Hey guys for those of you just joining welcome! I'm so excited to have you! And now I also say this, check me out on AO3! While I will continue to finish and publish this story here, I will not be putting up any others. That will all be on AO3. But not for a bit lol, I need to focus on this story first. But look for me! Oceanawrites is the name ;) NOW PROCEEDING.

The night was long, cold and bleak. That was all Taiga Kagami could describe it as. He had been awake for every passing second, watching the fire that lit the camp die slowly as the moon passed over, offering a sly slivering grin. He felt as if it was mocking him, like it had when he'd lost his brother. His tan hand rubbed a silver chain around his neck subconsciously and his eyes stared lifelessly at the embers that glowed near his feet.

Was this the life of those who had magic? To be outcasted yet tolerated nomads, to be scorned by all, to be burned at the stake, banished from weeping mothers and to be abandoned by society? It simply wasn't fair.

Taiga didn't move as he heard the other begin to wake along with the morning song birds. Everything moved so quickly around him. The rolling and packing of bedrolls, the gathering of food, and saddling of the last horses. A large, firm hand cupped the back of his head, rubbing it softly. His father didn't utter a word, knowing that words right now were pointless when the truth of the incident was so blatant.

These people had sentenced a little boy to death, by banishing him into a wood filled with unknown lurking and dangerous creatures, just because they were afraid of something they didn't understand. It wouldn't be okay, there was going to be no next time, and if there was...

Taiga pursed his small, dry lips, ignoring the sting as they cracked a bit and bled. Kuroko Tetsuya would never be the same sweet, naive and gently boy he was now.

"Come Taiga. You ride with me. " His father reached down, slowly lifting his son from the ground he was on. He waited till the maroon haired boy trudged over to the stallion from before, his eyes watching the boy's sagged shoulders and exhausted steps. HIs own tired and grey eyes look down at the embers his son had been so keen on watching through the night, before he gently stomped them out, watching the final exhales of smoke rise into the lightening sky.

Taiga sat on the horse, his hands curling around its golden mane. His father slipped on behind him and began to move forward, the group following. It was silent for a few miles, just the sound soft hooves against the moist dirt of the road.

" I'm going to get stronger. Be the best. So that I can protect my friends. I will become the best in the world. "

His father looked down shocked for a moment, before softly chuckling. " Yes Taiga. And I will help you all I can."


Testuya thought he'd understood the concept of loneliness. He understood that that had made his mother cry before, when he'd innocently asked about where his father was. He knew that before he had been pulled under his friends wings, he'd felt some sort of loneliness from sitting in the gardens all day, alone. But now, he was experiencing a loneness that he'd never thought was possible to inhibit.

His breath fogged the dull air as it came out in rushes and ragged pants and his dilated eyes constantly and frantically darted everywhere. The forest's air felt heavy, no the forest's presence. It was suffocating. The darkness, the hissing wind and stale smell of mud and water. A branch snapped somewhere to his left, causing a whimper to push off his lips as he stumbled to face that direction. He could hear the deep snuffling of his hunter, the scrapping noise of its claws as they dragged across the forest floor.

The small boy stumbled back a few steps, his heart rate once more racing up to dangerous speeds as he saw the shadow of the beast in the trees. It's slick body stayed low to the ground as it's large and angular head sniffed around for him. It was the same beast that had attacked him shortly after he'd crossed the river. His horse's pain and terrified shrieks still resounded freshly around in his head, even though it had been hours since the incident.

He remembered the screaming horse, its cries mixed in with the sound of bones shattering and guts squishing as they messily spilt out of its gut. At first he'd been too scared to leave his horse, but realized that once the monster was done with the horse... It would come for him.

And it had.

The beast reminded him of many things from the glances he'd gotten of it. It reminded him of a wolf, except it was the size of a bear. He'd seen its eyes once when it had gazed up from his horse, which where slitted and a hellish yellow, much like a cat. And its claws. Those claws had sawed through the mare like butter, opening up it's belly like a child would a candy bag.

