A/N: Happy AkaKuro Week 2016! Although this chapter has nothing to do with the prompts…it's something. Welcome to Chapter 15, I hope you like it :-)
The Shadow Stratagem
Chapter 15
Kuroko wasn't exactly surprised that Akashi sought him out in the library the next time he was on duty. He hadn't seen the other since Rakuzan's victory at the Inter High and hadn't spoken to him since the day he was released from the hospital, but Kuroko had sent a congratulatory text and received an acknowledgment in reply. His injuries were much improved by this point; Kuroko had just the faintest lingering aches thanks to his obedience to the doctor's instructions. Because of this, he was cautiously optimistic as to his ability to fully rejoin Seirin for practice in a day or two. Riko had been less willing to endorse this plan without seeing him first and insisted she would evaluate him herself.
He'd been hidden in the shelves, dutifully returning books to their proper locations when he sensed the change in the atmosphere that signaled someone had started down the aisle. He looked up, saw it was Akashi and nodded a greeting at the other's approach. "Good afternoon, Akashi-kun."
Akashi walked unhurriedly toward him, returning the greeting cordially enough, "Good afternoon, Tetsuya. I see you have improved since our last encounter."
Kuroko nodded. "I feel much better, thank you."
Akashi smiled. "I am glad to hear it." He watched for a brief moment as Tetsuya turned back to his work. "You're not curious as to why I'm here, Tetsuya?" His voice was almost playful, mirrored in the casual way he stood leaning against a shelf.
Kuroko paused in the middle of checking a book's location, mulling over the question briefly. "I know you must have a reason to be here since the team is still having practice today. I am content to wait until you are ready to tell me why you sought me out."
The redhead nodded in acknowledgment and reached into his bag to extract a folder of papers that he set on top of the library cart that was in between them. "You almost take the fun out of it that way. But no matter – it is a simple enough errand."
Akashi gave a partial shrug before continuing. "You didn't have to file paperwork or gain permission to play with Seirin because of your unique status. However the tournament officials reported your injury to Rakuzan as a courtesy and it was then brought to my attention as Student Council President as an issue of student outreach. The administration is concerned about your ongoing health and ability to focus on your studies with the travel arrangements you've been using. There was also an additional concern of letting a member of a team that advanced so far in the tournament escape from our own roster and noises were made about barring you from further competition with Seirin. I advocated on your behalf – you need to sign those and provide a statement from your doctor that you are healthy enough to continue with the pattern you've established for the time being. I also assured the powers that be that you were not interested in trying out for Rakuzan's team at this time." He ended that with a note of amusement.
Kuroko nodded slowly. He picked up the folder and looked through it quickly – seeing a statement from Akashi that he had confidence in both Kuroko's recovery and his ability to juggle his schedule. Kuroko raised an eyebrow at this before noting the various forms that would need his attention. He looked back at Akashi before speaking, "Thank you for your help, Akashi-kun. I am sorry I caused extra work for you."
"Oh believe me, it was my pleasure. It was an exceptionally diverting encounter to see their reactions to your activities." His eyes warmed for a moment before his demeanor changed to a more serious one. "There is, unfortunately, another point of concern I was less successful with negotiating on your behalf. While your grades are satisfactory for athletic competition, Rakuzan's advising office is of the opinion that your performance is suffering from undue stress. You are going to be put on probation, Tetsuya."
The silence that descended at those words was thick with Kuroko's shock and he fumbled the book he'd reached for, turning wide blue eyes to meet Akashi's in astonishment. Akashi nodded in acknowledgement. "I will admit it isn't quite fair as your grades are superior to most of the starting lineup here, but I believe you are being viewed as an enemy agent at the moment and so this guise of academic concern is really one of athletic espionage – even though I pointed out your team was defeated. Rakuzan will file a petition to bar you from further competition if your overall average is not one level higher at the end of this term. I looked into the rules and it is unfortunately quite possible you would not be allowed to finish out the year of eligibility if this occurred."
Kuroko was stunned. He knew this was not Akashi's doing, there was no need for him to do such a thing after all since Akashi didn't truly think Seirin was a threat. It was as Akashi said – Kuroko's grades were perfectly eligible for competition by either Seirin's or Rakuzan's official guidelines. It was true they could be better, but to require him to raise them so quickly, particularly with no further competitions scheduled for this term, meant the administration wasn't pleased by his activities. He sighed quietly; he knew he could do it, but it would be an exceptionally tense time until the end of the term.
