Ok guys my third story WHO HOOO!!! This is something I dreamed abut and I thought it would make a good story for Full metal Alchemist!!!! Here is the WHOLE summary. In the tiny country town of Resembool everyone admired the kind hearted Trisha Elric and her two adorable and intelligent sons but on the stormy February night of 1910 things change. The once kind Trisha Elric goes mad and ruins the lives of her children both mentally and physically. Now the two boy's only hope is the physiatrists of the military. But will these two physiatrists help them. Out of darkness or will theyhelp their mother ruin their lives.
(In this story there is no such thing as Alchemy and al will be human but automail will exist.)
The rain was pounding harshly on the roof of the small country house and lighting lit the sky, revealing the many clouds. You could hear the thunder from inside the small house, even over the many screams and yells coming from inside. No one living near this house could hear the ear splitting screams and everyone in the small country village was unaware of the horror happening behind the closed doors of the kind, generous, and happy go lucky Trisha Elric's house. Two boys sat inside, cowering in the darkest corner of their bedroom desperately trying to avoid their suddenly deranged mother.
The eldest, a 9 year old named Edward, wondered what caused their usually kind and soft spoken mother to transform into a monster that many children feared. She looked like their mother but her eyes were bloodshot and her pupils dilated. She harbored a sickening smile which sent chills down the two young boy's spines. And she walked among the house like a madman waiting for his prey in solitude with a bloodied knife in one hand and a washcloth in the other. The younger child, an8 year old named Alphonse, sat silent with his hands in his hair and eyes opened wide with remains of tears streaming down his face very slowly. Everything was happening so fast that young Alphonse couldn't understand it. All he knew is that he wanted his mother back, the one who would read him his favorite story before bed, and the one who would kiss his owies when he fell off the slide at the park, not this lady who called for the two boys and asked them to come out in a frightening and diabolical manner.
With the next flash of lighting the door to the two boys room burst open and Trisha Elric stormed up to the two boys and pulled back her knife before swinging it forward. Finally people living near by heard an ear splitting scream ring through the valley as the final storm cloud subsided and retreated to the mountains.
An ambulance anxiously sat in front of the small one story house, waiting for its patients to take them to the city hospital. Neighbors stood behind the orange rope that the state military placed around the house and tried to catch a glance at the misery of their neighbors. In a flash the front door was burst down and the military rushed in with guns in hand, praying for an easy job but once they got inside they wished for a less gory job. The group sent in stopped in their tracks as they laid their eyes on a woman sitting on a black rocking chair slowly rocking back and forth caressing in her hands what looked to be a small human leg. Blood was everywhere! Splattered on the floor, on the wall and even some was dripping down from the ceiling landing on the disgusted and appalled military men. And then the woman spoke, "I love you Edward." The men stood their in shock by the woman's flowing and sweet sounding voice, but given the circumstances her cheery and honey sweet voice frightened them. Finally a military official walked in and got the men moving, "You imbeciles there are children in here somewhere! Find them!!!" The men separated and started to search the house, while the official finally laid his eyes on the woman covered in blood.
This official seemed rather young to be working on such a case but he was the famous colonel Mustang. He had lustrous black hair with bangs that nearly covered his eyes. His onyx eyes scanned the surroundings and his upper lip curled in disgust at all the blood. He hadn't seen this much blood since the war in……
"Sir!!! We found them but it doesn't look good!!" Mustang followed the man to the back room and lost all train of thought as he looked at the two boys. Blood hazed over his vision and he left the room before another wave of nausea hit. This was going to be a long…..day.
Alright please review and I will continue to right the new story. But if your Naruto yaoi fans check out my other two stories called.
Not only blind love is also deaf
TTYL my fans and new readers!!!!