Now this thing was after him. He looked around as he stepped behind a tree, trying to figure out a means of escape. All the tree branches where simply too tall. None of the rocks or roots below him provided any means of shelter. He was stuck.

Testuya's breath caught as he heard a sound from the beast that he'd not heard before. It was cackling. Laughing in some sort of high pitched, yet demonic orchestra. This was also when he noticed... there wasn't just one laughing. The laughs echoed and bounced off the canopy in one sadistically taunting melody, making the blue haired boy tremble in absolute terror as they had slowly closed in on him. Tears where in his wide sapphire eyes, his voice coming out as sobs left his lips in hysterics. Those hellish yellow eyes glowed at him from all directions, getting closer and more excited as they slinked towards him.

Testuya backed closer into the tree behind him, his fingers clawing at the bark as the largest of the beasts stepped forward, its long and narrow maw open as it cackled further. The bark of the tree roughly cut his hands open as he tried to hold onto it harder, causing the creatures to grow even more frantic. Saliva dripped from its long and bloody fangs and blood soaked its black fur, giving it a wet and greasy look. Its breath stunk of rotted corpses, along with the stale air around them.

This was it. He was to die here, surrounded by creatures that seemed to be of hell. He sobbed out again, knowing that even if he screamed, no one could save him. He was alone in these woods, not a human for miles. He was to die alone in these woods. The beast drew closer, it's hot breath brushing over his face, making his nose burn. In one final and useless attempt he screamed, hoping to be heard by someone, anyone. His throat felt raw, his ears popped, and his head suddenly felt light.

A warm feeling enveloped him, making him feel at peace. He suddenly became aware that he could hear someone's voice, their sweet words weaving together into a song that could only be described as heavenly. Where the angels here to take him to his afterlife? His eyes focused a little, and he noticed the beasts backing away, or stumbling before they would pass out, hitting the ground harshly. Testuya's fingers felt numb, his head like it had been pushed underwater, and his knees wobbled. He too was looking it, slipping away from this world of sanity. He hoped death would be quick.

He hit the ground harshly, but his numb body barely processed the impact or even the fact that hands were now touching his face. His eyes looked up hazily, their sapphire shine slowly dulling. Her complexion was much like his, milky and pale. Except her skin was smooth, flawless like a pearl and her features rounded like a teardrop. Her soft pink eyes were studying him, and he was mutely aware of her rose pink hair tickling his face. She looked worried. Slowly he closed his eyes, barely catching a glimpse of her sharp and pointed ears as she turned her head to look at someone.

Peace once more rolled over him as her hands touched his face. He'd found a Angel, or a Angel had found him. And for that he was truly grateful. He just didn't understand why she seemed to be so sad.


When he was pulled out of the blackness of slumber, he felt comfortable. Everything that touched his body was soft, their thin yet lush fibers of fabric grazing against his skin. His face also felt warm and he could see light through his eyelids. Slowly, Testuya peeled open his sapphire eyes, peering around at the very extravagant room he'd been placed in and he sat up to investigate even more. The walls were painted with ivory and gold, cascading up to a canopy of emerald leaves and chocolate branches. The floor was wood so smooth, that it almost seemed like marble and all of the windows were open aired, giving the view of many other trees and homes which were woven in the trees to him.

He slid out of the big plus bed, his feet softly meeting the cold floor causing his skin to tingle at the sensation. His feet carried him to the window sill, going up on his toes so he could get a better view of where he was at. Testuya was obviously up somewhere very very high, as that everything seemed below him as stretched far out. The valley was full of full and emerald trees, scattered buildings made of ornately decorated marble, which looked like it had indeed grown out of the trees themselves. He could some what make out the shapes of moving figures amongst the smooth creme colored paths that winded through the green forest floor.