"Thank you for telling me, Akashi-kun. I will work hard to meet these requirements." His voice, quiet as it always ways, was different for the resignation it held this time.
Akashi looked at him steadily. "I asked you once before why you don't seem to do as well in your classes as you presumably could. I will ask it again as it seems you can no longer afford to continue hiding your talent this way."
Kuroko traced a design on the cover of the book he was still holding. "Akashi-kun, I'm really not hiding anything. I have a certain ability as relates to the strategies and comments you saw in my notebook and that somehow has convinced you there's something else to discover. It is true I could do better in my classes, but it has nothing to do with deliberately concealing myself and has simply been a combination of disinterest or incomprehension. I will work harder so that I can stay eligible. I could do better, however it doesn't mean I am someone like you or Midorima-kun."
The silence was nearly palpable before Akashi finally replied, a tone of doubtful skepticism plainly ringing through. "I see." He stared at Tetsuya for a moment before he offered. "I know you can do it on your own, but I would also be happy to tutor you." At the other's look of surprise he shrugged. "I find I am almost unbearably interested in playing against you. I can't explain it; your defeat by Kirisaki Daiichi should have been enough confirmation of my existing views. Yet somehow, I wonder at my sense of relief – is it because I was worried about being the one to defeat you? Or if it is somehow because I recognize you as a legitimate threat? It might even be both, but for whatever the reason, I assure you I am just as eager to ensure you remain eligible to play as you are." The smile that crossed his face was perhaps half whimsy and half amusement, but it represented a significance far greater: Akashi meant to meet Tetsuya head on at the training camp – for whatever consequences there might be, it seemed he was ready for a resolution.
Kuroko understood this message plainly enough. He nodded. "I appreciate your willingness to help. I will remember it as I prepare." A small half smile appeared. "You would do well to also offer this option to Aomine-kun, Kise-kun, and Kagami-kun, though."
Akashi shook his head in mock dismay. "I know lost causes when I see them." He considered it for a moment longer. "But I will offer. It shouldn't be said Rakuzan sacrifices academics for athletics after all." He levelled a teasing glance at the other male. "I will explain it was your suggestion, however. So I expect you will have their undying gratitude in short order."
Kuroko laughed briefly before recalling where they were. "I will be on guard then." He tapped the file Akashi had provided. "Thank you, Akashi-kun. I know you think I am foolish for this plan but I appreciate the opportunity to move forward with it. Riko-san communicated the arrangements had been set for the training camp, so with the condition I meet Rakuzan's requirements, I look forward to attending."
The mood shifted ever so slightly before Akashi responded. "Your coach is a formidable opponent. I wish she played shogi for all the careful maneuvering she demonstrated while we worked out the details. It would seem she is rather suspicious of me." Akashi's eyes wandered to the folder he'd given the other and he stared at it as if it held an answer he sought. "I suppose it isn't unwarranted. I can only imagine Seirin's reactions when it came up."
Kuroko shuffled a book into place on a nearby shelf before he replied – he was at work after all – but he gave the question serious thought. "We know Rakuzan is strong, there was naturally a divide among anticipation and anxiety. I am sure it is no surprise to you that a few more went toward the nervous side after we watched the championship game. But," and here Kuroko gave a fleeting smile, "we never imagined facing you would be easy. So we're not going to give up before we even get there."
Akashi considered those words carefully for a moment. "I suppose it would be out of character given what I've seen so far. I don't know if it more directly speaks to your stubbornness or your delusions, but either way, I have no doubt the training camp will prove enlightening." He quirked his lips in wry acknowledgment before continuing. "Study hard, Tetsuya. I don't want to find myself playing host to Seirin if you're not there because of academic sanctions." He nodded toward the file, "Let me know if you need my help with the forms or with studying. Otherwise, I don't imagine we'll be seeing too much of each other until the camp."
"I will. Thank you again, Akashi-kun. I look forward to seeing you then." His voice was steady with resolve; he would meet this challenge as he did any other.
With a small nod, Akashi turned and left the other to his tasks. The redhead had no doubt that Tetsuya would be successful with his grades – but it wasn't something he was entirely pleased about, if he were honest. He truly didn't know what it would mean when Rakuzan crushed Seirin, as naturally they would, and all he had to go on was that Tetsuya seemed irrepressibly resilient about such things.
