Reviews for The Family Name: Third Year
ProfessorMarauder chapter 3 . 6/22
I always wondered, if it's a shrinking potion, shouldn't Trevor be turned into a smaller version of himself rather than a tadpole? That would be a de-aging potion
Lyra C.M chapter 5 . 5/1
Good work! I have so much fun reading this!
WeasleyTwinsRock chapter 4 . 5/1
Great job!
ProfessorMarauder chapter 20 . 4/8
Invisibility Cloaks like Artemis' will wear off after time. This is just a reminder.
ProfessorMarauder chapter 12 . 4/7
Second-years like Ginny aren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade.
Willow Malfoy chapter 3 . 3/31
I think Draco's Patronus should be a peacock. I think this because at the Malfoy Manor, there are peacocks roaming the grounds. It might be a happy memory for him, but it is really your choice!
BookWarrior23 chapter 6 . 11/23/2019
I definitely ship Artemis and Hermione now
acochran5 chapter 25 . 3/6/2019
Why do you do this! Artemis and Draco... noooo! And a cliffhanger noooo! It’s late and I shouldn’t start the next one but maybe I could read... just a few chapters. ;)
acochran5 chapter 21 . 3/5/2019
Would I forgive Draco? Depends on what he was reading. Personally I don’t care about gold. If I actually kept a diary and wrote down my thoughts and he read it, I’d be pretty mad but probably only for a week or so. ESPECIALLY if the relationship was as tight as Artemis and Draco’s is. But then again my personality is way different from Artemis’ so I really couldn’t say for him. Loved the chapter.
acochran5 chapter 14 . 3/5/2019
I... mmmmm...
acochran5 chapter 12 . 3/5/2019
Aw... I wanted Artemis to perform, “I’m a Little Tea Pot”... that’s unfortunate... loved the chapter
acochran5 chapter 8 . 3/5/2019
Why are you doing this to me! Don’t make Artemis blush at something Draco said of that ship is going to go up in flames! Super cute though. I just wish there were hugs... or something...
acochran5 chapter 7 . 3/5/2019
Awww... my Artemis and Draco dreams... Hermione I really don’t like you right now... she was actually one of the few characters I tolerated in the actual series but it’s hatd not to hate her when she is CRUSHING my OTP that will be my OTP... for the next few days. And maybe I’m reading it wrong but Artemis and Draco have way more chemistry at the moment.
acochran5 chapter 6 . 3/5/2019
My Draco x Artemis dreams are slowly being sabatoged by Artemis and Malloy themselves! Noooo! :(
Stupid boys, can’t tell hate from love...

I need another shoulder squeeze like in book 2 as well! Artemis, Draco gave you a shoulder squeeze so you better give him one back! (Wouldn’t mind if it was a hug instead though) ;)
Local Idiot chapter 11 . 2/16/2019
Ah yes, Comrade Hooch.
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