When the wind blew against his face, it brought the familiar scent of sweet oak and pine, the smell of baking fruits in the late summer's sun, and a coolness on his milky cheeks. A thrush was sing somewhere in lonesome harmony, which made his heart suddenly ache. Despite all of the beauty before him, it reminded him simply of one thing. He was banished. He was alone. And he would never, ever see his mother again. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes, causing his chest to shudder as he held it all in. He didn't know why he was trying to hide it when he was alone in this room but, he felt like if he cried, he would be morbidly self exposing himself.

His small hands pressed against his eyes harshly, rubbing them in attempts to ease the water works that were building up. He froze abruptly when he heart footsteps echoing, making him spin around to face the grandly arched, double doors across his room. He now noticed them more in depth. They had carvings of people and animals on them, along with the trees and foliage that surround them. The people looked strange however, it was almost like they had pointed ears...

The door on the left softly pushed open, a click sounding as the handle had been turned. Pink filled his eyes again, more beautiful than the petals of a rose or tulip. His angel. The girl who had caressed him and comforted him softly as he had slipped in the abyss. Was this heaven then? This glorious paradise that surrounded him?

Slowly and gracefully she stepped in, her big pink eyes watching him softly and she made her way over to him, her white cotton skirt flowing behind her like water. She was a bit taller than him, looking maybe even only a little older as well. Her smile radiated from her soft rose lips and her hand took his gently, squeezing it reassuringly.

" I'm glad to see you are okay. We were worried when you did not wake the first night..." Her voice faded it seemed as she studied his expression, not seeing much light or life in them. Slowly she lets go of his hand, which he pulled back against his side.

" Am I dead..?"

Her expression suddenly turned startled and her mouth opened in slight confusion, " Why would you-" She stopped, remembering quickly that this was a human, unlike her, " I'm sorry, but you are mistaken, This is Endul. Maybe you have heard of it?"

Her eyes tried to hold his, but he simply looked back out at the valley below them, watching the people and animals that roamed about. Endul, the mythical land of the elves. The land that filled all children's tales and all of the might stories of knights conquests. The people were beautiful beyond compare and more able than your normal human. Besides, supposedly they lived very long as well. That made him feel very wary. If he was here, was it just a passing through? Would they throw him back to the clutches of the forest when they had finished their business with him? He did not know.

A hand went to his shoulder, causing him to look back at the tender smile the pink haired girl was giving him. "Are you hungry? You've been asleep for a few days, maybe some breakfast or a early lunch might help you feel better?"

Testuya nodded slowly, then quickly looked at the door when it opened, a unmemorable male coming in and delivering a small hand cart with plates of food on it. When he left, the girl gently lead him over to a small white table in the room, having him sit in one of the two chairs before joining him. Miraculously, the plates suddenly lifted themselves up off the cart, hovering over before settling down before the both of them. Both of their plates contained the same things. Sweet and glazed bacon, fluffy yellow eggs, and these golden cooked circles, that looked much like bread. Testuya stared at for a while, listening to the girl start eating.

He would admit, he probably was hungry, he just didn't feel it. The girl looks at him, before swallowing her food and speaking concerned. "Do you not like pancakes?"

The blue haired boy shook his head softly, finally looking up at her, his heart tight. " Why... Why did you save me, or even bring me here? Whats the point? You're an elf right? Aren't you all supposed to hate us? Me?"

There was silence. The girls pale hands shook a little before she took a deep breath in to recollect herself.

" Actually, it was a fight to let my father to allow you in here. " Testuya jumped at her words, his eyes widening as he watched her. " A lot of people do not want you here because you are human. But I do. When I saw you, you were flickering. Disappearing and reappearing as you tried to hide from the Moguels. I knew when I saw you why you were here. You were abandoned and you needed a home. So I rescued you before anyone could stop me. Unfortunately, when I put the Moquels to sleep, you fell asleep too. "

She paused, watching his as he stared down at his hands thinking about what she was saying.

