Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Nina's Profile Hello there. This is Nina, obviously. I suppose you're either here as a link to my other stories, or you're wanting to know a little bit more about the author. If you're the first, then please, go ahead and skip to the bottom so that you can move on. I promise, I won't be offended. If you're the second, then I suppose that I should give you something to read, shouldn't I? I am an author, after all. Here's the basics. I'm a girl. I'm bi. I'm 15 years old. I live in the US. You'll have to use your imagination for what I look like. (Haha) That's the general info that most people look for, isn't it? Here's some of the more detailed things. I'm a huge supporter of shonen-ai (Also known as slash, for those of you who don't read anime fanfiction) And shoujo-ai (The same as slash, only with the opposite gender.) My favorite animes, currently, are Loveless, Kuroshitsuji, and Prince of Tennis. My favorite characters in those animes are as follows. Loveless Pairings Soubi and Ritsuka Soubi and Kio (Ritsuka is better though) Kuroshitsuji Pairings Sebastian and Ciel Meilin and Finnian (It's okay, but not as amazing as the aformentioned one above.) Finnian and Bard Prince of Tennis Pairings MomoRyo FujiRyo KevRyo TezuFuji EijiFuji EijiRyo EijiOishi KaiRyo Alright, enough about anime. It's amazing, but if I keep going, you won't want to keep reading. Let's move on to something else, shall we? Interests Tennis Anime Reading Writing Drawing Fashion Design (Surprisingly) Cosplay Sewing (For my cosplay and designs, of course) Puzzles Music Alright, unless you are insanely bored, I suggest skipping past this next part and going on to whatever else it is you have to do. I'm going to elaborate just a bit on each of the interests listed above, and then be done. Okay? If I ever post anything about original stories, I'll let you know at the top. Tennis My uncle went semi-pro before blowing out his shoulder, so he is now my coach. Tennis is pretty much the only sport I'm interested in, except for martial arts and fencing. I've never taken a fencing class, however, and have taken minimal martial arts classes, so I'm not very experienced. I was a regular on my school tennis team as a freshman, so I guess that says something about my skills. Anime See above sections, please. I don't want to take up a lot of room repeating myself. Reading Uh... Yeah. I've been reading since I learned to recognize letters, and before that I would beg my mom to read me stories. I think I had read more books than most eighth-graders by the time I was in second-grade, because my mom and I read the Box Car Children Series all the way through. And there's about a hundred of them, I think. I don't really remember. ; Among other books, before and after that, I've read thousands. Writing That's an obvious one, if I have stories posted here. Writing is truly a great escape for people like me, who don't neccessarily like the direction the world is headed in right now. I'm sure most of you have realized this already. In writing, there are truly no limits other than the imagination, and I have yet explore mine's potential. Drawing How else would I be able to show people what my characters look like? Of course, I try to in my descriptions, but no one is perfect. Everyone's mind comes up with a different thing. If you would like to see some of my art work, my deviantart account is musicmaniac247. If you type that into the search box, you should get some of my work. It's not the greatest, but I'm greatful for the gift anyways. Fashion Design As shocking as it is, I do design a lot of different clothes. Most of the outfits mentioned in my stories are my own design. My friends and I have a website, called . If you're interested, you can go there and see some of the few designs that are up. You're also welcome to become a member. No promises that it'll do much for you, though. Cosplay I love dressing up, and what better to dress up as than your favorite characters? Whoever invented cosplay is a friend to anime-lovers everywhere. That, and I love caring for my wigs. Sewing As mentioned above, it's for my cosplay and designs. You can't just walk into a store and say "Okay, this is a drawing of what I want. I can't find it on your shelves, because I just made it. You mind showing it to your boss and ordering it for me?" It just doesn't work that way. I have to make them myself, which really is very satisfying. At least I know that when everyone else is crying because they can't walk to a Fred Meyers and buy clothes, I'll be set. Puzzles I like all kinds of puzzles, because they're a challenge, and any kind of challenge is welcomed by me. Except for shortening my stories. That is not okay with me. Darn teachers, not wanting to grade an essay because it's too long... Music Listed last, but deffinately not least. I like a lot of different music. I really like instrumental and classical, but I also like (Surprisingly) Techno, rock, punk (Some of the time), and even some metal. In addition to that, I know how to play the cello, and a little tiny bit of piano. If you ever have any questions to ask me, there is a little button up there at the top that can allow you to do so. Don't worry; I don't bite through computer screens. Seriously, though. Just ask. It doesn't bother me. |