It took only forty-five minutes, probably only five minutes after Akashi would have conveyed his offer to tutor them at the end of practice, for Kuroko's phone to light up with near frantic intensity under the barrage of messages he received. It had happened gradually, this exchange of phone numbers and other contact information, but from the ferocity of indignant accusations hurtling his way, one would never know they did not regularly engage in such antics.
"KUROKOCCHI - why did you unleash Akashicchi on us?!" Kise's question was accompanied by a series of distressed emoticons.
"What the hell, Tetsu?" Curt and to the point, Aomine's distaste was plain nonetheless.
"Kuroko, you little shit. You better enjoy feeling as healthy as you do right now because it isn't going to last long." Kagami-kun's threat would be scarier if Kuroko didn't know he'd have time to cool down before seeing him again.
Strangely enough, a calmly approving message from Midorima-kun also made its way to him. "Akashi let me know the others will have tutoring and that it was your idea. I appreciate your influence – athletes need to train their minds just as much as their bodies."
Even Murasakibara-kun sent one, "Kuro-chin, you're causing such trouble. Everyone's being so loud."
Kuroko smiled a little. They were all outrageous, in their way. But he dutifully replied while denying culpability as he merely stated that it was Akashi's will, not his. This was true enough, if slightly evasive.
When Kuroko was finally cleared to return to practice, he didn't show up alone. His cousin met him at the train station and they went to the gym together. Kuroko introduced Mayuzumi to the others, and there was a polite, if confused, welcome.
Mayuzumi shot a look of disgust toward Kuroko. "You didn't say anything ahead of time, did you?"
At the other's headshake, the elder sighed and rolled his eyes. This was so typical. He looked at the assembled team before turning to Riko. "May I address everyone, for a moment?" The words were polite enough but in quintessential fashion, Mayuzumi made it seem the courtesy was not one that anyone truly deserved.
After receiving permission, Mayuzumi began speaking, his comments quick and acerbic. "You all know Tetsuya's skill derives from misdirection and from what he told me, his primary partner's talents complemented that strategy. But with Himuro out for the summer, you all need to learn how to fill in that gap if you want to have any chance at all of not getting crushed in this suicidal mission you've agreed to."
Hyuga had listened to this, willing to hear of a plan to prevent total defeat at the summer camp, but he didn't understand. "What did he ask you to teach us, then?"
Mayuzumi scowled before his expression smoothed out again. "Let's just say you all were being a little short sighted about how his misdirection can be used." He looked over at his cousin. "Not that this strategy would necessarily work in an official game, but from what I understand, that's not necessarily the point." He withdrew a sketchpad from his bag and with swiftly illustrated a diagram of what he proposed. Turning it around so that the captive audience could see, he explained. "We used to play basketball together when we were younger; you may have noticed some similarities between us. This system wasn't formalized, we didn't have a consistent team to develop it with after all. But you can extrapolate from there."
Kuroko's voice was heard next, in an effort to clarify. "Himuro-san's stillness is the trick in his Mirage Shot. It works because of his precision. Rakuzan has seen almost all of our current skills, but they won't necessarily expect to see it like this. The trouble is, it isn't likely to be effective for the whole game. So we have to stay close enough to be able to make up for when we can't use this strategy. And of course, it almost certainly won't work against anyone matched up to Akashi-kun."
Mitobe caught Koganei's attention and they communicated silently for a moment before Koganei spoke up. "Mitobe wants to know if you think Kise could copy this, too."
Kuroko tilted his head thoughtfully for a moment before answering. "Not exactly, he has too much presence and the others won't be as cooperative as we are. But Kise-kun is determined, he won't miss the basic premise of this attack if he has time to really look at it and he could almost certainly counter it."
Mayuzumi's impatient rejoinder sounded quickly after. "And you would do well to let him see it. After all, if you're leading him along a path that's familiar to you, then he doesn't have the advantage, now does he?"
A sharp whistle sounded as Riko signaled for their attention. "This is an interesting plan. Thank you, Kuroko-kun, Mayuzumi-san." Her eyes were showing her excitement and Seirin as a whole was almost intimidated by the thought of the numerous drills they would have to endure to perfect this process. Their fear proved well founded, as Riko split them into groups almost immediately, drawing Mayuzumi alongside her as she evaluated and drew up plans for each player. The normally caustic teen tried to restrain his impatience, he had agreed to help his cousin after all, but Mayuzumi wasn't thrilled to be enabling this bit of foolishness, either.