" But theres something else. A prophecy," Kuroko looked up, his eyes watching her confused, " A prophecy about a boy. That he would be alone, only to be found by a new family he didn't know he had. That he would fight and save the land from the darkness created by the one closest to him... "

She again stopped to let him soak it up. Maybe it wasn't a good time to be saying all of this. She hurriedly continued, " But that might not be you! But either way, I rescued you so you are my responsibility! I will take care of you-" She stopped realization hitting her. " Oh! I didn't say who I was! I am Momoi Satsuki, Princess of Endul..." She blushes a bit at the title, her lips pouting.

Testuya felt a weak smile find his lips. Even if she was bad at it, he could at least tell she was trying to cheer him up. He looked back at the food which was becoming a bit more appetizing to look at.

" When would I have to leave?"

She froze, her mouth open in shock. " Leave?! You're still healing! Besides I didn't fight to even get you a bed for nothing! Rude! who do you think I am!" She gently smacks his shoulder, huffing and eating a bite of her eggs grumpily. " I was hoping you would want to say here too. "

Testuya smiled a little more. " No, I am grateful. I just thought," He sighs a bit, before taking a bit of his food, making Satsuki smile. " I think I will like it here... Thank you."


The next week was a complete blur, running around the beautiful city of Endul with Satsuki as his guide. Of course she seemed to have been struck by some type of hero syndrome, as she was always gloating about him to others and taking about the prophecy that was supposedly to be for him. The one thing that annoyed him however, was it seemed he was being given no choices. Where he stayed was chosen for him, what he ate, what he wore, where he went. It was honestly getting a bit frustrating. He was still grateful of course, he just wondered how long this would last.

Satsuki's pink curls bounced about as she skipped through the soft soiled paths, that connected the whole city like one living thing, and hummed something he couldn't recognize. A few people bowed as they past, offering soft phrases in which he couldn't understand.

Oh that was yet another thing that bothered him. All of the attention. Satsuki Momoi, was the only daughter of the King. She was the princess of this magically land, and while Testuya would've normally been hidden behind her upmost brilliance, she had decided to announce to everyone who she thought he was. So they all watched him too, with either curious or disgusted eyes. It made him feel on edge.

" Uh, Momoi-chan, where are we going?"

The girl spun around a smile on her face, " I got you a teacher! He's going to help you on your journey to become the prophecy!" She spun back around, leaving him to do nothing but huff.

They continued down the path till they reached one particular building that looked like a small barrack. Like all the others, it grew from the trunk and roots of the tree behind it. Many weapons were stored and ready for use, their fine edges showing only what Kings and Queens could dream of having for their own. There were also a many sort of elves sparring in a small arena, against one another, practice dummies or simply the air. Some stood off to the side, mostly children, holding some odd looking stones and when one of them would flash a color, they would either all cheer or teasingly groan.

Testuya could see many instructors around teaching children who looked younger than him, yet still very very skilled. He felt self-conscious, more so than he already was. How would he ever compare to these people? Satsuki left him for a brief moment, looking around for the said person it seemed, letting him wander a bit to admire the things hanging on the walls. A small basket captured his attention, drawing him closer to peer into his contents. It was those clear stones the children had had, all of them gleaming in the sun at him. Upon suddenly compulsion, he reached in to touch one when a strong and scarred hand snatched his wrist up.

" Those are not mean't for your hands yet." Harsh eyes glared scoldingly down at the small blue haired boy, causing him to freeze up and watch him with shocked wide eyes. Before he could even begin to stutter some sort of pathetic and weak apology, Satsuki ran up behind him.

" Oh there you are-" she as well froze, her eyes looking at the situation before her, before slowly peeling the old elf's hand off Testuya's, " Well, it looks like you two have already met but, Testuya."

Dread suddenly filled him.

" This is your new teacher,"

It wasn't even day one yet and he had already pissed him off.


Special thanks to Yunyunann for leaving comments! :) And trust me, there is definitely more to come.