how I wanted this final chapter to go.
So I left the ending semi-happy and open. I won't write a continuation, I don't think, or rather probably not, but the possibility is there. Akashi gets out of the nut hut and… chaos ensues? No probably not. I'm still shocked such a dark fic popped out of me in the first place.
Thank you all for sticking with me through all this!