At the end, Mayuzumi looked over the team. They were tired, nearly comically so, but they retained a sense of optimistic comradery that seemed alien to him. His eyes found his cousin easily enough and he was struck again by the difference the younger male displayed in this arena. He truly didn't understand it. He was even further disgruntled when they began thanking him and he shot a look of eloquent displeasure toward Tetsuya, who smiled anyway. Mayuzumi would be attending their practices off and on until the training camp to help them develop the new regimen. He had half a mind to tell his cousin that if anyone hugged him he wasn't coming back.
Still, after they'd cleaned up, Tetsuya asked if Mayuzumi would wait a moment while he spoke to Riko. The older male shook his head and was leaning against a wall watching as the two spoke.
"Riko-san, I have to tell you something." Kuroko's statement was bland enough but it didn't bode well. And he had his coach's complete attention as he explained about the academic sanction and medical forms. Riko's signature would be required in a few places as well. Her eyebrows shot up as she reviewed the forms he'd taken out of his bag for her review – this seemed excessive. But she dutifully signed and entrusted them back to his care.
"Kuroko-kun, let me know if you need help studying." Her offer came as both his friend and his coach, a condition he understood perfectly well and he thanked her with a sincere, deep bow before rejoining his cousin.
The two left and Mayuzumi walked him back to the station before he would return home himself. Before Kuroko boarded, Mayuzumi offered advice. "They'll get the hang of it soon enough, perhaps even in time for the camp. But you didn't tell them about the potential drawback if they do perfect it."
Kuroko hesitated before meeting Mayuzumi's gaze. He knew it was a problem but he answered honestly enough, "I can't play with them next year anyway. It won't be a liability for long."
Mayuzumi stared at him, silently and consideringly as he weighed what that implication truly meant. "You could, you know. You don't like Rakuzan enough to be tied there. You could transfer. I know my mom and dad would be thrilled for you to stay with us if you didn't want to get an apartment here."
Kuroko shrugged, but it wasn't a gesture of apathy, rather one of knowing the truth was in front of him but being unable to act upon it. "I know. I gave it some thought. And it might come to that, depending how things go over the next several months. But…" he trailed off for a moment and his eyes turned wistful. "…as much as I want to play with the team at Seirin, there are some important ties to Rakuzan, too."
The moment could have turned melancholy, but Mayuzumi was wiser than that. "You're an idiot of unprecedented proportions you know. No wonder they put you on probation." Kuroko had filled his cousin in on the new requirements earlier, but they hadn't really discussed it further.
Kuroko laughed, aware of the other's intent and agreed. He waved farewell and boarded the train soon after, thanking Mayuzumi again for his help. The elder shrugged and left, too uncomfortable with the praise to do anything else.
As Kuroko watched the passing night scenes from his window seat, he was unable to prevent himself from thinking of Mayuzmi's words. It was true this technique would render his own effectiveness to a marginal level, but his whole point in challenging Rakuzan was that it was not what one person did, rather the team's spirit and cooperation. He couldn't be a hypocrite, even though it pained him. He knew Riko would figure it out sooner or later, and he would explain it to her in just that way – he had no other choice.
Still, when he found himself extracting his phone and sending a hasty message to Akashi, he didn't really know what possessed him. But he told the other about his progress with getting his documentation together and his improved study schedule that would be implemented soon.
Kuroko didn't expect a reply – what was there really to say? But his phone lit with a reply soon enough.
"I have never questioned the strength of your determination. Your diligence is commendable, even if it is baffling." A second message followed swiftly.
"Travel safely, Tetsuya. And don't worry. In this at least, you have me as an ally. You'll get through the probation one way or another."
Tetsuya stared at his phone, a smile gently stretching across his face as he read this. He took a few moments to appreciate the sense of warmth that spread through him before replying.
"Good night, Akashi-kun. Thank you." It was simple, but Kuroko knew Akashi was astute enough to understand he meant for more than just this vote of confidence – it was another thanks for not allowing the administration to sabotage his chances.
It went unanswered, but Kuroko didn't mind. He had enough to occupy his thoughts as he thought over the next few weeks…especially with Mayuzumi's words echoing through his head every few minutes. He looked down at his phone as the train gently swayed. No significant ties to Rakuzan? No, perhaps he didn't…but as the faces of Rakuzan's basketball team flashed through his head, one by one, he knew he wasn't completely free of them, either.