Author has written 2 stories for Prince of Tennis.
I'm going to be honest with you guys. I lost my notes for FTLD sometime last year, and in the haze of MS2 and board exams, I've absolutely no clue where FTLD was going. I also re-read its early chapters as well as WCMMS and wanted to gouge my eyes out. I'm going to save the file and delete the story itself so that if anyone MUST have it, they can message me and I can send it to them. Call me weak or vain, but I can't handle the shame every time I see it on my story list. I might post it as an orphan fic on AO3 but I also really don't want to unleash it on more unsuspecting eyes . . .
No excuses, just an explanation: I finished university but am now in medical school, so--again, updates will be sparse. But I've gotten back into the habit of working through my stories as a way to de-stress, so maybe we'll see more of FTLD sooner than you'd expect. I like to bounce ideas off of people, so PM me for my kik if there's anyone with a burning desire and a lot of plot bunnies.
Hello! Thank you to those of you who have reviewed, favorited, and alerted my stories. It really touches me that people are willing to give my stories a chance even if I'm a horrid, lazy writer who irresponsibly took a 3 (nearly 4) year hiatus from my stories.
For the Love of Danger, (henceforth FTLD) is my primary interest as of right now. I was thinking of deleting Who Can Make Me Smile, because I'm not feeling an inspiration towards it and frankly, the quality of writing makes me cringe. But I hate it when authors delete their own stories that I like, so until I am able to rewrite it, WCMMS will remain as it is.
I've taken down all of FTLD and am beginning to rewrite it. The basic premise will remain the same, but the writing will hopefully be much better and the plot more fleshed out. I've gotten some more experience with original fiction as well, so some OCs may begin to come into play.
Hey, so..it's been 3 years. I am a massive failure. Well, I'm about to start university next fall, so this summer I should have time. I'm more interested in working on For the Love of Danger, maybe because my writing tastes have changed. In any case, those of you who have stuck around or kept me in the backs of your minds...thanks and look forward to more.
i figured i'd brace myself and try to add more.
i'm not abandoning any stories...but i'm sorry i take ages to update...
Thank you so much to the reviewers and readers who have favorited, reviewed, and alerted my stories. They are so encouraging, you have no idea. Even when I was busy writing crappy fiction and emo, self-pitying author's notes, you offered your ideas and criticisms and even said that the story was good! I hope I can repay you with a good story (: